How Can I Tell What Vibes I'm Sending Out?


 How Can I Tell What Vibes I'm Sending Out?

Kinesics is the study of body language and how it affects interpersonal communication. We can define vibes to be a person's personal "feel" for an environment or situation.

A good way to figure out what vibes you're sending out is to ask others what they perceive from you. There are some websites and apps that help you analyze your personal 'vibe'. You know, in case you want to change anything about yourself."

If you're giving off negative vibes, there are ways that we can adjust our behaviors to not push people away. Negative vibes are easy to spot. People will avoid you, tense up when you're around, and anyone in the vicinity will be uncomfortable at best. Some people think that negative vibes are a result of being defensive or mean but it can happen for so many other reasons."

Vibes can be picked up on instantly by anyone in the area. Many people find it hard to read vibes from others because they forget that they're giving off "vibes" as well."

Stop and look around your current surroundings. When you feel like something is off about a person's body language and positive/negative expression, try and figure out why. It'll improve your skills in times when it actually matters.

Vibes are an essential part of life, they help us get along with others and learn to understand them. Sure, not everyone will like you but the people who care won't mind that you put out vibes that they don't like."

A negative vibe will not make things better; it'll just add more layers of negativity until nothing is left. It's hard to figure out what people think about us because sometimes we don't want to hear the truth."

But as hard as it may be, accepting this truth is important if we want to improve upon ourselves and our interactions with others. If you want to change your vibe, here's how to do it.

Step 1:

Breathe. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Do this for about 30 seconds. This can help you relax provided you're doing it correctly. The key is to have a slow, steady breathing pattern that allows you to think straight."

Step 2:

Whats bothering you? What made you put off that vibe? Are you angry? If so, at who or what and why? A lot of the time people will give off vibes because they're simply mad or upset at others or themselves. "

Step 3:

Think about it and express your thoughts. You can do this by writing them down, talking to someone you trust, or if you're comfortable with it, just getting it all out while speaking out loud. This can be difficult but the more you express yourself, the better off you'll feel."

Step 4:

Figure out why this happened. What made you mad or upset? Was it a person? A situation? A particular feeling? Did something remind of you of something else that happened before?"

Step 5: Set goals for yourself. Figure out what exactly about your vibes is bothering people and try and fix it. Try closing your eyes and see if you can visualize what you're doing and/or feel. This can be a great way to improve your abilities to control your own body language."

Step 6:

Practice! Every day try and try again. Remember that positive vibes are the easiest to put out, so try putting out positive vibes while you're alone and in public. You'll get used to sending them out if done enough times."

Step 7:  Stop arguing. Vibes are something that others pick up on instantly without even thinking about it. Stop arguing immediately when someone tells you off or when someone does something wrong. Instead of looking for a fight, start improving yourself. It's a lot easier to improve your own vibes than it is to change everyone else's."

Step 8:  Change yourself. If someone points out something about you that rubs them the wrong way, don't take it personally. Instead, figure out what is bothering them and why. Why do they feel that way?"

Step 9:  Always remember that when you put out a certain vibe, others will pick up on it."

So when someone says 'I don't like your vibe' just remember that there are people who have looked at the whole picture, not just the part you see. Everybody's got their opinions, but if they don't agree with yours they may not tell you directly. It's best to remember this and try to fix or change whatever it is that bothers them."

Music that people seem to be dancing a lot around tends to show high positive vibes. The same is true for music that people are running away from quickly. Dancing around after listening to moody music also shows a high positive vibe.

If you're not sure what your vibes are, it's best to see if you can get a 3rd party opinion. You know, so you can see what your friends and family think of you."

If they're not talking to you, they're probably sending out negative vibes. If they are talking to you, then there's a good chance that they like your vibe."

Mastering the art of sending out positive vibes takes time, so don't get discouraged if it doesn't happen right away. Being positive is something that will make others more willing to be around you and help in any way that they can.

The idea of sending out positive vibes is simple in theory, but a little more difficult in practice. However, if you keep trying and keep practicing, it'll be much easier to take notice of when your vibe is positive or negative."

Even though your vibes may be similar to others', every person's vibe is set individually. Because of this, you shouldn't look to others for inspiration on how to change your own vibe."

So go ahead and try it out! Positive thoughts equal positive vibes and a positive vibe will only help improve people's interactions with you.

Chapter 10:

How to get better at reading people's emotions and behavior

Chapter 10: How to Get Better at Reading People's Emotions and Behavior

Emotions are something that we go through every day of our lives. You know the're angry, sad, or happy. But how can you tell what someone is thinking or feeling?

Many people just take things for granted when it comes to reading other people's emotions because it's something that many "non-intellective" people do. That is to say, they don't think much about how others are feeling."

Having a good personality usually means having good intuition.


You can learn to read people with no problem at all. So the next time someone says "How did you know that?" just smile and say,"I have my ways."

No doubt you'll be surprised when you do it. You might even start wondering if other people are reading your emotions."

Chapter 11:

How to give people a friendly vibe

Chapter 11: How to Give People a Friendly Vibe

There's no such thing as a bad person, but there are more bad vibes than good ones. When people put out the wrong vibes, it can really hurt other people, which is exactly what we don't want to happen.

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