How Can The Law Of Attraction Help With Stress?


 How Can The Law Of Attraction Help With Stress?

Are you feeling anxious or stressed out? Do you often struggle to get things done in a timely manner? If so, the Law of Attraction might be for you. A law-of-attraction practitioner by the name of Robin Dorett recently wrote about this topic and how it can help with stress and anxiety. The author discusses how employing the power of positive thinking is key to happiness and good mental health. As any mental health professional will tell you, positive thinking is good for your long term mental well-being — but that it also leads to greater success in all areas of life, not just one's personal problems.
"Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction, but they don't know how to use it to relieve stress. If you are feeling anxious or stressed out, you can use the same law that got you into that state in the first place to change your situation."
We've all heard about how positive thinking and visualization can help us achieve what we want in life — from financial security to finding relationships — but Dorett gets a bit more specific with this law and its relationship to stress relief. "The Rule of Opposites is [also] important when dealing with stressful situations," Dorett writes. "For example, for every statement about what you don't want (i.e. you don't want to be stressed), there should be a statement about what you do want (i.e. you do want to have a calm and peaceful life)."
The author also gives an example of the Rule of Opposites in action: "If you cannot sleep because you are stressed out, write down 'I can relax and get everything done that I need to do in the next 24 hours.' Imagine yourself waking up peacefully tomorrow morning and your whole day going perfectly… You will notice that your stress level will go down as well."
Dorett also discusses how to use visualization exercises if you are having trouble falling asleep or if you lie awake at night worrying. Instead of trying to sleep, the author advises that you should "write down what you are grateful for before you go to bed. Also, write down and imagine how you will handle stressful situations in the future. Imagine yourself acting calmly and peacefully."
You can read more about this topic as well as other law-of-attraction tips at — so check it out!
Cecilie Asker , has over 20 years experience helping people achieve success by applying the Law of Attraction principles . She is an international speaker , author and coach . This article was originally published at:
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Posted by Cecilie Asker at 4:38 AM No comments:
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Posted by Cecilie Asker at 5:41 AM No comments:
The Law of Attraction is often known as a "universal force" or "secret power" that can be harnessed by anybody to change his or her life from a state of lack into a life of abundance and prosperity. But is it really possible for anybody to be successful in doing so? Read more about it here .
Posted by Cecilie Asker at 6:04 AM No comments:
During my first year of law school I was driving around with some other law students when I got lost. I pulled over to the side of the road to get a map and some directions. As I stood there trying to figure out which way I needed to go, an older man (about 70 years old) walked up behind me and asked what I was doing. I politely explained that I was a law student who had gotten lost and was looking for directions as to where my destination was.
"Well, if you want directions," he said, "I'll give them to you for free."
As we started walking down the street, he proceeded to tell me how long it would take me to get there. This took about ten minutes or so. And, upon reaching my destination, the man still continued to point me in the right direction. As we walked down the street he stopped and said, "I'm sorry I can't tell you where your destination is."
"But you did give me directions," I replied.
"No," he said, "I gave you a path to follow."
It was at this moment that I understood what The Law of Attraction was all about. What he had done was not give me directions but rather show me the path (or road) that would eventually lead me to my destination. And while it may not have been via a direct route, it did start out somewhere. That was the road that he had shown me, and it is how I created this blog.
I started out by creating my free ebook on how to manifest money fast . Then, I sent it out to a small group of people. As time went on, I began to write more blogs and other ebooks (i.e. manifestation is sexy , easy manifestation ).I then started this blog as well as an ezine that goes out weekly to help spread the word. This blog has now become one of the most popular blogs in the Law of Attraction niche.

Conclusion: It is said that your life is a journey and not a destination. And while this may be true, it still starts with some sort of plan on the way to that destination. I didn't just sit around and wait for something to happen. Instead, I took action in order to create the life I wanted. I am currently in the process of writing my fourth book which is all about how you can use The Law of Attraction in your everyday life (and it will be published sometime later this year).
One thing that stands out to me when I think back on this story is how such a small act has created so much value, meaning and impact in my life (and other people's lives as well).

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