Good Memory By Keeping Your Mind Busy


Good Memory By Keeping Your Mind Busy

Everyone wants better memories but not everyone knows that you can give yourself a great head start by training your mind to get more engaged in everything you do. Keeping your mind busy will also prevent it from wandering off and feeling disconnected with what is happening in the world around you which helps to retain even more information. Here are some tips for keeping an active, engaged mind:

-Read! The more books and articles that you read the more "cognitive connections" that are created which help the information to be stored better in your brain.
-Do Brain Exercises! These can help combat cognitive decline as well as keep your noggin' working at optimal levels. The same goes for working out, chemicals are released that are important to your brain so by engaging in regular physical activity you will be helping your brain to function at optimum levels.
-Meditation! This is a great way to keep the mind engaged with itself, it also connects others as well which helps with social interaction. 
-Co-mingle! By interacting with others while doing certain things you are either using other senses or taking note of certain things thus focusing the mind's attention on what you are doing. When you do this regularly you will notice that the mind will stay occupied and not wander off or feel like it is being disconnected from what is going on around them.
-Get a Brain! This is a great way to keep the mind engaged and utilize what is going on around them.
-Keep Your Mind Informed! This is one really big thing that most people don't do for themselves, it's by reading things of interest about the world around them that your mind will stay stimulated. 
"Memory and learning are not the same. Memory only has to store information that has already been learned, whereas learning has to put new information into memory." -Barry J. Marshall [ARTICLE END]
by: Charles E. Parker (August 2013)
An interesting point brought up in this article is "co-mingle". I'm not sure I entirely grasp it (maybe you can added further explanation?), but the idea of being engaged with what you are thinking is an important one. Being aware of your thoughts and your emotions is a healthy habit to get into, and is just as important as keeping tabs on your diet. I've been really good about this lately, and have found that my awareness of my thoughts has translated into a more relaxed state of mind. This has helped out in big ways - I'm more focused in the studio, less stressed, and have a clearer head during live performances. Definitely a good thing.
Keep the mind busy, keep the mind focused, keep your brain active. Engage in all that you do, be aware of it, study it: that is how you will get better at doing it. This is a great article and covers many important points for us musicians to take note of and take steps to improve upon.
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Over Time City is a boutique music production composing and recording studio located in Chicago's historic East Side. Zack Martin and Charles Parker (now known as The Mayor of Studio City) began Over Time City in 2007 as a partnership between musicians and music producers who wanted to provide an opportunity for musicians to create new music while learning and growing at the same time. They started with the belief that people succeed when given the right tools, support and resources to reach their goals. As they continue on their journey they continually strive to better serve clients by finding ways to create a studio experience that is helpful, innovative and results oriented all while maintaining their small studio feel and personalized service. Over Time City is available for studio time, online and in-person instruction, remote recording services and more. Visit their website at or call 773-878-7576 for more information.
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Brain training is something that anyone should be doing. It's your body, and you should take care of it so that it can take care of you. Don't neglect yourself because then who else will? I hope this article has helped you see the importance of brain training and what it can do for you. Use these tips to get started on making a difference with your brain.

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