Find A Allergy Relief Air Purifier - Relief For Allergy Sufferers


 Find A Allergy Relief Air Purifier - Relief For Allergy Sufferers

Allergies are a complete bummer. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, an adult or a kid, the symptoms are never-ending and the constant need to search for relief is exhausting. Sure we all know that common sense measures like staying indoors while pollen counts are high and taking antihistamines will help but it doesn’t always provide 100% relief.

That is why some people have resorted to more drastic methods like allergy shots, allergy bands, and allergy pills- which can be costly or inconvenient.

Dyson is certainly on to something, with their new line of allergy relief air purifiers. They’ve designed a pressurized unit that uses a fan to suck in all of the airborne contaminants, and then release them back out into the atmosphere through the exhaust vent.

The air as discharged from the unit is extremely clean and pure so you can breathe easy knowing that your family is not breathing in any harmful toxins. You can also breathe easy knowing that the air in your home will be free of pollen and other microscopic particles.

This device is capable of handling airflow speeds up to 240 miles per hour, which means that you Can blow this thing through your entire house. Along with being highly effective within the feng-shui types, it’s also extremely efficient compared to common air purifiers.

While most purifiers require some form of filtration system, these devices do not. They require no replacement filters or cleaning, making it an ideal solution for allergy sufferers.

If you have allergies, even those that seem small, this air purifier is definitely worth the investment. It can deliver a range of up to 200 square feet. While this might not seem like much compared to common purifiers which get more than 1000 square feet per unit, in reality this unit is about 3 to 4 times more effective than a traditional air cleaner at 200 square feet.

As it will have the ability to clean and deactivate allergens from all areas in a room simultaneously, you won’t need to keep coming back to the same spot over and over again for relief.

This unit is also a great option for those who suffer from other respiratory problems like asthma and COPD. It’s super quiet, with a noise level of just 70 decibels; it operates on a timer to automatically shut off after the designated amount of time.

The device uses the ‘Dyson Air Multiplier technology’ which has been specifically designed to evenly disperse air at high speeds through the device, thus reducing its energy consumption by up to 75%. This makes it an eco-friendly option too.

You also get a remote control so you can operate the device hands-free. Nothing is more annoying than having to stop what you’re doing and deal with an annoying cleaning appliance.

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