Have You Ever Lost Something Or Someone?


 Have You Ever Lost Something Or Someone?

Ever lost something or someone? If you have, you are not alone. There is a lot of sadness and confusion that comes from the loss of these things. But if the event has already passed and you find yourself still feeling an emptiness in your heart, know that it does not need to be permanent. Here are some ways to get back up on your feet again.

1) Ask for help- Many family members, friends, or co-workers will be more than happy to lend their support while they help recover what was lost.

2) Write the loss out- Many people find comfort in writing down their thoughts and feelings. This is called journaling and it will help you get your feelings out on paper. You can then read over your emotions later and see how you've changed since the loss occurred. Sometimes, this is also a therapeutic way to help you move on.

3) Talk about it- Open yourself up to those who may want to talk to you about what happened, but know that if all of the sudden too many people are asking questions or mentioning it, that it will only make you feel worse. Asking those who truly want to listen is a great way to vent some of those emotions that come with loss.

4) Be kind to yourself- Even though you may still be sad, know that you are going through a difficult time. Do not be so hard on yourself and do not set impossible goals for getting over the loss. You will get there in time. Try not to dwell too much or bring this issue up whenever possible. This can only hurt you more.

5) Know that it is okay to cry- If the lost thing was someone in your life, you may find tears coming quite often. This is perfectly normal. Crying can help release those feelings of loss, anger, or sadness that have built up inside of you.

6) Do not let this disease get you down- You may be struggling with the loss of something or someone that was very important to you. The loss can cause you to feel depressed, angry, and even sad. But know that it is okay to feel any of these emotions. It is normal.

7) Try to make yourself happy- There are certain things we can do to make ourselves happy when we are feeling sad and alone; this does not have to be directed at the loss in itself. If you need a comfort object, go for a nice walk or go for a swim when you can get away from everyone else. But try not to dwell on what your sadness has caused and focus on getting yourself happier again.

8) Take your time healing- This can take a while. It may seem that you are not making any progress. But know that if you take it slow and focus on doing small things each day, you will see progress. Look at the positive things in your life like meeting new people, getting a new job, or buying new clothes. This can help you get over the loss of something or someone.

9) Take care of yourself first- If possible, try to avoid thinking about what has happened for a little while and just focus on yourself for now. Do not wait for others to start giving you friendship and support when they may not want to give it to you. You may have to reach out to them and ask for what you need.

10) Do not forget about the loss- If something or someone is truly lost, then it is probably gone for good. But if it is something that was taken from you, then do not give up hope that you will get it back. Do everything you can to get back what was lost and work your hardest to make yourself happy again.

11) Stay positive- It really helps when we start looking at things as possibilities instead of hopelessness. This helps us realize that we are moving on and becoming stronger people because of the loss in our lives. It is okay to feel sad from time to time, but know that you are moving on.

12) Seek professional help- If this loss has caused depression over a long period of time, seek help. This can be with a psychiatrist, dietician for weight management, or even with a psychologist. They can help you get past the feelings of sadness and pain and replace them with new feelings of happiness again.

13) Avoid dwelling on the past- If it is something that you cannot get over no matter how hard you try, then it would be better if you did not dwell on it in your mind so much or bring it up in conversation often. It will only hurt you in the end.

14) Let the past go- If a loss has really been a tragic event, then it is likely that it will always stay with you. Do not feel guilty for letting go of something that is no longer yours to keep. You can start living your life again by moving on and focusing on new things to make yourself happy again.

15) Accept what happened- If you have lost something or someone, then there is no need to try and act like nothing has happened at all. You are going through a difficult time, but know that you are going to get through this. Give yourself time and know that you will get through it in time.

16) Get out of your comfort zone- For some people, this is something that is impossible to do. But for others, it can be done. If you are feeling down and need to get out of your comfort zone and try new things, then do so. Doing so will help you get over what has happened or what was lost.

17) Focus on something new- It may be time to get away from the situation or person that you have lost and focus on something new in life instead. You may want to start a new hobby like golfing, painting, cooking, or even riding a bike around town on a Sunday morning.

18) Take time to grieve- If you have truly lost something or someone, then it is okay to be sad. You have gone through a terrible loss, but know that this will not last forever. This is just going through a difficult time in life that everyone goes through at some point.

19) Channel your emotions into something good- If you cannot control how much you are thinking about something or someone, then try to think of what you can do instead. Think of the person or thing that has been lost as a positive thing in your life instead and focus on making them proud. Know that they would want you to do so.

20) Be kinder to yourself- The difficult times in life are going to happen. Know that you will get through them and you will be happier in the end. Be kind to yourself and do not beat yourself up over something that cannot be changed.

21) Try not to dwell on the past- If this loss has caused depression over a long period of time, then attempt as hard as you can not to dwell on what has happened in the past. There is nothing that you can do about it now, so try your best to focus on what is happening right now instead.

22) Forgive others- Forgiveness is one of the most important lessons we learn from life.


Losing something or someone is always difficult. This is something that we are not made to do, but once you have gone through it, you will feel better in the end if you try your best to let go of what has been lost.

You may want to stay away from the person or thing that has been lost and focus on other things in life. Do everything you can as hard as it may be to get over it. And know that there were no negative intentions on anyone’s part when this loss happened. It was just not meant for you at the time, but maybe these people are there for someone else instead or have already moved on to a better place themselves.

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