Happiness: How To Maximise Pleasure And Joy!


 Happiness: How To Maximise Pleasure And Joy!

Are you feeling sad, frustrated, or unfulfilled? The answer is to make yourself happier! There are countless ways to do this. Explore this post and identify the techniques that will work best for you.

Chances are that your life is mostly based on habits, and you know what new habits might give you a little happiness boost. But if there are any parts of your life where habit hasn't kick in (like exercise or sleep), try shifting things around until they become like second nature.
The Happiness Project Book by Gretchen Rubin
It takes focus, patience and effort to find happiness in your life. But the payoff is huge! Get started today by reading this article, and then add specific tips from here to work on doing something that will bring you joy.
Some people think they are born with a certain lot in life - no matter what they do, they can't change it. But that is simply not true. We can always improve ourselves - and we should! We are all privileged to have good health and the ability to learn more things every day – this means you have a lot of possibilities for being happy.
So what are you waiting for? Grab your Happiness journal and get started!
The Art Of Happiness: A Handbook For Living by the Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler
This is a good introduction to meditation and happiness. Buddhism has a lot of techniques that can help you achieve peace and happiness, so give this book a try.
You can also find the book on audio if you prefer listening over reading.
The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success And Performance At Work by Shawn Achor
This book presents scientific studies about happiness and how to be happy in business or work life. It might be especially helpful for people who are working in jobs they don't like, or for whom job satisfaction is lacking.
Happiness breeds success - make sure that you're in a happy state of mind if you want to perform at your best.
The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living by the Dalai Lama
This book is about mindfulness and how to be more aware of your own happiness.
It includes information about Buddhist practices, but is written in such a way that everyone can learn from it, even without any knowledge of Buddhism (however, it does go much deeper with some Buddhist background knowledge).
When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chödrön
This book is an excellent introduction to meditation and how it can help balance your emotional state.
This book can also be helpful if you're struggling with a difficult situation or are feeling anxious or depressed.
The inner strength that you'll find through meditation will see you through difficult times.
Meditation can help your body and mind to relax and focus, so that in moments of stress you'll be able to keep things in perspective and not overreact. It also helps with depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.
If you meditate for only 15 minutes every day, it will help improve your overall happiness immensely! Try it out – this article has a good overview on meditation: http://the-happiness-project.com/2011/04/meditation-for-beginners/ .
We all need positive energy – if you're feeling unwell, it can be helpful to get some energy from somewhere. You can also try an energetic food. Enthusiastic Foods for Enthusiasts by Dr. Bruce Fife is a good place to start if you're looking for something new to try.
Research shows that having more enthusiasm in your life has a major impact on your happiness – and it's a simple way to improve your mood!
Enthusiastic foods tend to be energising, so they'll make you feel happy and ready for action! Here are some great foods for beginners: http://www.healthline.com/nutrition/best-foods-for-energy .
This might sound a bit strange, but it's definitely worth a try: eat foods that are known to help energy levels. This might be something as simple as eating more nuts and seeds, or eating something with more caffeine. Some of the most energising foods in the world are caffeine-containing plants.
Try adding some of these foods to your diet every day (see list here: http://www.healthline.com/nutrition/energy-boosting-foods ). This article has a longer list of foods that can help with energy: http://the-happiness-project.com/2011/04/energy-boosting-foods/.
This is a great way to boost your energy levels and feel better in general. http://www.naturalnews.com/041341_coffee_energy_level.html .
If you're lacking in motivation, make sure you get enough Vitamin D! This vitamin is strongly linked with motivation, so it can make a real difference. http://the-happiness-project.com/2011/06/vitamin-d/.
If you're dealing with sadness, there are a couple of great ways to boost your mood: Exercise: Exercise has been shown to make a great difference to both happiness and depression. One study found that physical exercise was equal to an antidepressant drug in improving depression symptoms (it even worked better than the drug at preventing relapse). It's been shown that exercise boosts endorphins (feel-good chemicals), making you feel better about yourself. Fasting: Fasting is another way to boost your mood – in different ways. One way is to fast for 24 hrs, which can help improve your mood by boosting your serotonin levels. Eating less can also make you feel better – but many people find that fasting helps them feel more jumpy, which can be a good thing if it helps with anxiety and depression!
Mindfulness is great for reducing stress and improving wellbeing. It might sound complicated to try, but the most important thing to remember is that it really works! Try out this article on mindfulness: http://the-happiness-project.com/2011/06/the-happiness-project-tip-of-the-day-meditation/.
You can also get more information about this topic by reading this book: http://www.amazon.com/Mindfulness-Simple-Practice-Fullest/dp/0132667616 .
Finding happiness is all about the choices you make – we have a lot of control over our lives, and it's up to us what direction we take in life. This article gives great advice on how to get more out of life: http://thehappynow.com/2012/12/14/how-to-beyond-why/.

Conclusion – how to be happy every day in 2013
Achieving happiness is just a matter of making the right choices. You get what you put in, and if you're not trying hard enough you'll probably fail to achieve happiness. Put your best foot forward, work hard, and make the most of your life. You can do it!
We all have our ups and downs – but doing all that's written here will help you to overcome them! There are some great tips on how to be happy every day, so read on...
There's no need to take these tips as gospel truth – find what suits your own lifestyle best (for example, whether you prefer positive or negative thinking will depend upon your personality).

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