Gratitude Journal: Attracting Abundance And Prosperity By Expressing Appreciation And Gratitude – In Writing.


 Gratitude Journal:  Attracting Abundance And Prosperity By Expressing Appreciation And Gratitude – In Writing.

According to The Law of Attraction, you get what you give. What does this really mean? It means that if you want more abundance and prosperity in your life, then it is vital to express appreciation and gratitude on a regular basis.

The best way to do this is by creating a Gratitude Journal: write down things for which you are thankful on a daily or weekly basis. Even if it's just for the fact that the sun rose today, write it down! Doing so will help attract more of what you value most into your life.

Here are the reasons why:

1. Writing down your Gratitude helps you to CLEAR YOUR MIND.
You've probably heard the saying, "go to bed with an idea and wake up with a solution" or something similar? The same applies here.
But when you're in a negative state of mind, your subconscious can't be creative because it is busy trying to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it. By writing down your gratitude, you're getting your mind to relax and be creative.
2. Writing down Your Gratitude helps to make you MORE ATTRACTIVE.
When we are feeling grateful and appreciative, our thoughts are more positive and we radiate positivity out into the world. In turn, this makes us more attractive to others.
3. Writing down Your Gratitude helps to raise your vibration.
Those who create a Gratitude Journal will find that they start taking time each day to reflect on their blessings and thankfulness for things – often doing so at the exact time of day when they are experiencing disturbances in their lives (distress) or when they feel most unhappy (negative emotions).
4. Writing down Your Gratitude helps you to VALUE your blessings more.
Through journaling, you are able to slow down and notice the things in your life which you take for granted. You may be grateful for the fact that you have a house to live in, but writing it down allows you to see how important that is.
5. Writing down Your Gratitude helps YOU TO FEEL BETTER… by allowing yourself to FEEL BETTER about YOURSELF!!!
The Law of Attraction says that we attract what we think about most of the time – and nothing attracts like a positive self image. If you feel like a person who is filled with gratitude and appreciation, then you will be more likely to attract blessings to yourself.
6. Writing down Your Gratitude helps you to GROW into your own greatness.
When we can see how grateful we are for our blessings, we begin to realize that there is so much more that we can do in life. We stop thinking about ourselves as victims and start thinking about how amazing our life really is.
7. Writing down Your Gratitude makes you MORE HONEST with other people about how you feel about them!
One of the ways that most people develop bad relationships is by being dishonest and not being fully ourselves around others. When we are more honest and genuine with people, we will be much more likely to receive the love that we need.
As you can see, Gratitude Journaling can help you to attract blessings into your life. When we believe that there is nothing for which we cannot find something to be grateful for, that belief becomes a part of who we are. Life becomes much easier to live when it is filled with gratitude and appreciation!
This article was originally published at . Reprinted with permission from the author.  The author would like to invite you to join his free email list so you could learn more about attracting blessings into your life and also get access to more resources of value in life. Sign up here .
Bestselling author, Richard Dotts, is a Motivational Speaker and the founder of The Abundance Paradigm where he shares his unique perspective on life. He is the creator of the highly rated Law of Attraction workout video series which will be launching soon. Get free updates on his latest articles:
Download this article as PDF. Visit this link . Visit Richard's website at . Visit Richard's Google+ Page . To connect with him on Twitter, click here . According to The Law Of Attraction blog, Expressing Gratitude Creates Abundance and Prosperity – In Writing was originally posted, Aug 12th , 2012 by Johnie Chong .
Gratitude Journal: Attracting Abundance and Prosperity
By Richard Dotts
Writing a Gratitude Journal is one of the most powerful things you can do to attract more of what you want into your life. You may be thinking, Why should I bother? I don't need anything; why should I bother? or something similar. Here's why:
Writing down your Gratitude helps you to CLEAR YOUR MIND.
You've probably heard the saying, "go to bed with an idea and wake up with a solution" or something similar? The same applies here.
But when you're in a negative state of mind, your subconscious can't be creative because it is busy trying to figure out what's wrong and how to fix it. By writing down your gratitude, you're getting your mind to relax and be creative.
Writing down Your Gratitude helps you to raise your vibration.
Those who create a Gratitude Journal will find that they start taking time each day to reflect on their blessings and thankfulness for things – often doing so at the exact time of day when they are experiencing disturbances in their lives (distress) or when they feel most unhappy (negative emotions).
Writing down Your Gratitude makes you more ATTRACTIVE.
When we are feeling grateful and appreciative, our thoughts are more positive and we radiate positivity out into the world. In turn, this makes us more attractive to others.
Writing down Your Gratitude helps you to VALUE your blessings more.
Through journaling, you are able to slow down and notice the things in your life which you take for granted. You may be grateful for the fact that you have a house to live in, but writing it down allows you to see how important that is.
Writing down Your Gratitude helps you to GROW into your own greatness.
When we can see how grateful we are for our blessings, we begin to realize that there is so much more that we can do in life. We stop thinking about ourselves as victims and start thinking about how amazing our life really is.
Writing down Your Gratitude makes you MORE HONEST with other people about how you feel about them!
One of the ways that most people develop bad relationships is by being dishonest and not being fully ourselves around others. When we are more honest and genuine with people, we will be much more likely to receive the love that we need.

To sum it up, Gratitude Journaling will help you to attract more of what you want into your life in a very powerful way. People who write down their gratitude about the things and people in their life often experience remarkable positive changes. You are going to be extremely grateful when you begin your Gratitude Journal, and soon after that, you'll discover how much easier things become in your life as a result of writing this down!
Here's a great book on Gratitude: The Power of Gratitude – The Promise of Happiness By Dr. Robert Emmons
Download this article as PDF. Visit Richard's website at . Visit Richard's Google + Page .

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