Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive's Lesson In Dreams Come True


 Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive's Lesson In Dreams Come True

The Garden of Eden is a location in the Bible. It is also the name given to a small wilderness area in Malibu, California. For years, it was known as one of the most popular locations for runners and bikers to take in views of the Pacific Ocean before continuing on their way down Big Rock Drive through Santa Monica Canyon.

In 1994, along with an environmental disaster came the construction of Paradise Cove Marina. Since then, running along these trails has seen a significant change from its original beauty into what is now known as a crowded tourist trap with little sense or natural order amidst its throngs of visitors and shoppers.

Garden of Eden is an organization based in Los Angeles that has been working to return the place to its natural beauty. The garden has a nonprofit corporation status and has been referred to as a model for restoring such areas as well as an example of using design and art for its environmental solutions. As the Garden of Eden website states, "The Garden of Eden is designed to serve both visitors and residents alike. Located on land owned by Paradise Cove, Garden of Eden offers a small one-mile trail which leads from the Overlook Trailhead at the east end to a destination beach on the west end. At the Overlook, visitors can enjoy a steep trail down to the beach below and create their own path through the garden. Along the way, Garden of Eden will feature artist-made art installations."

In July 1994, runoff from a nearby construction site caused a massive oil spill in Santa Monica Bay. The oil-covered beaches and mangroves were closed for more than three months as cleanup crews worked to undo what had been done in just one afternoon. But even after the beaches had been cleaned up by truckloads of sand and stone, some areas still felt contaminated — especially among two small communities along Santa Monica's coast: Venice Beach and Marina del Rey.

Local resident, environmentalist and political activist, Ann Early-Lentz, worked as an organizer with the oil-spill cleanup team. In doing so, she was introduced to the owner of Paradise Cove Marina, who had suffered a tremendous economic loss due to the spill. Together they developed a plan to help restore the "Garden of Eden" area of Malibu.

Fifteen years later, the Garden of Eden and Paradise Cove Marina are still being used as environmental educational and tourist spots. The Garden of Eden's vision to transform the area into a natural oasis and home for wildlife is not yet complete. The organization is trying to raise $2 million in ongoing funding over the next few years to support its goals to open people up to nature and bring back their "green" surroundings.

The Garden Of Eden moved from its original location in Paradise Cove Marina and into an old farmhouse in Malibu, California. The house was originally built as a rental property for a family or agriculture workers who lived on site but did not own it. The Garden of Eden moved into the house in 2005 and has been continuously renovated with recycled materials, locally sourced local art, sustainable building materials and healthy foods. The garden is a 15 minute drive away from Venice Beach and 5 minutes away from Big Rock Drive. 

The Garden Of Eden is home to many different artists. The most notable are known as the 'Womba’s' or 'Wa-Wa's'. 
Andrea Nemeth, Mario Lopez, Regina Chavez, Michael Hsu, Rachel Sumner and Billy Byrne are some of the artists represented at The Garden Of Eden. The name "Womba" comes from an indigenous African word meaning 'ready to be born' (Nemeth).

The Garden Of Eden has put on events to bring artists, musicians and performers together to raise money for the organization. Artists have included Marina Abramović, Gnarls Barkley, Jimmy Cliff, Laurie Anderson, Ravi Shankar and Jonathan Richman.

The Garden of Eden has many goals for the future. It seeks to continue working with the community and fellow organizations to keep Malibu clean and green with a focus on its nature restoration project. The Paradise Cove Marina is also in need of restoration. The structures in the marine sanctuary are failing due to lack of funding and interest from the city of Malibu. The Garden Of Eden is working with Dr. Michael Hsu, a professor of computer science at Stanford University, to create art and sound pieces for the marine sanctuary to raise funds for its restoration.

The Garden of Eden’s current facility is located within a complex that includes an old farmhouse, an orchard, and a barn. This area is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, including mountains and a creek, in which nearby residents enjoy the beauty around the otherwise dense city of Los Angeles. This location was chosen because it overlooks one of the most polluted beaches in Malibu. Many schools and families visit The Garden Of Eden because it is open to the public seven days a week; however, tours are available by appointment only. The Garden Of Eden is also home to several local art and music events throughout the year. Many of the artists represented at The Garden Of Eden are housed in an old two-story farmhouse, which was built for agriculture workers who lived on site but did not own it.

The group is funded through grants and individual donations, including the help of film producer James Cameron, who donated a pitch pipe used by his father during his deep sea expeditions.

In 2000 and 2001, three brothers named Cory McLean, Alan McLean and Michael Mclean started working as a team to educate citizens about environmental issues. They focused on educating youth and adults alike while supporting environmental efforts across the globe.

Conclusion of their efforts, this group of brothers decided to form a non-profit that not only produces artwork but also educates the public about environmental issues. This was in 2002 when The Garden of Eden was founded. The goal of this organization is to promote environmental awareness and preserve the waters of Malibu through their environmentally friendly work.

Garden of Eden works with community partners to create art installations and educational programs. These programs include workshops, talks, exhibitions, concerts and other events that educate both children and adults about topics of nature and technology while preserving the environment.

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