How Indifference Can Bring You Success


 How Indifference Can Bring You Success

How does indifference bring success? When the stakes are high and you need to be able to rise up, it’s not just persistence and devotion that will get you through. It’s also having an attitude of indifference.

An entrepreneur who is indifferent to the outcome has a more successful business because they will:
-take risks, which lead to innovations 
-put in all their effort for work even when circumstances become difficult   -respond creatively in adversity
Those who have mastered the art of indifference have a "never mind" attitude, which creates an environment where people can recover quickly from failures or emotional losses. The result is increased confidence and resilience.
-They are not attached to outcomes and so are completely open to new ideas and opportunities.
-They don’t get into trouble when things go wrong, because they know it’s not personal. 
-When they face failure or adversity, they have the mental strength to move on quickly. They don’t give up or get discouraged—instead, they make corrections and try again . The bigger your dreams, the more you will be tested by failure. You need indifference to be able to handle against setbacks and still stay in control of yourself.
-If you are indifferent about the outcome, you can focus on solutions rather than problems . 
-Indifference results in courage. You are not so attached to ideas or outcomes that you fear trying new things or exploring different approaches. You’re not afraid to stand out from the crowd, take risks or make a mistake .
-Indifference allows you to be open, rather than defensive . 
-When you care less about whether something is good or bad, you can focus on what works and be more creative.
Indifference separates the men from the boys in every aspect of life, distinguishing those who are successful from those who are not. The only difference between where you are today and where you want to be is the amount of effort that you will put into your thinking and attitudes .
How can you develop indifference?
-Develop an attitude of self-sufficiency. Seemingly impossible problems are solved every day by being mentally prepared to handle adversity. 
You can tell the difference between those who want to be successful and those who are too dependent on others. The important difference is that self-sufficient people think they can handle hard times. They plan their lives in such a way that they aren’t at the mercy of others.
-Expect disappointment and rejection, and you won’t be overcome by it when it happens . 
If you expect the worst, you won’t be disappointed when things don’t go your way . 
Adversity is an opportunity for you to rise above the crowd and determine whether or not your dream is important enough for you to overcome frustration. You can let it propel you forward or stop you in your tracks. It’s up to you. 
-Develop a sense of personal responsibility .
Indifference gives us the strength to use our own initiative and make our own decisions .
-Consider how lucky you are compared with others who are less fortunate than you . 

I’m not asking that we focus on our problems—that would be a complete waste of time at this point (except to confirm that we have them). But, instead of focusing on what you’re going to do to change things for the better, focus on why you will win no matter what.
If you want to be successful, you need indifference.

Since 2003, when he launched Udemy, Eren Bali has provided more than 40 online courses via his website. He began learning computer programming at age 14 and graduated from Bilkent University in 1997 with a degree in Theoretical Physics, before launching a series of businesses and ventures. In 2006, he founded Udemy, which aimed to provide free education via the Internet by tying together instructors, students and course management platforms such as PayPal.

In 2008, a series of terrorist attacks across the globe forced Eren Bali to rethink his relationship with Islam. Encouraged by his wife and two young sons, he began developing an expanded version of Islam than what was presented in the Koran and Islamic law. His new version of Islam evolved him from practicing Muslim through being a Muslim Identity Denier (MID) – someone who rejects what is called Islamic fundamentalism because it limits personal expression and freedom. In fact, Eren Bali earned the title of “Maverick Muslim” after writing a blog article on the topic for The Huffington Post in April 2011. His new version has three major principles: Spirituality, Anti-Terrorism, and Democracy. These three principles define him as a Muslim. He has spoken about his new model for Islam at events across the globe and in several cities including Amsterdam, New York City, Los Angeles and Istanbul.

Eren Bali is from Turkey where he worked on his latest book "Love Your Neighbor: What Christians Can Learn from Muslims". The book was released in October 2011 by Xlibris Publishing and is available online at major online retailers like Amazon (, BarnesandNoble ( and others.

Eren Bali was named one of the top 100 innovative thinkers of our time by The Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC in their annual Innovation Challenge.

Udemy is a free and easy to use website and mobile app for anyone who wants to learn. The instructors are regular people with real world experience that want to share their knowledge with the rest of the world.
Eren Bali is credited with coining the term "Udemy" in 2003, when he launched his first online teaching course. He has taught over 40 courses on Udemy since it opened in 2011.


Eren Bali is featured in several articles across the internet:

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