How Meditation Can Change Your Life


 How Meditation Can Change Your Life

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to relax and keep your body healthy. It’s a practice that can be done wherever you are, in any position, at any time. Research has shown that meditation training can help people learn to better manage stress, sleep better, and feel more positive about their lives.

With the support of a meditation teacher, you can learn to practice mindfulness and become more aware of your daily activities - everything from eating and walking to social interactions and hobbies.

Like any type of exercise, meditation is hard work. But it can change your life - for the better. It won't happen overnight, but with consistent effort, you can reap the rewards of a healthier body and greater happiness in your life. read more >>

Title: Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness


What's "positive psychology"? Here's howPositive psychologists study human flourishing — how we are happier, healthier, and wiser when we take better care of our minds as well as our bodies. Positive psychology is the science of happiness.

The past few decades have seen an explosion in research on what makes people happy. The modern idea that we can find happiness through hedonic pleasures—such as eating chocolate or watching our favorite TV show—is far from what research actually shows.

Based on dozens of reliable studies, happiness is more about how we interact with other people than the things we own or do for ourselves. A positive outlook toward life matters, above all else, when it comes to building a full and flourishing life. read more >>

Title: How to Be Happy: The 8 Principles of Positive Psychology That Will Change Your Life


There are many ways to be happy in life and positive psychologists have identified eight principles of happiness that will transform your life. These principles can be summarized in the acronym HAPPINESS, which stands for:

Happiness is a skill and it’s learnable. You are not stuck with the hand you’re dealt. Happiness is both an inward feeling and an outward focus. Happiness is the best revenge. Grudges hurt you more than they hurt others. Happiness can be found everywhere; you just need to look for it. Happiness is contagious. Happiness is a choice. Happiness is procrastination. Happiness can be found in the present moment. Happiness can be savored and enjoyed as it arises. read more >>

Title: How to Talk to Your Kids About Money (and Why Our Kids Are Terrified of it)


There’s obviously a lot to love about the dawning of panhandlers grabbing for spare change along the thoroughfare, but there’s also a lot of financial confusion among teens and young adults today, particularly when it comes to money...and that’s probably why so many are looking for answers from their parents before they head out into the world.

The onus is often on the parents to teach their kids about money, but if you don’t have your own finances in order, it’s hard to teach something you don’t know. It’s a vicious cycle; teenagers are fearful of money because they see their parents struggling with it and their parents are struggling with money because they aren’t good at teaching their kids what they should know. read more >>

Title: The Truth About (Self-Improvement) Motivation


Before we begin, I do want to make a brief remark here. Let me make clear that I’m not a proponent of negativity. What I am trying to do is provide a way of thinking about motivation that can help you to understand that while motivation is important, it has nothing to do with getting down on yourself – and everything to do with shifting your understanding of what it means to be motivated. read more >>

Title: The Motivation Myth: Self-Help Books, Memoirs, and the Myths of Meaning


There are people who get motivated. And then there are people who don’t. There is no epiphany that fully explains these differences. You might have the deepest, most life-changing revelation one day and then discover that you have no idea why you major in philosophy and end up on a six-figure salary. You might be all fired up to run a marathon and less than an hour after setting your alarm fail to show up at all. For the time being, let’s just call these “motivation myths.” read more >>

Title: The Happiness Fix: 6 Steps to Achieving Your Most Powerful Year Yet


Positive psychology is all about cultivating happiness. And yes, you can be happy, even when life gets tough. That's the gist of this book--a guide to strengthening your resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from stress and adversity and thrive in the face of hardship. But it's also about more than that. It's about how to stop waiting and start doing make your life better, not just in the next hour or day, but in the years to come. read more >>

Title: 10 Ways to Take Control of Your Destiny Right Now (When You Don’t Feel Like It) « Happiness


Most people agree that having a sense of control is an important element of happiness. Just how powerful is control over our happiness? According to recent research, it is THE most important factor! In fact, the study found that even if we were able to meet all others needs and wants, our own sense of control would still be what most contributes to our happiness level.

Conclusion: While we can’t directly control much in our lives, the things we can control is what determines our happiness. read more >>

Title: The Power of Small Choices: A New Theory of Personal Change


What inspires us? What motivates us to change? To learn something new? To become better people? You might be surprised to know that motivation isn’t necessarily the key…maybe, just maybe, it’s all about the small choices we make every single day.

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