Gulp! & Get Off Your Butt This New Year


 Gulp! & Get Off Your Butt This New Year

The New Year is just around the corner and for many people it's time to start over with a clean slate.  You can do this scientifically by setting goals, or you can do this instinctively by getting off your butt!

For many people, January 1st signals the time to reflect on the past year and come up with a plan of action for next year. But it doesn't have to be that complicated! A simple way of starting your New Year off right is by looking at what you actually want in life, and then figuring out how to get there. It sounds easy enough, but it requires a lot of soul searching and self-evaluation - which may not always be easy.

It's important to look at your goals from a detached view. We're not looking for cookie-cutter answers, but rather a way to get what we want in life. This is accomplished by thinking about long-term goals and not just short-term results. Ask yourself: "What do I really want?" And then think of how you can make it happen!

After identifying your goals, think about how you can achieve them. You can do this by:

Working harder to do what you currently do, or to develop new skills.  This may mean changing your current job or adding a part-time job to your schedule.
Attending a specific workshop or seminar, so you can learn new skills and improve your abilities in your job.    Consider taking a weekend course in something you've been interested in for a while. This will also help to keep you motivated and interested in life.
Spending more time with people that are important to you.  Find people who will help you to stay on track.
Remember that life is full of ups and downs, but your choices in life affect how you spend your time and make you a more informed person. It's also important to realize that we can't always control what happens to us, but we can control how we react. So take the challenge of this new year by getting off your butt!
Naturally, the old year has passed, and 2016 is approaching us with all sorts of new opportunities. There are many ways to start it off with a bang (pun intended). One way involves getting rid of negative habits that are holding us back from achieving our goals.
For example, my goal for 2016 is to lose 20 pounds. The simplest way I can do this is to work on eating a healthier diet, and reduce the time I spend watching TV and movies. This will help me to stop being such a couch potato!
I do have some other goals I would like to achieve but they are smaller in scope and they involve just getting in touch with friends that don't live so far away that I don't see them often enough.
So, get off your butt!  Do what you want to do!  Get out of your old routines and start something new! Follow your dreams no matter how silly or irrational they may seem at first. Your dreams are there to guide you into making your life more fulfilling and meaningful.  So make them come true!
Posted by Michael at 11:34 PM
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Hi all, For those of you who are in London, I wanna share a GREAT project that is running until the end of March at the Saatchi Gallery. It is a group show curated by Tanya Leighton called 'The Companion' . It's a group show that focus on global issues and how they effect people all around the world....

So, I hope you liked this post and that it helped you in some way.  As always, I really do appreciate any feedback or comments you can leave so feel free to drop by and leave a comment :)
Have a great day!
Hi all, For those of you who are in London, I wanna share a GREAT project that is running until the end of March at the Saatchi Gallery. It is a group show curated by Tanya Leighton called 'The Companion' . It's a group show that focus on global issues and how they effect people all around the world.

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