Helping Others Gets You What You Want


 Helping Others Gets You What You Want

Are you looking for a way to feel happier, get more out of life, and have the satisfaction of helping people in need like those in poverty? Then volunteer! By volunteering you can give back to others by donating your time and talents. And after all that good work, volunteering may also provide you with better health, wealth, improved relationships, more happiness and a sense of purpose. So how do you get started with this rewarding endeavor? Here are some ways.

Volunteer Locally First
It is simple to volunteer. You can donate your time to various causes and organizations such as schools, religious institutions, hospitals, and other community projects. Look around in your community for a place that needs help. Offer assistance where you can and get a sense of the different types of aid you can offer. You may find that you have skills to offer or ways of helping with which you are already familiar. This is the easiest and most rewarding way to begin your volunteer career.

Volunteer Internationally
You can also volunteer internationally. Some organizations in need of volunteers are focused on providing direct services while others focus more on preparing and educating volunteers in a specific area or country. Look around the world for organizations that need your help and serve people who live, work, study, and/or vacation there. If you have a need to travel, volunteering can prove to be an enriching and rewarding experience.

Join a Group or Organization
Another way to get started with your volunteer career is to join an organization or group. Many groups are run largely by volunteers. Check out the websites and Yellow Pages for groups that help people in need of assistance, such as those who have lost family members, young adults trying to find their own identity, the homeless, single mothers and more. Get involved as a volunteer at your local food kitchen or shelter and see how you can help. Not only will you be helping others, but you'll also be helping yourself by gaining experience in your field of interest.

Volunteer Overseas
Looking for exotic locales to travel and help people in need? Consider visiting those who live overseas. Volunteering online is another way to help people in need who live overseas.

You can find diverse volunteer opportunities that offer you the chance to help others and have fun doing it. Regardless of your personal interests, you're sure to find a way to get started as a volunteer. 
One of the best things about volunteering is that once you get into it, you won't want to stop! [Citation needed]
"Who cares if I never get paid? In fact, I'll take complacency over money any day.

Did you know that in 1966 Vietnam there were two major volunteer organizations, CIA covertly using national assets to run the Secret War and USAID. The war was costing us $1 billion per day, so President Lyndon Johnson asked Congress for $700 million in aid to help rebuild South Vietnam. In late 1966, Congress passed the Economic Opportunity Act of 1967, which provided as much as $800 million for President Johnson's Great Society programs and a paltry $26 million for Vietnam.

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