Finding Stress Relievers To Improve Your Life


 Finding Stress Relievers To Improve Your Life

Stress is common in today's society, but there are things you can do to combat it! In this post, we'll go over 5 ways you can find stress relievers to improve your life.

1) Take a break from electronics - Studies show that heavy use of technology is related to higher levels of stress and burnout. So take a little time off from screens and try going for a walk or spending some time with friends.
2) Laugh - Laughter leads to increased happiness levels and decreased stress hormones like cortisol. Find an opportunity for laughter every day or make yourself watch your favorite comedy after work before getting home (hello Netflix).
3) Socialize - Connecting with others and making new friends is a great way to relieve stress. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with a co-worker, tell your mom you love her or go on a date and smile!
4) Sleep - Sleep is definitely underrated and it's important that we get enough rest. Our bodies need sleep to repair itself and your brain gets the most rest while asleep. This can help combat fatigue, muscle aches and other symptoms of burnout.
5) Exercise - Exercise improves health in many ways including mental health! Physical activity regularly has been shown to have an impact on decreasing stress levels as well as heart disease risk factors such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
6) Exercise makes us happier - Exercise has an important impact on biochemistry and the release of hormones, which will naturally make you feel happier after exercising!
7) Take breaks - Taking breaks to get away from your work and all of your responsibilities can help you relax, refocus and find some inspiration. I recommend taking a walk, meditating or listening to music (songs upbeat enough will actually "work out" for you!).
8) Pay attention to your body - Are you getting enough sleep? Is your body feeling stressed out? Have you stopped going to the gym? Following these signs can help you start reducing stress if they become too much.


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