Having Faith In God’s Word And His Healing Power


 Having Faith In God’s Word And His Healing Power

I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single Bible passage that says that God's Word will always heal us (but it does say He will always be with us!).
The point is this: If Jesus said to bring all your cares to Him and He will give you rest for your soul, who are we to disagree? In other words, if we believe in the power of God's word, then why not believe in faith healing as well? 
Whether or not you believe in prayer and the power of prayer (though I would argue that all Christians should), there are a number of miraculous stories associated with prayer and healing.
There is the account of Lazarus, for example. Jesus told his friends to call Lazarus from the grave and he did. Another account is that of Paul, who prayed for a sick man and God healed him. So why would we not believe that prayer can have miraculous effects in our lives? 
I suppose there will always be those who argue against God's power, because unfortunately that's what they do best: They argue. 
But as Christians, let us not forget what Jesus said and also take comfort in His presence when we need it most. And most of all, let us bring our cares to Him and rest in the knowledge that He is there to help us.
And finally, let us all take comfort that Jesus said, "Come unto me…" (Matt 11:28) and "…I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28). As the Lord says in Matthew 7:7, "…ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find…" 
He also said in John 14:13-14, "Whatever you ask in my name...anything…whatever you ask in my name I will do it." 
Prayer can be very powerful when we need it most. Remember that.
Praying and fasting can be helpful, too.
I don't know about you, but I believe that it is okay to believe in both the power of God's Word and prayer and the power of God's healing.
Now that I've said all that, let me ask: Is there anything you would like to pray for? Here is a list of things that we'd like prayed for:
1) For our main character, Chloe: Let her return to a normal life as soon as possible. That way she won't have to worry about her new condition anymore and she'll be able to make more of a contribution to society.
2) For those who are suffering from cancer or any other serious illness: A good friend of mine recently passed away from cancer. I want her to know that God can heal anyone. And that you too can be healed and live a normal life, just like she did.
3) For those with ADD: The truth is, ADD makes it difficult for people to do well in school, which is why we need to pray for people with ADD so they won't have a problem when they go to school.
4) For all people who live in poverty: I know it's not easy living in poverty, but we need to pray for these people because they are not able to survive on their own.
5) For both the homeless and the poor: I know that people become homeless for many reasons, but one of the reasons is because they don't have any money. We need to pray that God will help them be able to feed themselves and have a place to live so they won't end up on the streets.
6) For those who are suffering from mental illness: The truth is, mental illness is a very serious thing. As Christians, we need to pray that God will heal these people too.
7) For the deaf: The deaf are blessed with lives equally as long as anyone else. But many of them do not have friends or family to reach out to them and help them feel included. That's why we need to pray for people with hearing disabilities so they can feel loved and belong in our societies.
8) For people who are running out of money: People use their money daily, whether it's for food, on bills, or even just to go out with friends. We need prayer so they won't run out of money before their next paycheck comes in.
9) For those who are suffering from serious depression: Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 that He will give us rest for our souls. So I pray that God will not only give these people peace, but also a place to live and food to eat while they get better.
10) For the homeless and the poor: Some people are not able to feed themselves or have a place to live. We need prayer so they'll be able to find their way through tough times.
11) For those who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia: Anorexia and bulimia are both very serious illnesses, but if left alone for too long, it can lead to death. There is no excuse for anorexia and bulimia. But people need to know that they can be healed.
12) For everyone's health: Everyone needs a healthy body, and I pray that God will heal us all when we're sick.
13) For people who are suffering from rape or any sexual abuse: People sometimes suffer from severe sexual abuse at the hands of another person. I know there is much more information on this issue out there, but I think it's important to mention that we need to pray for people who are victims of this horrible crime.
14) For the mentally ill: I know learning disabilities are not mental illnesses, but some people need support and help. We need to pray that God will heal these people so they won't have a problem in our society.
15) For those who are suffering from addictions: We all have addictions here and there, but addiction can be very dangerous if left unchecked. Addiction is a terrible thing, and we must pray for a cure.
16) For both the homeless and the poor: Some people become homeless because of drug and alcohol abuse. And sometimes it becomes very difficult for them to find a job when they're sober again. That's why I believe we need prayer for the homeless and the poor.
17) For everyone's health: We all need to eat, so I pray that God will heal those who have a hard time eating healthy and that He will heal everyone's health issues and ailments.
18) For those facing cancer: People need to know that they can be healed from this horrible disease, especially when you're young. And it also helps other people dealing with cancer to know that they can be healed as well.
19) For those who are suffering from anorexia or bulimia: A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with anorexia at the young age of 17.

For these and all prayer requests, I pray that God will give all these people and situations the attention they need to be heeled. Let's also pray for everyone in these situations so they will be comforted, loved, included and not feel alone.
Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

Several stories of those who have suffered from cancer are shared by Rohin's mother whose father died from the disease.

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