Have A Love Affair With Your Mailbox


 Have A Love Affair With Your Mailbox

Have you ever been so busy that it seems like the days go by faster than the hours?
You know you've got a problem when there's more email in your inbox than mail in your mailbox.
If only there was a way to feel more connected to friends and family while still staying on top of everything!
Well, we're here to tell you that there is — and it's called snail mail. With an increase in messages now coming through social media, phone calls and emails, postal mail is something people forget about too quickly. But it can be an effective way of touching base with loved ones who are close and far away. And you can use it to promote your business or nonprofit, too.
Learn the craft of the handwritten note
There's still nothing more personal than a handwritten note, especially when it comes in the form of an especially pretty envelope with a stamp on it. People who are receiving these pieces of mail feel special and they save them. And you want people to feel good about your organization or company, right?
In fact, we found out that there has been a significant increase in the number of people who have sent and received at least one handwritten note over the past year. The increase was particularly strong with women between the ages of 18 and 49.
This is your chance to get in on the fun — but make sure to personalize your message. The handwritten part isn't just a nice touch — it makes sure that this person realizes it was sent just for them and not mass-mailed.
A new way to talk about your product or service
After you've written the letter, you can add a second card with information about your business or nonprofit organization. This way people can make sure that they're not missing out on anything you have to offer, without being too pushy.
This is also a good time to give them a coupon or some special incentive for signing up for your newsletter.
Be sure to keep it short and sweet, though. Like your first note, it's still a handwritten card, so don't get carried away with the extra information — and remember to personalize it. This can work as both an effective marketing tool and a helpful reminder of your existence.
All you need is some fancy stationery and stamps to get started. And don't be afraid to include something unique that makes this note stand out from the crowd. Be sure to add a little personal flair to make this piece memorable.
Include a handwritten note in every package
This can work well when you ship products on a regular basis to customers, and it can also be used as an effective marketing tool.
Even if you're not sending new product samples, take the opportunity to include coupons or other special offers that your customers might like. It will get them thinking about your products right away and it's a nice gesture that lets them know you care about their business.
You can do this with online orders, too. Just ask the customer if they'd like something handwritten included in the package. This small touch keeps them thinking about you and could lead to repeat business down the road.
Since you're using snail mail, you can also include a handwritten note on the outside of the package that gives your customers an added incentive — or makes them feel special in some way.
Having some fun with it
Of course, in addition to sending out marketing materials, a handwritten note is also a great way to enjoy some personal pen pals.
As long as they're not expecting you to write the next great American novel in one letter (although we've seen those who do), this is a nice way to keep in touch with friends and relatives who live far away but matter most. And it's free!
And who knows? You might end up getting something back that's especially meaningful.
In this digital age, there are always new and interesting ways to connect with friends and family. Write a letter to someone in your life who is far away or make a new friend over the Internet. You never know what might happen.
Have A Love Affair With Your Mailbox
What do you think? Have you ever used snail mail as a marketing tool or have you been tempted to? What's your idea of a fun little gesture? Tell us in the comments below.
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http://www.janeopdenveeninteriors .com/blog/2012/06/have-love-affair-with-your-mailbox/
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JANE OP DEN VELDE INTERIORS  - Jane Op Den Velde Interiors is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com
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I've written about all of this for years, and I get so many emailed questions from people who are stuck in the old ways. But you know what? In this day and age where there is more information available to the public than ever, it just isn't necessary to use snail mail anymore. And it's important that you don't.
In fact, in today's digital world we are made aware of every single action that company or organization takes related to our concerns or interests. It is possible to sell products online with virtually any type of advertising while using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter along with other various forms of digital marketing tools...

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