Hearts Made Strong


 Hearts Made Strong

You've been dealt some blows, you're bruised and beaten up. Laid on the mat for long enough that you're convinced this is your life now. Your losses have defined you, but it's not too late to take a stand - because in the end, you might be fighting for something bigger than yourself. Everyone gets knocked down; the key is to get back up. It might seem like an impossible task to regain your footing after being knocked over by life again and again - but we promise it's worth it.
The reason you were created, the reason you were put on this earth, is not to be found in what you do or how many things you possess. And it's definitely not found in your circumstances. Your purpose is not to simply "survive." It's to  become who God made you to be, and fully embrace all He has for you!
The greatest battles of your life will demand your greatest courage. But when you identify the battles that will matter for eternity, and choose to fight for them, nothing you experience here on earth can defeat you.
"[God] will turn the world's most bitter sorrows into God's richest blessings." Twitter Tweet Facebook Share on Facebook
Psalm 119:71 MSG Don't ever quit. You'll only quit the fight if you stop turning to God in prayer.
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. All of us who are mature should take such a broad and long perspective. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you." Philippians 3:14–15 MSG
"You can't always be strong, but you can always choose to be brave." Twitter Tweet Facebook Share on Facebook
For many, this isn't the first time they've circled the mat in a fight they thought would knock them out. They may not have been knocked out, but they're down. And they're willing to believe that they'll never stand again.
But you know that's not true. You know there have been times in your life when you've believed you were finished; times when your mind insisted that no amount of prayer, motivation or faith could bring you up. But in the end, God  didn't turn nothing into something! He turned a broken life into a choice to be made:
If you're going to lose [something] on the mat, this time is it. There's going to be no more chances. You've been dealt some serious blows, so no more doubt. This is it. No more questions. This is your life now.
But you can still choose to rise again once you've been beaten down the way Jesus was. When He rose from the grave, those who knew Him best stood in awe:
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." What a wonder! We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son—full of grace and truth. John 1:14 NLT
They were so convinced of who He was that they claimed He would live again and remain with them. We know the same is true for us. Because Jesus came through the grave, there's no reason we can't come out of our darkest days as well. But we have to choose to believe that God has a purpose for our defeats:
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


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