Five Stress Relief Games For Groups


 Five Stress Relief Games For Groups

There’s no denying that there is an abundance of stress in our lives. Between the high levels of pressure, the economic crisis, and other factors, we are faced with a lot more stressful days than we should be. When we're feeling stressed out or anxious to escape from it all, playing games can be a great way to let loose and relieve tension.

In this article I'll guide you through five different types of games that were designed for large groups to share in a more casual setting. These games are easy enough for kids to play too (though some may contain some sound effects or music).

Whether you have a small family or are preparing for a large group picnic, these games will help you relax and enjoy yourself.

#1: Freeze Tag
This game can be played in teams, or all alone. The object of the game is to tag any person that freezes in place when they hear the shout "Freeze". The person who is frozen must remain still until they are tagged, or until someone else moves them. This happens quickly after a person has been tagged, so it's important to be alert and ready to go! If someone breaks the rules, they are out of the game.

#2: The Human Scale
This game can be played in teams, or all alone. The object of the game is to stay balanced on top of the human scale as long as possible. When a person is knocked off balance, they are out and must join the end of the line again if they want to play again. This can be difficult when a lot of people are playing because it becomes harder to maintain your balance with more and more people setting in motion.

#3: Gossip Tag
This game can only be played by one person at a time. The object of the game is to take turns passing around a balloon and saying something about someone inside the balloon. When you say something that the person next to you agrees with, they pass the balloon to the other person. When you say something that they don't agree with, they keep it and have one more turn. Whoever is holding the balloon when time runs out is out of the game.

#4: The Envelope GameThis game can be played in teams or all alone. The object of the game is to take turns passing around an envelope and having someone peer inside without looking at what's inside. An important rule is that no one can look back into the envelope once they've peeked in. If there’s any doubt about what’s inside a player may not peek in and instead should pass the envelope on, taking one more turn.

#5: The Chair GameThis game can be played in teams or all alone. The object of the game is to find a stack of chairs that are placed in a line. The first person to take a chair at least three times is out and all the chairs must be removed from the stack. Once the chairs are removed, a new stack may be placed on the table and the game can begin again.

Caveat: Please play these games at your own discretion. They were not designed to hurt anyone or cause any damage, but they can and have caused injuries in the past. If you are playing with children, make sure they understand the rules and take it easy on them so that they don't get too excited and hurt themselves. If you are playing this with a large group of friends, don't let them get too rowdy or rough. Have fun!
Don’t forget to visit www.mystressreliefgames.

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