Healing From Childhood Abuse


 Healing From Childhood Abuse

For many, the wounds from abuse are deep and lasting. The darkness of abuse leaves its mark on the victim's self-esteem and personal relationships. Healing is a long process with no shortcuts, but there are methods that can help make it much easier.

This blog promises to help you understand how your past impacts your present and what you can do to heal yourself in a sustainable manner with no unwanted side effects. It also talks about some steps to help children heal from their own past traumatic experiences.

You have to start with believing that you can heal. I started by telling myself that what happened to me was not my fault, and that I deserved to be treated well. I had felt for a long time that it was my fault and I secretly held on to the pain as some form of repayment for all the wrongs done to me.

I also stopped blaming others who caused me pain, and learned how to let go of resentment and bitterness. You don't have to take it personally when people treat you badly, but you do have a right to set boundaries when people try to hurt you or treat you in ways they would not like if the tables were turned.

I also learned to stop questioning why people do the things they do. I was taught that if you find yourself asking, "Why?" a lot, then you probably have a place in your heart for them. If you don't, then it's time to let go of the friendship or relationship.

For more information about my healing process, please read my blog entry, 如何恢復健康 (How I Regained My Health). Additionally I wrote another blog entry describing how to get help when family and friends are not supportive: 我想表明 (I Need to Express My Feelings).

If you have a loved one who is suffering from abuse, I hope this information will help you understand that there is never any justifiable reason to hurt another human being. Just as two people can become close and even share lives, so too two human beings can become master and slave.

This blog hopes to inform people of the many resources available for healing from childhood abuse in a way that's respectful and comprehensive: http://healingfromchildhoodabuseguide.blogspot.com/p/resources_for_herpes_and...

As I was writing this blog There was a comment that said, "I want to know this healing stuff, but I'm too scared. I don't want to go through it all over again."

Let me say that I understand the fear of going through this process all over again. It's a very scary thing to revisit these memories. But the truth is, you need to stop believing that things will be different the next time or it won't work. The only way is to make a commitment now and get started. To let go of old wounds and new wounds are just scars on the body. Scars are just proof that you healed once and can heal again.

There is a saying that goes like this, "I would rather be burned by a rose than loved by a thistle." For me, healing has brought more joy and happiness than I ever thought possible. It's time for you to try it out. Be healed or be miserable!

Herpes support group http://www.reddit.com/r/Herpes/ (talk about what we need to do to get better) http://www.reddit.com/r/veganhealth (how vegan diet helps many people with herpes) https://www.facebook.com/groups/194594940979272/ (Herpes support group) http://www.healthunlocked.com/forum.....-therapy-forum (Support, discussion and advice on a wide range of health topics) https://www.facebook.com/groups/122112285371734/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel (Self improvement & personal development) https://www.reddit.com/r/getmotivated/ (Where to start? Motivation & inspiration)

NEDA - National Eating Disorders Association http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/information-and-support/local-eating-disorders-organizations/ (an association of local support groups and crisis hotlines) http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/downloads/NEDA%20Guidelines_2012.pdf http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/sites....s_SelfHelp (all about self help for eating disorders) http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/resources-for-professionals/resources-for-survivors/ (a list of online and print resources for those recovering from eating disorders)

Where to find support for eating disorders: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/get-help-online/find-treatment http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/get-help-online/find-treatment (an extensive list of support groups and treatment options) http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/local....s_Organizations (local groups in your area) http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/local....s_Colleges (college groups and resources in the area) https://www.facebook.com/groups/needyourare (online support groups and therapy) http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/local....s_Welfare-Agency (welfare agencies that provide support and services) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1385187989882356/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel (support groups at universities or colleges in the area)

How to join a support group: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/get-help-online/find-treatment https://www.facebook.com/groups/nldsu..../113518654012518/ (NEDA support groups)

Eating disorders and religion http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/information-and-support/local-eating-disorders-organizations/ http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/site....t_Spirituality (for those interested in spirituality) https://www.facebook.com/groups/1429368768758915/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel (for people with eating disorders who have religious backgrounds) https://www.reddit.com/r/askreddit/comments.....adaism_without (a discussion about eating disorder recovery in a spiritual context) https://www.reddit.


I hope that after reading this fourth essay, you will feel encouraged to get started and begin your recovery journey. The time for change is now, and I pray that my story can help you become the person you have always dreamed of being. The truth is there are very few things in life worth suffering through—and healing deserves to be one of them.

If you or a loved one are suffering from an eating disorder and don't know where to turn, please get help now! If there is anyone out there who has information on recovering from an eating disorder or related issues, please contact me at healingfromchildhoodabuseguide@gmail.com.

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