How To Achieve Your Desires With A Goal Achievement System - Part 1


 How To Achieve Your Desires With A Goal Achievement System - Part 1

If you're reading this article then chances are you're looking for a way to make progress towards an important goal without getting stuck in "will I ever get there?" syndrome.

Don't worry, it's not just you. Life can feel like one big uphill battle of finding the time, effort and motivation to take the first steps. But if you put your goals and desires in a specific place where they belong, it becomes easy to visualize progress towards them. This is the first step in achieving your desires through a system that will help guide you through the ups and downs of everyday life so that even when times get tough, your foundation remains strong enough to get back on track with renewed energy.

I'm going to show you how to achieve your desires using a goal achievement system right now. It will take a couple of minutes to read the whole article and by doing so, you'll learn how to achieve your desires and goals with ease.

If this article is too long for you, then here's the summary: put your goals in a specific place where they belong. Make sure your vision is lucid and clear so that you can visualize yourself achieving it as if it has already happened. Use this goal achievement system as often as possible throughout the day until you reach your desired outcome.

And if you're really interested in learning how to make your desires come true, then I suggest that you read it all the way to the end.

Here's a quote from Napoleon Hill, author of one of the greatest success books ever written – Think And Grow Rich , who knew this goal achievement system well:

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." – Napoleon Hill

The key to achieving your goals is having a clear vision. You need to know where you're going before you start. Once you've created a stunningly powerful vision for yourself there are many things that can stand in your way when it comes to moving forward.

This goal achievement system is a simple but powerful way of achieving your desires by helping you to make the right decisions in difficult situations. It can help you achieve your goals in any area of your life.

The key is to create a vision for yourself that stays clear and lucid in your mind so that you can see it even when things aren't working out as you had originally planned. This goal achievement system is something that I've developed and used over the past decade with great success.

Here's how you do it:

First, get some paper and write down exactly what it is that you want to achieve or reach. Be very specific about how it will look, taste and feel when it has already happened.

You need to be able to visualize the results of your efforts even when things seem to be going wrong. It may mean that you have to get out of a routine that you're used to and switch up your habits or routines a little. You see, when you create this lucid vision for yourself, it can help you make the right decisions in difficult situations because it will take all of the guesswork out of life for you.

It can help prevent you from making decisions based on impulse which can end up wreaking havoc in your life.

Here's an example: If when at school, after lunchtime, you were usually standing outside smoking while waiting for your friends, applying makeup etc. – you might have created a vision for yourself that looks like this:

Maybe it's not being outside with the other kids. Maybe it's about not smoking because the smell is making your mother angry. Maybe your vision is about keeping fit, since you've started playing basketball during PE and it's showing off all of your hard work. Perhaps you've realised that smoking and drinking alcohol just isn't for you anymore because you want to grow up to be a healthy adult and set an example for your family.

Maybe your vision is about developing a passion for sports, or science, or animals. Maybe it's about becoming stronger in your faith. Maybe it's about wanting to get better marks at school and make your parents proud. Maybe you want to start helping those less fortunate than yourself by volunteering at the soup kitchen – whatever it is that you desire strongly enough, you will achieve it if you put this system in place.

Whatever your goal and desire is, create a vision for yourself and write it down, clearly! You can use the goal achievement system I'm going to tell you about later on in this article to keep yourself focused on your desired outcome no matter what.

Once you've written down your desire in as much detail as possible, then you need to find a specific place in your home or room where you can keep it. Make it the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see before going to sleep. "What if I'm not seeing my vision?" you may ask.

Here's a little hint: put it where no one else can see it – that way you know for sure that no one will ever be able to destroy your dreams if they happen to read it by accident. This is especially important for women who tend to share their desires with others more than men do.

The most important thing to remember is that once you have created your vision, it's a must to keep it in a place where very few people will see. This way, if you happen to make a mistake, you'll be able to tell yourself "It's not true! I want it this way! I must find a place where no one else will see it so everyone can be happy with my choice."

Once you've chosen your place and know where it is, then you need to read the rest of this article and put the system into practice. You'll learn how when things don't seem as they should be going your way. You'll remember your vision and make the best decision.

By the way, you can use this goal achievement system to achieve things that have nothing to do with writing down a goal. For example, you may want to work on a specific computer program, or you could be learning how to play an instrument. In any case, if you want it bad enough and if it's important for you, then use this simple but effective goal achievement system.

This is how you do it:

Repeat your desired outcome to yourself – make it something that you say over and over again to yourself if possible. Even if you don't quite understand this, trust me that it will work. When you're saying your goal out loud, really feel it in your heart that you've achieved what it is that you're saying. Say it like this, "By [your goal] because I'm a [your name], and I love myself." Repeat this affirmation as many times as possible but at least a few times every day – even under your breath whenever you can to help keep the desired outcome constantly on your mind.


This goal achievement system is something that can really work for you. You need to remember that it's not too good to be true. There's no magic in it, although the effects may be amazing to you when you see how it all works out.

What we're talking about here is creating a neat and clean vision for yourself, so that even if things go wrong, no one will be able to change what you want yourself to achieve or become. Once you've created this vision, then keep repeating your desired outcome (in written form) as often as possible and feel like you've already achieved what it is that you desire.

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