Get Over Breakups With Hypnosis


 Get Over Breakups With Hypnosis

Oh man, breakups are rough. I can't tell you how many times I've been through a heartbreak or two, and it's not fun at all. One of the most difficult effects of a breakup is the feeling of being haunted by the person you just lost. They seem to be always on your mind, which makes it hard to focus on anything else in your life because you are constantly reminded of what happened.

But there is one thing that can help people get over a breakup much easier than they could have dreamed: hypnosis! It uses guided visualization techniques to help people remember details from their past relationship with a loved one while they imagine positive outcomes for their future relationships with other potential partners. The concept of using hypnosis to overcome the effects of a breakup is fairly simple, especially for those who are familiar with the procedure.

The process starts off with a hypnotist who instructs the individual to get in a comfortable position on their back or on their side, depending on the case at hand, and visualize a picture of themselves with your ex, who is no longer around in your life. The hypnotist will then guide you through a series of imaginative exercises that allow you to revisit memories from your past relationship. You'll spend time imagining what it was like during the good times together and recall feelings associated with happy memories, while also imagining yourself with another person romantically in your future. These are incredibly powerful sessions and have helped countless men and women get over a painful breakup.

A lot of the time, it is difficult to move on from something so emotionally and psychologically damaging like a breakup. You feel like you just can't live without that person. It's all you think about, yet it is so hard to find happiness in yourself when you are spending your entire life thinking about somebody else. But hypnosis allows you to get through these tough times and use your mind as an asset rather than a liability. Some people even find that it helps them feel more alive, when they know they will survive heartache in the future.

Hypnosis is also a great way to break bad habits and enhance your intuition. Since you will be actively remembering the good times you've shared with your ex while picturing yourself with someone new, it's an excellent way to hone your sense of self-awareness. The process can also help you find more confidence and become more independent as your confidence in yourself grows. It helps you develop the necessary tools to move on from a breakup, when all other methods have failed.

You finally know that it's time for the two of you to be apart for good, but this doesn't mean that means you are completely over them. After a breakup, it seems like someone just died, and you will experience some very intense emotions. But with hypnosis, you can use that sense of loss to your benefit and make the best out of an end that was probably never meant to be. This is the perfect solution for those who have been through multiple heartbreaks and are ready to move on.



Author: Jennifer Granneman, M.S.Ed, CH

Date: Fri, Apr 14 2013 23:14 EDT

Article Summary

Hypnosis can be used to alter the emotional pain that you feel after a breakup. A trained professional can help you visualize your ideal partner, so that you do not have to deal with the emotional pain of missing someone who is no longer with you.

Post Breakup and How To Get Over a Broken Heart Easier With Hypnosis!!! #‎BestPsychicDirectory

Author: Ira Suedfeld, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist and Hypnosis Trainer, Oakland Park, Florida

Date: Wed, Apr 12 2013 16:48 EDT

Article Summary

Hypnotherapy provides you with a means of moving forward in your life after a breakup. It allows you to get back to the person that you once were, as well as to bring out the best version of yourself when you are ready to go out into the dating world again.

You have probably heard of hypnotherapy for weight loss and smoking cessation or even insomnia treatment. You may have even tried it for one of these conditions. But can hypnotherapy also be used for something as emotionally debilitating as the pain of a breakup?

It can and is. If you are having a hard time getting over your ex, consider hypnosis to assist you in moving forward. The subconscious mind is much more powerful than most people realize and, when the conscious mind steps back, all the memories associated with your ex will surface. This can be a painful process, but it is helpful because you no longer feel that you have to hide your feelings behind a smile or excuse yourself when someone asks about your romantic status.

How does hypnosis work? First, you need a hypnotherapist that is trained in this type of therapy. The therapist will explain to you how the process works and what you can expect as you go through it. Then, after a few moments of relaxation, the therapist will ask questions that allow your subconscious mind to surface your memories associated with your ex. Then, he or she will help you reframe these so that they are no longer painful and start to see the relationship as if it were ending on good terms instead of bad ones. The entire process is painless and non-invasive, but results are amazing.

You will be able to focus on other things going on in your life, like work and family activities. You'll feel more balanced and will not be stuck dwelling on the last failed relationship. Instead, you can now focus on the future instead of looking back at what you've done in the past. It is a fresh start for everybody involved.

A hypnotherapist is trained to help you get over a breakup in such a manner that it does not give your ex any power over your actions or thoughts. In fact, you'll even find that this process allows you to get back out there and potentially meet someone new without feeling that you are betraying your ex's memory or making them feel bad about themselves.


Hypnotherapy is a great resource for emotional pain associated with the breakup of a long-term relationship. In the past, many people have used hypnosis to help them lose weight and quit smoking. Their success stories are numerous and heartwarming. It is not too late to try hypnosis for your next breakup, although it may require some time before it can work effectively. You'll be glad you did!



Author: Darlene J Wirich Ph.D.

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