Four Enduring Truths


 Four Enduring Truths

Enduring truths are truths that are true in perpetuity. They transcend the knowledge of a particular time and culture, and exist at all times. As such, they can be considered the cornerstones of human philosophy.

It is only natural to be curious about what these enduring truths might be... especially if you're living through complicated or difficult times. It can help to keep things in perspective by reminding ourselves that there is always hope for a better future. That every person, despite their current circumstances, has a place in the good and just society that we all hope to create.
This is why I am writing about four enduring truths which, I believe, have the power to sustain us now and in the future.
First Truth: Life is Not A Game Of Chance
Life is a game of chance – it is never predictable – it is not "the way life should be". It's much easier to dwell on present problems than to think about what our lives might look like five or ten years from now because (1) we don't know how long we'll survive and (2) we don't know what will happen then.
Second Truth: The Choice to Lead, Not Follow
The choice to lead and not follow – the choice to create change in our own lives – is ours to make. The choice to acknowledge one's own power and potential.
Third Truth: The Individual is Supreme, But Interconnected
The individual is supreme, but never separate from the rest of society. A person's social network can be a source of strength or weakness; we have the power to choose which it will be.
Fourth Truth: People Shape Their Own Future Through Action and Perseverance
A person shapes their own future through action and perseverance – this is practical self-determinism. You don't always have time to make the perfect decision, but you have time to make any decision. There is no room for fatalism or apathy when it comes to creating the future we want.
Fourth Truth: Humanity is Capable of Greatness, But Fragile and Uncertain
Humanity can be great and can do amazing things, but it's also fragile and uncertain. It's easy for us to forget about our potential when things are going badly, but this truth – that we possess great power – shows us why this pessimism is misplaced. Each of us has within ourselves the ability to change our lives – not just tomorrow, not just next year, but now .
Why? Because, as Dr. Robert Kennedy once said, "Life is not a spectator sport. You've gotta get in the game."
In other words, you have to take responsibility for your life and do something about it – now! As someone who's committed to helping people live healthier lives and helping them develop their abilities and talents to their fullest potential, I see this truth in every person – of any age or background. I certainly see it in myself. This truth has especially motivated me as I contemplate my own future... since the choices we make today play a role in determining that future.
Each of us sets the stage for our own successes or failures in life... we have the power to do so. But as we all know, there are also times when life seems unkind or unfair – where we lose sight of this truth. In those moments, it's easy to believe that the world's problems are too great for us to address, and our own insignificant.
It is easy in these moments to feel helpless and hopeless. But I know that there are those who feel this way too, who might be reading this right now thinking that it's not possible for them to make a difference in a broken society.
I want you to know that I've felt these things as well – but I have never given up on my view of humanity's inherent greatness. I have always stuck to the four underlying truths. I have never believed that we are powerless – and I have never believed that we are helpless. In fact, I've found that this view of ourselves is the most empowering of all – it calls us to action and creates a positive discrepancy between what we expect and what we get.
This is why, as human beings in this world, I believe it is our duty – no matter how small – to make a difference in the world around us... to leave a mark on history. To help those around us do the same.
The choice is ours: to create something greater than ourselves or to wallow in apathy or fatalism... or both.
It's time to get in the game!
Rhett J. DePew is a writer, educator, entrepreneur, and development executive with 15 years of experience raising capital for life sciences and health care companies. He is currently working with entrepreneurs to develop new business models using technology that strengthen the resilience of human cells against cancer.
He can be reached at . For more on his work you can visit . His book "Strategies for Sustainable Optimism: Making Life a Game of Chance" is now available on . 
Check out more of Rhett's blog posts at . Sign up for his monthly newsletter to receive his free e-book "Anatomy of An Entrepreneur" by clicking here .
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What Does it Mean to Ask the Right Questions? The Enduring Truths of Life You'll Never Hear on TV Blocked Unblock Follow Following Jan 26, 2018 By Rhett J. DePew In this article I'd like to share some of my thoughts about enduring truths with you regarding human nature, the purpose of life and what we can do about it now. I'd like to make clear from the start that I am writing from the point of view of an educator, a writer and an entrepreneur, as well as someone who has made a conscious effort to live a life filled with meaning. My role in this world is best defined as one of helping people to be themselves and lead lives that are worth living. I believe these enduring truths hold the key to our collective success and happiness. I want to remind you of my personal journey – both the good and bad parts – because again it is useful for me to help others see where has been possible for them in their own lives. In other words, I am sharing how I found it possible to fight through adversity and live a life of integrity and strength. The first thing I'd like to say is that if you're looking for an easy road to follow, the one that promises you instant gratification and a life of ease – you won't find it here. In fact, we can't get through any of these truths without initially facing some degree of hardship or disappointment. When I was young, my family lost everything in a fire. We had to start from scratch and put everything we owned into storage as we waited for insurance money to cover the loss... which was just enough for us to get by on until my father could find work again. I wouldn't be able to get a driver's license until I was 18 because we couldn't afford the insurance on my father's car. I had to wait tables at a nearby diner so that I could earn money to live while we waited for our small insurance settlement. Today, it doesn't seem like much – but back then, this was difficult for me... you have to remember that I was at the same time being told that I was "gifted" and had great potential... and so those years were very confusing for me. What made it worse was the fact that both of my parents worked hard to provide for us, yet we still scraped by... barely able to make ends meet.

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