How Being SMART Isn't Always the Right Objective


 How Being SMART Isn't Always the Right Objective

Ever wonder why those people you know who seem successful in their endeavors can appear to be so clueless when it comes to the finer details of life? Or how they can continually mess up their relationships or make questionable decisions without learning from them? You might have been told that they are "too SMART" for this world.

It may sound like a compliment, but not always. It is often used as a backhanded compliment to mean that someone thoughtless, which is anything but smart.

In this article, I'd like to discuss the difference between being SMART and actually being STUPID.

Our school system emphasizes the importance of academic intelligence in our youth, but as we get older, it becomes apparent that there are other factors that are just as important. In fact, some of these factors may be more important than all the academic learning in the world. Factors such as social intelligence and emotional intelligence may be more important for your success than what you learned about in school.

How do you define a person who is SMART? One definition comes from J.P. Moreland's book Smart Thinking,

"SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. These factors are important in order to focus our efforts and truly accomplish something. The SMART factor helps us set goals that will be meaningful and beneficial." [1]

For example: You would like to lose weight and get in shape. Your SMART goals might be to lose twenty pounds by the end of January; or reduce the number of miles you drive per week from 10 to 3; or give up eating carbohydrates after supper; etc..

Now let's look at the opposite of SMART objectives: our common STUPID objectives.

Stupid – "not exhibiting ordinary intelligence or sound judgment; unwise. Lacking in common sense." [2]

For example, a STUPID goal to lose weight and get in shape may be to walk two miles every day. When you begin, it seems easy and even fun, but after just a few miles you are exhausted and you realize that two miles is not nearly as far as it seemed at the beginning! You never continue your goal past the first week because it doesn't seem worthwhile anymore. Another STUPID objective might be to eat smaller portions of your favorite high fat foods for one year. In the beginning, this seems like a great idea, but after a few months of this diet your favorite foods taste terrible. You were able to lose weight at first on this diet, but now you are even heavier than you started and your health has taken a big hit as well.

Most people who want to lose weight fail because they either don't know HOW to lose weight or are not motivated enough to do what is required. People often attempt losing weight in the wrong way because of lack of information; and because they lack motivation for change once the information is acquired.

Another common type of STUPID goal is "looking for love in all the wrong places. "You just don't seem to be able to attract the one that is right for you and you are starting to think that you are not good enough. You want so much in a relationship, yet constantly go into a state of despair when something doesn't work out. People like this give up because they know there is no hope, yet still continue to search for something that does not exist.

People who have STUPID goals often have little or no emotional intelligence. Emotions are a part of our every day life and can be an emotional rollercoaster. They can make us feel discouragement, guilt, sadness, happiness, anger and many other emotions in a matter of minutes or hours.

One of the best ways to conquer STUPID goals is to take a look at your social intelligence . Social intelligence is not just a matter of common sense, but it also means that you are sensitive to others and manage relationships well. People with strong social intelligence can use their emotions in a positive way; thus enhancing their relationships with other people. [3]

If you have STUPID goals, the best thing that you can do is to work on improving your emotional and social intelligence. With this comes better decision making skills, more confidence and enhanced self-esteem. To improve yourself takes humility, which means being able to admit when you are wrong, as well as integrity which means taking responsibility for mistakes and resolving them quickly.

Remember, "Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen." [4] If you have made STUPID decisions, learn from them and begin to implement SMART goals.

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Endnotes:  Smart Thinking : How are YOU smart? : "Being Smart is not enough for someone who wants to feel good about their life" N.A., J.P., Smart Thinking, Prentice Hall, 2003 Deborah Itzkowitz has been an ambassador for the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association, as well as a speaker at numerous colleges and universities teaching on topics in health and wellness. A graduate of the University of Southern California, she is currently working on publishing a book, "A Doctor's Journey" and she continues to write health articles which are published internationally. Deborah has been married for over twenty years and is the mother of five children, two boys and three girls. You can find more information about Deborah at her website,



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Think about 3 goals that you now have in your life. Are those goals SMART or STUPID? If they are STUPID, how can you change them to become SMART? That is the question for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and that it made a lasting impression on your life. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors! . . . . . . . . Copyright © 2011 by Deborah Itzkowitz, MSSW All rights reserved — acknoledged and granted


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