Goal Setting: Do Your Expectations Outweigh Your Achievments?


 Goal Setting: Do Your Expectations Outweigh Your Achievments?

If we stop setting goals, then our lives will be less than they could be. 
-Dr. John C. Maxwell

So many people set goals - and don't set enough of them! 
This is a real problem, one that leads to missed opportunities and even failure. Setting up the next step in your life or business can bring about new ideas and success with it! But how do you know what step to take next? How do you know if your goal is realistic? Sometimes, setting up a goal might not be a realistic expectation of yourself. So what do you do? How can you set attainable goals, and still help yourself reach them?
First of all, ask yourself this question: "What do I really want?" 
Here's something that is a great way to accomplish this. It is called a "5/1/5 rule." 
The rule goes like this: First, ask five people in your life what they want from you. Second, ask one person if they think your goal is attainable. Third, ask yourself (and make a promise to yourself). Fourth, ask five more people. The fifth and final step is the real challenge - the real world. 
This rule is a great way to come up with goals that no one else will see as unrealistic. If you know what other people would want from you, your goals can be easily transferred to your own expectations and achievements.
One of the best ways to set attainable goals is to compare them to others. You can compare yourself with other people's accomplishments or achievements, on two levels: value, and difficulty. 
Value - this means whether or not the goal is something that you should be setting in the first place, whether it is something boring or plain, or something grand and exciting. Difficulty - this means the likelihood of achieving the goal, based on how hard it is.
Think of your goal in these terms. If you are trying to lose weight, then you are setting an unrealistic goal if you decide to try and run a marathon or do a half marathon. You might be able to do it; however, there would be a very high probability that you would get injured or might not feel well physically afterwards. Yet, this is something that someone else probably knew when they set their goal.
So, how do you set an attainable goal? Keep these tips in mind:
1. Set realistic goals.
Realistic goals are like the two sides of a coin - they are both good and bad according to their values. On the one hand, they will help prevent failure; on the other hand, they are not challenging enough to be fulfilling or exciting enough to make you want to continue with your life and efforts. To determine if a goal is realistic, ask yourself: is this something that will help me? If so, then it should be challenging and exciting; however, if it does not have a direct impact on your life then it might not be worth pursuing.   
2. Reward yourself.
Rewarding yourself is a great way to keep your efforts going, and to feel better about your accomplishments. Set attainable goals that you can work together with friends or family members on, and celebrate them when they are completed!  
3. Take a risk!
There's no fun in taking the easy way out of things - as long as it is challenging and exciting for you. If you are not taking risks then you will never have anything new or exciting happen in your life; however, if you do take risks and fall flat on your face then it is not the end of the world - just get back up and try again!   
4. Trust in yourself.
This is quite important, so it cannot be ignored. Always trust that you are capable of achieving your goals and keep on trying! 
5. Focus on quantity over quality.
Do not try to set the goal as high as possible - this will only lead to disappointment in the end, because you won't be able to reach it. Set it at a reasonable level for you and start working on it! You will be surprised what you can accomplish if you do not give up easily!   
6. Use a planner (iPad or notebook) - make lists and set small goals everyday .
Setting a realistic goal is one of the best things you can do. If it seems impossible to achieve, then it might just be! Make your goals attainable and break them down into smaller parts. 
7. Believe in yourself, or be inspired by someone else's success.
Find out what you want to do, and then find a way to take that step. Never give up!
-The Goal Statement of the Month Blog
1. It is not wrong to set goals, but its wrong to set goals without a clear idea of what they are.
2. Realistic goals can be shaped into an achievable goal by finding the motivated people in your surroundings who are setting high expectations of themselves (the "5/1/5" rule). These people can act as a guide for you during your job search. They will inspire you to find ways for you to reach their expectations and will make sure that you do not set unrealistic goals for yourself.
3. High expectations can be one of the best motivators to keep you moving forward. They will prevent you from giving up on yourself, and will help you set high goals for yourself. Once set, the high expectations can inspire you to reach those goals and make them a reality.
4. You should put your goals down in writing so that you know what they are and whether or not they are realistic for yourself. Once your goal is written down, it is easier for no other people in your life to take over this task as well as having a plan for achieving this goal will be easier when it comes time to meet it.
5. Reward yourself for making it to your goals. This will help keep you motivated and will also make you feel more satisfied with yourself when you do achieve your goal.
6. Take a risk! If you never take a risk, then you might never accomplish anything great! Taking a risk is the best way to experience new things in life and to meet great people who can help you keep moving forward in your life.
7. You are capable of going above and beyond what others expect of you and can reach any goal that you set for yourself if you put in the time and effort. By believing in your ability to get things done, then they will happen before long!

Setting realistic goals for yourself is one of the best ways to make sure that you get what you want out of life. The most important thing to remember when setting a goal is that it should be something exciting, challenging, and rewarding for you. You should also remember to set goals with people who are likeminded, so that they can help keep your efforts going and help you reach your goals in the future! With a clear vision and realistic expectations, anything is possible in life!
1. Benedetto Bologna: An Ironman Diary (Chrissie Wellington Website).
2. Be The Best – Ironman Triathlon Podcast Episode 017 – Lauren Reynolds (2010) (FitCast Network).

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