Habits What I Want For You


 Habits What I Want For You

Some days go by without us taking the time to learn about something new. We rely on what we are familiar with and how much time is left in the day. But this can make it more difficult for us to grow, change, and better ourselves - all for the better. Read this post to discover how you can mix things up a bit and create new habits that will benefit you in your everyday life!

The point of this post is to help you improve your life by creating different habits that will make things easier on yourself. If you're like most people, you probably have a long list of tasks that you'd like to accomplish every day - but it seems to never happen.

The problem with this is that when you think about everything else that needs to get done, the little things can fall by the way side. By creating a daily routine that makes life easier on yourself, you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Take a few minutes to read the list of habits on this page. Some of them may seem silly, but they are all incredibly useful and will make your life easier in some way. In addition to reading about these habits, you should also implement them into your daily schedule.

If you have trouble developing habits, try doing them one at a time. Set aside time every day to work on a certain habit, and before you know it you'll have created many different habits that will make your life easier.

You might not realize it but many of the things that are done by people around the world are habits - some good, some bad. What a habit is something that is done regularly. They become part of your daily routine and can be hard to change because they don't seem like anything special at all. That is, they are not important enough to warrant their own attention but when added up together, these little habits form a very big part of your life.

Everyone has a different set of habits so I don't want to give you any steps on what to do. Instead, this is just a list of things that I hope improve your life and make it better. If you find some of these ideas useful and want to learn more, I recommend that you check out the Habits Your Mother Never Taught You post. It covers a lot of habits that everyone should know about.

With this in mind, let's get started with the list:

11 Habits That Will Improve Your Life

a) Before you go to sleep at night, write down 3 things for the day coming up. These are called "priorities". Examples: "Get up early for work," or "Get up early for a workout."

b) Take a shower and brush your teeth before you go to sleep. This will make it easier getting ready in the morning.

c) Make a standing desk for yourself in your bedroom to keep items off the floor, such as phone , laptop, etc.

d) Practice yoga at least twice per week (more is even better). This will help you with flexibility and strength. Also try core exercises and Pilates to improve posture and give your body a firmer look.

e) Drink water in the morning before breakfast to hydrate your body and remove toxins. Drink a minimum of half your body weight in ounces per day (example: 150 lbs = 75 oz).

f) Keep a journal of your life and everything that you do. It will help your memory, provide you with daily reminders of what you've accomplished, and allow you to look back on the things that happened in the past. This is also a good habit to use when it comes time to reflect upon your life during retirement.

g) If you can afford it, get someone to clean or do chores for you on a weekly basis. This will free up more time for things that are important to you.

h) Carve out time in your schedule to relax. This can be done by taking a walk, reading, listening to music, watching TV, or doing something that you enjoy. If you fail to plan for this time it will be nearly impossible to find in the future.

i) Use sleep aids so that you get better sleep each night and wake up refreshed in the morning.

j) Try to go outdoors for at least 2 hours per day so that you can feel the sun on your skin and breathe fresh air (even if it's cold outside). You'll have more energy and feel happier overall when you do this regularly.

k) Try to learn a new skill or activity. It will give you a sense of accomplishment, something to talk about, and a way to make more friends. And if you don't like it, at least you learned something new!

When I was younger I knew of several habits that helped me become more successful. I didn't stick with them though and over time they faded away. If I had continued them my life would have been much different today. But by knowing what they are, it makes it easy for me to get started again.

Even if you don't have many of these habits yet, you can start building them. You still need to get started with something first, so now is the time to think about it and make a plan for how you will begin.

That's all for today! If you're after more ideas check out:

The Habits Your Mother Never Taught You
Making A Development Plan In Retirement The Top Ten Things To Do In Your Free Time

Article by: Macy Lerner Posted on: Feb 23rd, 2017 @ 07:22 AM EST ( LINK TO THIS POST ) Category: Personal Finance & Finance Tips I read a lot of personal finance articles each month so that I can review products and services. This month I found an article that helped me to gain a new perspective on investing. Many people think of the stock market as being filled with sharks trying to steal their hard earned money. This is far from the truth, as only a small portion of investors lose money. But what about those that win? The most common way to make large gains in the market is by buying stock in companies at low prices and selling them at much higher prices. That's what Shark Tank is all about - great ideas that can grow into multi-million dollar companies. As a result, investors are often looking for ways to get into ventures before they become popular and increase in value over time.


As you can see, the stock market can be a very profitable investment for those who know how to invest. So why is it tempting to stay away from the market? Money in the bank is money that can be used when you need it (no matter if you are retired or not). Stocks (and most investments) only work if they are backed by companies or other assets. This means that to make money, you need to hold onto your investments for a long period of time, hoping that they will increase their value at the same rate as other investors. But this takes patience and discipline; two things many people don't have.

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