Having A Positive Attitude Brings Many Rewards


 Having A Positive Attitude Brings Many Rewards

Having a positive attitude is one of the most important things that you can do for yourself. It not only helps to get you through the day, but it helps everything from your mood to your recovery from injuries and illnesses. But sometimes life presents negative circumstances, and it's hard not to feel put down after a long day of work or school. With the right attitude though, even these times could be beneficial in their own way.
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I've never been much for reading, but when I was in junior high school someone gave me a copy of the The Power of Negative Thinking . This book is currently on my night stand and I have read it at least three times over the past couple of years. In this book, Norman Vincent Peale talks about how our thoughts affect our lives and make us who we are. He gives examples of how negative thinking makes you feel reluctant to try something new or gives a person a sense of limitations that they don't actually have. However, he also talks about how positive thinking can lead to riches, success and happiness. He says that reality is neither positive or negative; it's simply reality.
In his book, he discusses how one can have a positive attitude in anything that they do. You can have a positive attitude when you feel confident about yourself, or you can have a positive attitude when you aren't feeling confident about yourself. Either way, the results are the same. Positive thinking leads to more confidence and motivation, while negative thinking leads to the opposite emotions. Because of this the book gives advice on how to break through negative thoughts and replace them with more positive ones. He discusses how catastrophic thoughts (thinkings that lower your self-esteem) should be replaced with helpful thoughts (such as thinking about all of your good qualities). He also stresses that one should not go overboard with positive thinking, but instead they should take a realistic approach to life and positive thinking.
I've found that this book has helped me in my everyday life. When I'm having a bad day, I look at it from a different perspective and try to think of what I can do from my current situation to make my day better. If I'm feeling down about something in particular then I try to replace these thoughts with more helpful ones. After the first time that someone gave me this book, I went online and purchased two more copies so that other people could read it as well. It's definitely an interesting book with many ideas for how you can live your life more positively.
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Author: Mackenzie Hagen Date: February, 2010
The Power of Negative Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale is a book written to help you learn how to overcome bad thinking habits and replace them with better ones. This may seem like a simple task, but Mr. Peale does a great job at showing you how to take control of your thoughts and live the life that you envision for yourself. Right from the start of the book he stresses the importance of taking an objective look at yourself and what you have going for yourself in life. He goes on to say that one should not be bound by reality, instead they should recognize that reality is simply a perception we choose to accept or reject. He then goes on to give examples of how this works. The lead example he gives is about a woman who complains about her cold weather and decides that it is awful. A man joins her complaining about his allergies and wet clothes. The woman suggests that the man should be thankful for the fact that he has air conditioning in his home and a warm coat to wear. Mr. Peale says that it's important to remember not to get stuck in negative thinking but instead, you should always think of alternative solutions when something bad happens. It's this idea of accepting reality as it is, while simultaneously finding ways to improve on it, which is one of the first things he talks about in this book. He then lists many other examples of how to take an objective look at life and how to come up with more helpful thoughts.
This book has taught me a lot about taking control of my thoughts and putting myself in a place where I can make the best decisions for myself. Mr. Peale stresses that these thoughts should be based on reality, but not stuck in it. This is something that I try to remember regularly and it's the foundation of my success in life today. This book by Mr. Peale has helped me more than any other book I've ever read, because all of his ideas are directly based on something that he's experienced firsthand. He mentions many examples that I think people can relate to and it's very easy to see how they can be applied to your life. The ideas are ones that I've been using since the first time I read this book, and they've helped me in all areas of my life. This is something that I will continue to use for the rest of my life, because it leads me down a path of success, wealth and happiness every time.
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Author: Mark Johns Date: February, 2010
The Power Of Negative Thinking was written by Norman Vincent Peale. It basically talks about how you should look positively at what you have accomplished throughout your whole life and not remember the failures or negatives toward them. He basically says that all of your past failures and negatives should be looked at as experience and how you can improve on them when they happen again. He also says that you should look at what you have accomplished in the past and see how far you have come. This book is basically a guide to help you look at things positively throughout life. The main part I liked about this book is that it doesn't just tell you to think positively, it shows you how to think positively as well. He gives examples of what he thinks people do wrong with their mindset and gives examples on how they could've approached things differently instead of negatively thinking about it and doing something the wrong way. I would definitely recommend this book to others who are trying to learn how to see the positive side of everything and learn how to be a positive thinker. This book allows you to see other people's perspectives on how they see things in a negative way and then look at it in a more positive way and be able to change your mindset. This allows you to go about life with more confidence and have a better outlook on whatever situation you may face. [] [] []
[] Author: Mark Johns Date: February, 2010
The Power of Positive Thinking is definitely an eye-opening book about how one should look positively at what he/she has accomplished throughout his/her whole life rather than failing at something and remembering it forever. It's just a way of how to change your outlook on how you see things in life and to be a more positive thinker. The book has some very nice examples as well such as a man who tries to catch up with his bus but ends up falling and gets injured in the process. He then sees the bus leaving without him on it. So he gets up saying "I'll kill those bums for leaving me." but then realizes that without the accident, he would've never had the chance to be with his wife, kids and grand kids because he wouldn't have been late for work or maybe ever seen his family at all.

This book changed my outlook on what other people think about themselves and how they see things in life. It taught me to think positively about everything in my life and to be able to look at what I have accomplished rather than failing at something and staying down about it. I really liked this book because it gives you a different perspective on the world and one that you can learn from as well. This book has definitely changed my outlook on life and made me a more positive thinker when it comes to anything that I may go through as well.
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Author: Michelle Date: February, 2010 I chose the Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale as a required reading for my college class.

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