Headache And Migraine Pain Relief Through Hypnotherapy


 Headache And Migraine Pain Relief Through Hypnotherapy

Migraines may be mild to moderate, but they can still cause a lot of pain and discomfort. For some people, hypnotherapy is the best option for headache and migraine relief. As a sleep therapist in the Los Angeles area, I have seen the power of hypno-analgesia firsthand. It is not just a pill and it is not just talk therapy. It is the unique combination of human interaction and intimacy that allows us to tap into profound healing.

Hypnosis can have positive effects on any condition, but during an headache or migraine sufferer's episode, non-anxious hypnosis can provide relief like no other treatment. And more importantly, it allows you to be actively involved in your own treatment plan instead of passively suffering through it.

You can break free of the old ''''fibs, family planning, and misconceptions. You have the power to change your situation. Many of my clients have found relief from their migraines through hypnosis. They will tell you it works on a number of levels - physical, emotional and spiritual.''

Can Hypnosis Help Headache And Migraine Pain?
A migraine is a disorder that affects one in four individuals at some point in their lifetime. It's a debilitating condition, with symptoms that include severe headaches, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Lots of people know someone who has a bad migraine - it's probably the most common condition that people seek medical help for.

But many people don't know that hypnosis can be a very effective pain disorder treatment. This is because the condition of hypnosis is so similar to how a person feels during a migraine episode. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, and during the trance state, you have limited awareness and control over your thoughts, feelings and actions.

In terms of physical pain, hypno-analgesia works equally well in relieving headache pain as it does with migraines or general pain. And while some people don't believe that hypnosis can help their condition, others have found relief through it.

How Do I Know if I'm a Candidate for Hypnotherapy?
While not everyone is a good candidate for hypnosis, let's go over those who are most likely to see improvements. These are people who:

- Have an open and trusting nature towards their therapist. They need to trust that the therapist's suggestions will be safe and beneficial and not cause any harm.

- Acknowledge that there's room for improvement in their lives, especially in the area where the headache or migraine occurs.

- Are willing to work on and focus on their problems. They need to be willing to do the work and practice the suggestions, regardless of how it feels at the time.

- Feel that they can learn to cope with the headache or migraine through hypnosis rather than just accept it as a fact of life and leave their problems unresolved forever.

Your doctor may be able to tell you if hypnosis will help by doing a psychological test called The Hamilton Rating Scale for Migraine . Or you may need to see your doctor again for a second opinion before starting.

Do Not Wait!
It's time to get your headache and migraine relief. You can have the same kind of relief that so many others have experienced through hypnosis, but only if you act now. I'm available to treat you here in Los Angeles, but if you're not in the area, I can send my lower-cost program to you in a recorded format - even if it is just for a few minutes of hypnosis at a time - to help with your health and pocketbook.

For further information on hypnosis and migraine pain, read this article on MedlinePlus (the U.S National Library of Medicine's website). For more information about me and my practice, visit our website at http://www.4sleep.com , or print out a free article of mine on ''''top ten reasons why people don't sleep well.''

I also have a free recorded hypnosis session that you can use to help your headache or migraine pain for free! Just call 888-664-9275 now and I'll send it out to you immediately. Please feel free to call me anytime with your questions about headaches, migraine pain or any other sleep disorder issues you have.

Migraine Pain FAQ
What Are Headaches?
Headaches, or migraines, are one of the most common pain conditions. They can be mild to moderate, but still cause intensive and debilitating pain. Migraines are among one of the most difficult conditions to treat, yet there is a wide range of effective options that you have at your disposal. This can make it even more confusing and overwhelming, as you research all the available options. Most people who have migraine headaches don't know where to begin, so they simply put up with them. But it doesn't have to be this way.

What are Migraine Pain Relief Options?
There are many different types of treatment for migraine pain. Some of them include prescription medications, such as pain relievers or antidepressants, and some don't include any type of medication at all. These options can be effective if you follow the appropriate guidelines and take the recommended dosage. But they can also be dangerous in other situations.

No matter how effective a relief option is, it won't work if you don't use it correctly or properly. Here is a complete list of migraine relief options that will help you get rid of your headache and migraine pain:
Drugs: These medications will offer short term relief from your headaches and migraines. However, they can be habit forming and you have to be careful in taking them so that you can get the most benefit while avoiding side effects. Medicines that may work to relieve you from your migraine pain include:
· Non-Prescription Over the counter medications: Other drugs that are available without a prescription include Rizatriptan and Imitrex. They are approved for treating migraine pain, but if these do not work for you, there are also a variety of other options. You can contact a specialist or doctor who will recommend one based on your symptoms. You can also read other people's experience and consider following their own recommendations with any treatment option.

There are many different treatment options for migraine pain. Choosing the most effective one will depend on your symptoms and how severe they are. It's also important that you choose a treatment option that can be maintained and controlled. Depending on the method, some treatments can become too expensive or too complicated to continue taking. Remember, if you aren't satisfied with your results, there are other options out there.

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