Gratitude & The Law Of Attraction


 Gratitude & The Law Of Attraction

A feeling of gratitude is a powerful force. It can change the way you feel and think, and it can also change the people and circumstances in your life.

It's important to acknowledge that how you feel today has a lot to do with how you felt yesterday, or last week, or last year even. You are not just experiencing what is happening now — it's a mixture of everything that has happened in your life up until this moment. Considering this truth changes things because it forces us to accept responsibility for what we have created in our lives up until now, rather than seeing things as being out of our control because they are happening so quickly right now.

You can have a feeling of gratitude right now. You can also have trust. And you can also have faith. These are all related to each other so it's easy to see how they are similar, but they are different in subtle ways that can affect how we feel and think about our lives.

Want To Have A Feeling Of Gratitude Right Now?

There is a simple way to raise your vibration and put yourself in the right frame of mind to experience some sort of feeling of gratitude right now: Stop looking at what you don't have and start paying attention to what you do have already in your life.

When we focus on what's in front of us, this makes it easier for us to see that we already have a lot to be grateful for. We can also start seeing the opportunities we are being given and the gifts that are being offered to us both by external forces and by other people who want to help us.

When you focus on what you do have in your life, it's easier for you to notice how much happiness and joy it brings you — a great sense of well-being and contentment. You don't have to go searching after it or chase after some ideal future that is out of your control — because there is enough happiness surrounding you right now.

You can also start seeing the people and circumstances in your life that you are grateful for — because there are lots of other people and circumstances available to you at this moment.

You Can Start Paying Attention To The Gratitude That Is Already Around You Right Now | Source:–2013–8?r=US&IR=T
There is a lot that goes on around us, whether we notice them or not… Take a moment to see what goes on around you right now.

Even if there isn't anything that you can notice right now, it's worth it to keep trying. There are lots of things happening around you throughout the day, even when you aren't paying attention to them… You just need to train yourself to see them.

You can do this by training your mind and your eyes to notice more of what is already around you — not just the negative, but also the positive… The good things that are already in front of you and available for you to take advantage of. You can also notice how much is going on in your mind and in your life — or how much is going on inside you rather than outside of you.

What Goes On Inside You?

Imagine that you are walking along an empty road. The road itself is quiet and all that you can hear is the sound of your footsteps on the dusty road… As you do this, you might start to notice more things going on in your mind as well as outside of your mind.

Everything is quiet and as far as you can see, there are only trees everywhere. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a figure steps out in front of you. You don't know who it is or what he wants from you so instead of stopping, you keep walking until he disappears from view and then continue on your way feeling good about yourself for doing so.

When you get home later that night, you find a letter from the figure waiting for you. He says that he was walking around just like you were for the last few days and that he saw your interaction with him on the road as an opportunity to show you more about himself… So he asked what would happen if he stopped you on your way home and wrote down everything that happened.

He also told you that there is much more to learn about what is going on in his life than there is to learn from watching just one person go through their day, so he wanted to invite you into his life by taking part in recording everything that happens to him.

You might think that you have no interest in being a part of the life of this figure. You might even think that you have no interest in what is happening in his mind, or even his past or future. But then there are a lot of things about him to consider… He has all these different elements going on inside him that he wants to get out and talk about with someone else so he can see their effects.

So you respond to his letter and ask him to come over so that you can assist him in recording the things he wants written down. You see the offer as an opportunity to learn more about the different aspects of life, whether it is his mind, his thoughts about other people, or what is going on in his past or future.

Now you could have a great time putting together a journal for him — one that records everything that happens in a very detailed way… Once it's done, he is able to go through it and see how events affect him emotionally and how they help or hinder his progress towards being who he wants to be.

You can also have a lot of fun looking through the journal and being able to compare your own journal to his. You can see how things that he experiences affect him more than they affect you because they happen in a different manner — and you can see how he has reacted to these events that affected him, even if they are not things that directly affected you.

This is all going on inside him — inside your mind as well as inside his mind… As you are coding writing the book together, it becomes evident to you just how much there is to learn about what is going on inside the life of this man. As you work on it over time, so does he.

If you do not see any value in inside things or in looking at what is going on in the mind of this man, that is good to know — but it's also good to know that there is a lot of things going on in your own mind.

There are lots of good reasons why you might want to get to know what is going on inside yourself — and there are even more reasons why you should learn more about other people as well… Because there is a lot of people out there who want to talk about themselves and invite you into their lives so that they can see how their lives affect them too.


Learning what is going on inside people and learning more about other people's minds is incredibly important… It's even a requirement if you want to be able to have a relationship with someone else.

There is always so much more going on that we can learn about, whether it's our own mind, the minds of others and their pasts and futures. Learning more about other people and their minds can give us insight into the thoughts and feelings of others, which can inform our own feelings about them… Allowing us to better understand why they feel the emotions that they do or want certain things or don't want certain things.

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