Grateful For The Changes In My Life Since Watching The Secret


 Grateful For The Changes In My Life Since Watching The Secret

 Grateful For The Changes In My Life Since Watching The Secret

I read the book The Secret and watched The Secret on DVD a few months ago. After doing so, I began to think about all the things in my life that I am grateful for. These thoughts helped me be more positive and have a better attitude about life in general.

Before The Secret, I had a negative view of life, and was bitter about many things. Now that I have a new perspective on life, I see everything as an opportunity to learn, grow, and develop as a person. I am especially grateful for my family and friends. They are always there for me when I need them.
I am also grateful for the amazing opportunities that have come my way since watching The Secret. To begin with, I would like to say thanks to my wife Maria who has supported me in all my endeavors by loving me unconditionally, encouraging me through tough times, and pushing me out of my comfort zone . She has also been instrumental in assisting my latest project which is converting our basement into a gym.
I am also grateful for the support of my family and friends who have encouraged me and pushed me to achieve what I set out to do. My neighbors, Gary and Joanne have been extremely helpful in providing the gym with enough space and resources to make it happen.

Lastly, I am so thankful for the progress that has already occur in only a few short weeks since starting this project. I have always wanted to have my own gym so I could work out whenever I want and don't have to go to the busy gym. The progress we have made so far means I will be able to do just that.
I am grateful for the changes taking place in my life because of watching and reading The Secret . Not only am I beginning a new chapter in my life, but more importantly, I am learning how to love the person I always was meant to be.
Personally, I think The Secret has completely changed my life by giving me a fresh perspective on things. After reading it and watching it, my outlook on life permanently changed for the better. I have been able to break free from the negativity of my old view of life, and embrace a new attitude fueled by gratitude.
This article is brought to you by The Secret .
The Secret
by Rhonda Byrne

Why Gratitude Improves Your Attitude? 
When you think about the abundance in your life and how grateful you are for it, you create more wealth in your mind. If a person is rich with money, it does not mean he is always happy or doesn't appreciate what he has. In fact, the richest people I know always say things like that they love what they have got and don't wish for something else because they have already got it. Gratitude helps you have a positive attitude about life. It turns your mind into something more powerful and opens new doors for you. If you feel grateful on a daily basis, it will be easy to think positively about everything that happens to you, and this will greatly help you attract even more abundance into your life. Have a wonderful day!

Gratitude: The Secret To Happiness

by Maria Vukovic

I found this short article on the Internet and found it to have some interesting information in it that can help us feel even happier! I am sharing it with my readers here for 3 reasons...

1. The author thinks that we should all learn to be grateful on a daily basis - I agree with this, but it can be difficult sometimes. If you read what she says, you WILL find that you will feel even happier! I am so happy I can do this now.

2. It doesn't look like she has written this article for just anyone - she has done a good job of writing it from the perspective of someone who is grateful on a daily basis - in other words, if you are looking for inspiration, this is the article for you!

3. She makes some great points about how to get there - there are 3 different steps to being grateful and she gives examples of each one...

The article is titled Gratitude: The Secret To Happiness .

If You Are Not Grateful, You Should Be

by Emily P. Freeman

I read this article by Emily P. Freeman on the Internet a few days ago and thought some of my readers might enjoy reading it too. It is about being grateful for what you do have, and not always wanting more. I love the idea of living in appreciation and wonderment - there is so much out there to appreciate, we should really be doing this all the time! This is why I decided to put this article on my website - to help you feel more grateful all the time.

Here's what she says about the need to be grateful in life...

"I am fascinated by those who manage to survive, who live an abundant life on a daily basis, in spite of their circumstances. What lies between the way things are and their fundamental discontent is gratitude. If you are not grateful you should be. Not for what you have now but for what you have escaped and for the sheer gift of being alive."

"If we are ever going to taste true satiation, then it will only be when we learn how to stop and enjoy the person, place or thing we already have, before we go out and get another. We can't know contentment until we practice gratitude. They fit neatly together, like two end pieces to a puzzle."

"Sometimes we must learn to be satisfied with what we have, who we are, and what is already happening in our lives. Then gratitude will take on the character of joy instead of longing. It will be something we feel from within rather than something we do because we are supposed to or it's the right thing to do."

"I've learned that gratitude is something that happens when you least expect it and it's not entirely under your control. It comes when you haven't asked for anything in particular. It's like the wind that comes and goes. Sometimes you feel it on your face, sometimes you don't."

Here's to be being grateful for everything you do have in life - it will definitely make you feel happier! I am going to try to remember this myself.

Thankful For Everything

by Nicola Correia-Damude

I absolutely love reading other people's stories about what The Secret has done for them, so I thought my readers might get some motivation and inspiration from this story. It is a story about how Nicola felt before she watched The Secret video series and afterwards. To me, some of the most inspirational quotes are #1, 5 and 10.

Conclusion: "I am so thankful for The Secret and the positive changes it has brought me. I am now living in a world of abundance, love, health and happiness."

The Power Of Gratitude

by Deborah Day

This short article is a fantastic example of how even just a couple of hours each week can help you feel happier - it certainly did for Deborah. It explains how she made a decision to be grateful every day for 10 minutes - that is only 10 minutes out of an entire day! Here is what she says about it...

"After about 2 months my whole energy altered. I was happier. My attitude became more positive and peaceful.

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