Gratitude Is The Key To Abundance


 Gratitude Is The Key To Abundance

Thanksgiving is a time to think about what we're grateful for. Think of the people in your life and what they've done for you. Think of all the things you have to be grateful for, from secure food to family and friends. Think about where you live, what is around you, or even just all the people who wrote numbers on a coin flip. Now think about all your efforts put into these things, what are some general benefits that come as a result of that hard work? For some that may be better grades at school or easier access to help with homework. For others, it may be a better home or an opportunity to travel. Whatever it is, remember all your efforts and realize that this world would be completely different without you in all that you have done. There are thousands, no millions of people who have had a hand in producing the things you use daily. Think about where all those people are at, who put them there? You did! Without your effort none of those things would even exist. It may seem like a stretch, but if we continue these thoughts at an exponential rate over millions of people and billions of years we start to see how connected every living thing on this planet really is. We are all one, and this is something to be grateful for.
At the end of the day, you are the reason the world has everything it has. When you buy a product, you have put in a great deal of time and effort to produce it in a cost efficient way. When you want to purchase something that is mass produced there are people who work tirelessly behind the scenes making sure what sells ships on time and on budget so that our free market survives.
For many this is enough for a Thanksgiving dinner. For those who want to take things further we can take this idea on an even deeper level because it doesn't have to be just Thanksgiving day or Black Friday shopping. Life is a celebration and every time you do something you're thankful for, share that gratitude with those around and take that opportunity to think about how grateful we all are. Life is a gift and every day we wake up is a gift, be thankful for what you have. Life isn't about fame, it's about being here in the first place.
From the perspective of an outsider everything may seem like chaos, but from our own perspective we can see how everything happens for a reason. Every person has their place in this world and every living thing has a role to play whether we understand it or not. Once you start connecting all these dots there is an unbelievable amount of cool stuff that starts to make sense. The first time someone in my family made enough money to have their own car they bought me a new bike. It wasn't a brand new Ducati or Harley, it was just something I could ride to school and around town on. I didn't realize that it was because my dad worked late every night so putting in the money he did would eventually make that bike possible for me. It wasn't about the bike, it was about what my dad was doing for me. It doesn't always need to be expensive things either. Maybe you can pay for a friend's vacation with money saved from not eating out as much, or go out with the family after shopping for a product and splitting one meal.
Leave the guilt at home on Thanksgiving and celebrate what you have! Did you know that Thanksgiving was based off of the pilgrims? It wasn't some big religious holiday where they slaughtered a bird, but it was more of a celebration of their new found land which they were grateful for. It was a celebration of all their efforts and the fruits of their labors. The pilgrims saw this land, knew the effort it took to get there, and knew the struggles ahead for them. They were thankful for what they had and what life had given them. It's because of this thinking that America is as great as it is today. We are all thankful for what we have because there are many places where we could be instead.  
Lets all be thankful for our lives and all the people who work hard every day to give us the luxuries we have. Let's be thankful for going to school, taking a trip with our family, and even just having another day on this planet. Let's not forget that it's these things that make us appreciate life, but more importantly lets not forget to share this gratitude with others! How you spend your time today is important because in a week you'll wish you spent more time with friends and family while they were all still here. If there is one thing that I can tell you is that the people around you love you, remember them by being grateful for them.  
Don't forget the people who haven't been born yet, be grateful to them and their parents because without you they wouldn't have a chance to be born.
Be Grateful,
Jack Roberts
(Check out my other articles:   The True Value of Thanksgiving and   How To Be Gratitude ) [END ARTICLE] —————————— Published on Nov 22, 2014 Gratitude is the Key to Abundance Jack Roberts Thanksgiving day is a chance for us all to celebrate everything we have. We can all take this opportunity to reflect on how grateful we really are for everything on this planet. This time of year also allows us to reflect on all the people who have gone before us and everything they did to make this day a possibility. It's our job as humans to continue their work and keep the world moving forward, but they are still here today and we must appreciate what we have. There are many things that can make us thankful, but one thing that may not be so obvious is the very people who help produce what you need to live. Everything we see on a daily basis is made by someone's hand at some point in time.

Conclusion At the end of the day, you are the reason the world has everything it has. When you buy a product, you have put in a great deal of time and effort to produce it in a cost efficient way. When you want to purchase something that is mass produced there are people who work tirelessly behind the scenes making sure what sells ships on time and on budget so that our free market survives.
For many this is enough for a Thanksgiving dinner. For those who want to take things further we can take this idea on an even deeper level because it doesn't have to be just Thanksgiving day or Black Friday shopping.

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