Finding The Silver Lining


 Finding The Silver Lining

You may have heard the old saying "there's always a silver lining" but what does that really mean for your life? Contrary to what you might think, it doesn't only apply to clouds. The world is full of things that can be broken open to reveal unexpected gifts and opportunities. One moment you might experience disappointment, the next an opportunity that was meant for someone else falls into your lap.

In this post I'll explore how sometimes even in times of hardship we can find something good and inspiring. Something to stand on so that when our hearts are heavy we can find some light and hope once again.

"Finding the silver lining" is really about finding the good in just about any situation, even if it's not visible at first. This ability to find the good can help us enter into a state of gratitude so that even in our darkest times we can still see light and hope. It helps us realize that no matter how bad things might seem, there is always something to pass on to others who may be going through a similar experience.

I know many of you reading this post may be going through some tough times right now and I wanted to share a metaphor with you that might help you start finding your own silver lining in your own life.

The mirror is the original silver lining

I'll start to illustrate my story of how I found my silver lining with a metaphor that comes from ancient Greek and Roman mythology. In Homer's ancient epic poem, The Iliad, the situation is this: a mortal hero named Achilles was being mocked by his fellow warriors and defeated in battle. He was wounded and near death. Among his comrades was the warrior Patroclus who gave him medicine to help heal him. Achilles' wound quickly healed but everywhere he looked he saw only darkness, despair and pain. He felt betrayed by those he had trusted and the only thing that was coming to mind was revenge.

It's easy to feel like Achilles in this situation. When you are down, you can see only the bad things and remember all of the past hurts and injustices which can lead to feelings of despair, anger and resentment. It can be hard when you are at a low point to remember what is good about yourself and your life. I know sometimes when I am feeling isolated or dejected I feel like my life is over and I will never be happy again. It can be hard to remember the things that are good and beautiful about myself when I am in this state of mind.

The goddess Athena appeared to Achilles at his lowest moment, disguised as his friend Patroclus and made him realize that he was still alive and able to enjoy life once again. When you feel like your life is over, it can feel like you have no purpose. Like your life has been taken from you, but all you have to do is change perspective for a moment, put on some new shoes so to speak and see that there's still a lot of good left in the world. You can choose a new path forward and triumph over your obstacles just like how Achilles did.

The silver lining is in the mirror

When you feel like your life is over, try looking in the mirror. You might be surprised by what you see. You might be surprised by how kind, loving and good natured you are at heart. I know that when I am going through a rough time it's hard to see this side of myself but if I can somehow manage to get out of my own head and think about other people then I can start to remember all of the good things that has happened to me recently. Even though it may not seem like it right now, we really do have a lot just be thankful for and this is where we find our silver lining in any bad situation.

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