Getting Rid Of Fear At Last


 Getting Rid Of Fear At Last

Do you find yourself always in the same negative cycle when it comes to fear? 
Always relying on your own self-defeating mentality to never grow or escape? 
Don't worry! This post will teach you how to overcome fear and negativity at last, so that you can find happiness in this world. It's never too late.

1. "How To Overcome Fear" by Professor Benjamin Franks
2."Top 12 Tips For Overcoming Fear" by Author Unknown
3."Tips to Overcome Fear and Live a Happier Life" by Keith Marshall
4."How To Overcome Fear and Negative Thinking" By Evan Carmichael
5."8 Ways To End Fear, Anxiety and Worry" by Kellie Matthews
6. "Conquering Fear: How to Overcome Fear and Live the Life You Desire"
7."How To Overcome Negative Thinking: 7 Ways To Stop Feeling Down" by Sherri Williams
8."How to Overcome Anxiety and Fear of Failure (The Practical Guide)" by Devon Bowers
9."7 Tips To Overcome Fear & Anxiety" by Joe H. Blinkhorn tips-to-overcome-fear -and -anxiety.html
10."Achieving Your Goals Through Positive Thinking and Appreciation for Life's Joys & Struggles" by Dr. Sue Johnson
11."How To Deal In A Difficult Situation" by John Lloyd Nutter -a -difficult-situation -951767.html
12."How To Beat Fear Of Death" by Pauline Rose Clance M.D. -worry-about-it/201106/how -beat -fear -death
I hope this article gives one a guide on how to overcome their fear and negative thinking at last, so that they can be happy again! Remember, you are stronger than you think, and it is never too late to make a change in your life. Never forget that!
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So, I wanted to take the time to spend a little bit of time on this piece since it's such a good one. It's by Professor Benjamin Franks and he spends some time explaining the different types of fear and how they affect your life, and what you can do about it.
What I really enjoyed about this article was that he really takes on how we are all affected by fear, but some people are affected by it more than others due to their own personal "biography" (as Benjamin calls it). He goes into how we react to situations (whether good or bad) and how that can actually shape our mindset.
This is a very good piece and I think it's something worth sharing with others. It's not something that you'll read all the time, but when you do, you'll be glad you did. Myself included!
How To Overcome Fear And Negative Thinking
By Keith Marshall
"How To Overcome Fear And Negative Thinking" written by Professor Benjamin Franks
Why do we ever get stuck in negative patterns to begin with? What are our fears telling us and how do they cause us to act?
As Benjamin Franks so eloquently puts it in his post How To Overcome Fear And Negative Thinking, we all have a particular fear or set of fears that motivates our actions. Some of us have been exposed to trauma such as abuse, abandonment, or even physical or sexual assault. As a result, we may have an entirely different set of fears than someone who hasn't had these experiences. This is the case with my own fears. I was born in a very abusive family environment and have suffered abuse myself (not sexual). I, as well as many others, have a fear of violence and being taken advantage of because of it. The lesson here is that we all have fears and they are not necessarily obvious to others, or even ourselves.
I can't say for sure what sets me off, but it could be that comment someone made about my weight or something someone else said about my hair. Unfortunately, these things I think are harmless often cause me to get angry, frustrated and upset with almost no reason at all. Just that one little comment is enough to set me off on a spiral of negativity and fear. This is why I am here and why I understand my own fears.
The Fear Bubble
Benjamin talks about the fear bubble we get caught up in. I happen to be great at creating this bubble for myself, even without much of a reason for doing so. The bubble can be completely self created based on our own thoughts, or it may happen because we have lived with abuse and violence as I have done so in my own life. However you create it, the bubble is still there, but now we have to decide how to deal with it. This is where the art of self control comes into play... but more on that later.
How we deal with our bubbles is different for everyone. Some people may seek out friends, loved ones, or even a professional counselor to help them. Many of us choose to eat our feelings. We take comfort in food, alcohol and excess consumption because it takes our minds off of what we are feeling at the time. This is how I handle my own fear bubble quite well... unfortunately. I use food as a sort of crutch and it really isn't good for me long term. Other methods include online shopping or excessive computer gaming (if you're not doing this already too much!). Whatever method you choose, the results are still the same: they will not solve your problems...

That said, the key is to not allow yourself to get into the fear bubble in the first place. How do you do this? You must think long term and you must drill your thoughts into your mind. Many people who get stuck in a lack of self control often have a lack of self control when it comes to their thoughts as well. Think positive, even if it's just for a few minutes a day. Make your mind work for you.
Don't let yourself get stuck in that negative mindset where you can't focus on anything but the negative thoughts going through your head.

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