Getting Rid Of Negativity


 Getting Rid Of Negativity

It’s no surprise that most people you talk to are struggling with a negative attitude in some way. It seems that negativity is beginning to seep into our lives and quickly consume every aspect of it. If left unchecked, it can really affect your health and well-being as well as your relationships with other people.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways you can change this around for the better. All it takes is a positive mindset and some simple techniques for letting go of negative thoughts. You just need to know where to start! This blog post will help you get rid of negativity now.

Negativity is just another form of resistance, I’ve written about how to get rid of it before. So I won’t go into too much detail about that here.

If you are familiar with the concept and techniques of Mindfulness and want to learn more about that, then take a look at this article: Practical Mindfulness For Beginners.

From my experience, the biggest obstacle most people have in getting rid of negativity is self-criticism. When you criticize yourself for failing or letting things go wrong in your life, you are simply reinforcing negative thought patterns. That kind of thought process will just keep running us down and dragging us down into a hole.

So, the first step is to change your thinking. You need to realize that this isn’t a bad thing or something to be ashamed of. It’s just a part of life. We all experience it and it’s completely natural to have negative thoughts at times. Our thoughts will always be somewhere between being positive and negative so it doesn’t matter where they are at any one time, what matters is that you recognize them for what they are and let them go.

Once you get comfortable with that mindset it becomes much easier to deal with other less clear-cut negative thoughts as they manifest in your life from time-to-time.

There are a few techniques you can try as well to help you deal with your negative thoughts in a productive manner.

1. Negative Self-Talk: What is it?

Negative self-talk is any judgmental thoughts or gossip that you have towards yourself, or the people around you. These kinds of thoughts include, “I’m not good enough”, “Everyone else has it better than me” and so on. This kind of thinking automatically creates a negative expectation in relation to yourself and other people around you. So it’s just a self-fulfilling prophecy and it sucks.

If you are constantly negative about yourself, then that’s all you do day after day. Remember to keep your expectations high and always remember how far you have come and how much you can accomplish when you think positively. It’s also important to relax and take a few deep breaths whenever negative thoughts occur, this can help clear your mind as well as keeping stress levels low.

2. Recognizing Negativity: How to recognize it?

Most people are pretty good at identifying their own negativity but are less aware of the thoughts in other people’s minds around them. It’s really useful to be able to recognize when other people are judgmental towards themselves and when they think negatively about everything. When you slow down and take a step back and look at what others are saying and how they are acting, you might be surprised at how many negative things that happen because of it.

If you can’t recognize your thoughts, then sometimes it will be hard to let them go. Instead of letting yourself have negative thoughts, imagine that the thought is a fly that has landed on your mind. Imagine waving the fly away through your mind while effortlessly letting go of the thought in the process. Doing this will help you not to get sucked into negative thinking once more in the future.

3. Negative Thinking Habit: How to let go of it?

Negative thinking is just another habit that you can let go of. Since it’s a habit, you will have to do something that interrupts your negative pattern when it begins. For example, whenever you find yourself having negative thoughts, try replacing them with positive ones in the present moment. This will help change your mindset and break your habit over time. Remember to only focus on the present moment and remember to stay in the here and now as much as possible.

Don’t judge yourself or anyone else during any part of this process, just accept your thoughts and move on without dwelling on them at all. If you remember to do this often enough, it will become more natural and easier to do.

It’s important to always keep your expectations high, even if that also means being a little bit unreasonable sometimes. If you can manage to always maintain your standards and expectations in a positive manner, then you should be able to maintain a much more positive outlook on life overall. This will give you the confidence and strength to take the steps out of your comfort zone that are necessary for personal and professional growth.

4. Being Present: How to stop self-judgment?

It is important to be present in the moment and not dwell on the past or future. The idea here is to train yourself to focus on the present and not be distracted by any negative thought patterns. This will really help you become more aware of how your thinking patterns are affecting you and your relationships with other people in your life. You can also train yourself not to let yourself be influenced by anyone else’s negative thoughts and emotions that may arise during a conversation or elsewhere. If you practice mindfulness, then it should become easier over time to stay present when others around you aren’t happy, angry or sad.

5. Mindfulness: How to use it to deal with negativity?

Mindfulness is a meditation technique that can be useful for turning down the volume on your mind. It’s also a great way to become more aware of what you are thinking so you can let go of judgments and negative thinking as well. The objective here is to train yourself to concentrate on the present moment and not dwell on the past or future, this is a great way for you to overcome negative thoughts and judgmental beliefs that might be taking over your mind at times.

Once you begin practicing mindfulness, it becomes easier to recognize your negative thought patterns and understand how they manifest in your everyday life.


Negative thinking can be hard to avoid altogether, but you can recognize it for what it is and avoid judgmental thoughts at all costs. There’s no need to judge yourself or anyone else for any negative thoughts you might have, just let them go and try not to dwell on them too much or things will only get worse.

There’s no way around judgmental thoughts, they will always be in your head from time-to-time. The best thing that you can do is learn how to recognize these negative thinking patterns and then train yourself to break the habit as soon as they begin.

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