Helping Your Child Stop Smoking


 Helping Your Child Stop Smoking

If you're struggling to help your child quit smoking, it's time to take action. There are plenty of benefits that you and your family will enjoy, but this is also the toughest step yet. People want to believe that if they can just hang in there and make it to the end of their journey then they'll be rewarded with a fresh breath, a slightly slimmer waistline and an improved life expectancy. It doesn't work like that though, so buckle down and prepare for some tough times ahead.
You'll need to use all your willpower, as well as a little bit of emotional manipulation and intense medical treatment.
Don't worry, I'm going to walk you through the process step by step. Just follow me and everything will be alright. All you need to do is follow my lead and everything will be fine.
I'm going to start this step by explaining exactly what you need to do.
Start a Chain
You have to start a chain of events that will completely shock your child out of the smoking habit. When he sees that his one bad decision has led to so many more bad things happening, it will show him just how dangerous smoking actually is.
Once he's come out of this fog and realizes how much stress he was under, you can easily convince him to quit.
Just find a way to make it seem like his decision to smoke was a big mistake. For example, pretend that he has lost all of his friends, gotten in trouble at school, been banned from the local bar and has gained a lot of weight. He'll quickly realize that even though smoking seemed like the right decision at the time, it was actually going to lead to so many bad things.
You should do this for yourself as well.

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