Goal Setting Basics,


Goal Setting Basics,

The way in which you approach your goals can have a huge impact on how successful you will be, and there are many different approaches you can take to achieve your goals.
First, it is important to start by asking yourself, "Why do I want to reach my goal?" Are you trying to gain more respect from others? Do you need the money in order to support yourself? If so, think about what might happen if you don’t reach that goal. Who might lose respect for us if we fail? What might happen if we don’t have any more income coming in? These questions may push us toward taking more concrete steps rather than just dreaming about them.
Next step is defining our goal. If we can’t state our goal, then it is hard to measure success. Our goal should be specific, measurable and doable (SMART).
Writing goals down will help the individual remember them better. Writing in the positive tense will help make the goal seem more achievable. For example, rather than saying "I don't want to gain any more weight" say "I want to reach a healthy weight".
Start by breaking the larger goals down into short term goals that are easier to achieve in the short term. Try not to set too many short term goals as they can create a sense of being overwhelmed and failure is more likely when feeling overwhelmed. Don’t forget to write your goals on a calendar so that you will be motivated to achieve them at a specific time.
Set your goal on paper or in your head. You can use a goal wheel to help set goals; the wheel is broken down into 10 categories and you can write your goal up against each category in turn. This can be very useful as it will force you to think about what the achievement of each goal is for the achievement of the overall goal.
Once you have defined your goals, it is time to begin planning how you are going to work towards reaching those goals. The first thing you should do is plan an action plan . A good way to plan an action plan is to create a ladder or outline of the roadblocks you are likely to encounter. Each of these barriers should be crossed off as they are overcome, until you reach your goal.
As you get closer to achieving your goal, it is important that you review your actions and see if they still make sense. What has changed? If anything has changed, then it would be wise to adjust what remains of your action plan so that it fits in with the new circumstances. We must always try and change our plans as things do change by nature, especially in today's economy.
Finally, make time for reflection . Think about what you have learned from the process of reaching your goals. Think about how your view of the world has changed through the reaching of your goals. Was it as hard to reach them as you thought? Did you have any rockier road blocks that you didn’t anticipate? Did it take longer to reach them than you thought?
These are just some basic steps for achieving a goal. It is important to remember though, that we should never give up trying to achieve a goal, and in fact we should renew our efforts regularly so that we don’t become frustrated and lose heart along the way.
So, whether you are setting a goal for yourself or helping someone else to achieve theirs, these tips should help you to get there.
Written: Jobie Rosenberg
Summary Article Name Goal Setting Basics Description Goals help motivate us to achieve more in our lives and we can set them for virtually anything and at any time. Author Jobie Rosenberg Publisher Name GoalGoals.com Publisher Logo
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James' mission is to motivate you to succeed. He draws on his experience and knowledge from a variety of sources including from personal experience, the internet, books, and articles. There are a number of quotes scattered throughout the site that he hopes will be able to help you. James hopes that you will go through the quotes and be able to find at least one or two that can help you set goals, achieve more in your life, and cope with the setbacks along the way. There are many more motivational quotes on this site waiting for you to read them. It would be a good idea for you to come back regularly as he adds new quotes each week.

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