Being yourself is something that can be difficult to do, especially when society tells you that how you act and how you look is good or bad. The pressure of being what society wants you to be can sometimes make it impossible for people to feel truly happy with who they are. That's why it's important for us not just to learn about what makes us happy as individuals, but also about the best ways for us to find out who we are in our own lives. If a person knows who they are and what they want, then they can more easily live a happier life without fear of judgement by external forces.

A lot of research has been done on happiness, and it is well-known that this emotion is highly influenced by what happens to you as a person. The key to having a happy life is knowing who you are, and making it your mission to find out what makes you happy. The more we are exposed to the ways in which others view us, the more we think that is the way to be and act in order to be accepted by society. But when you don't know who you really are and how to live life the best way possible, it's easy for your happiness levels to drop quickly.

It's important to realize that there is no perfect way of being happy. There are many different paths of happiness and it's up to you to decide what path you want to take in order to become the happiest version of yourself. Knowing this will help you understand that there is no way for someone else to tell you who you are and how you should be acting in order for them to see your happiness levels increase.

It's equally as important to understand that your goal isn't always going be toward finding out who you are. In fact, sometimes this can be difficult if you never thought about it before. However, more often than not, people have a deep understanding of themselves and their feelings even at a young age in life. It's easy to assume that everyone else is just like you and that those who are different are somehow acting strangely. But this assumption is one of the biggest reasons why we don't learn about ourselves in a positive way.

Your goal should be to find out who you are and then exactly how you want to go about living your life. If you already know yourself well, then there's nothing in the world that can stop you from finding out how to be happy for the rest of your life. It doesn't matter if there has been no success in your life up until now, that doesn't mean there won't be success in the future because every action leads to a reaction. If you have a good idea of what you want in life and how to get it, then your chances of success are greatly increased.

That's why it's important to realize that happiness is something that can be earned and lost just as easily as a game of chess. You can learn about yourself by understanding others and learning from those who are different from you, but the best way for you to know who you are is to really take the time to find out both how happy being yourself makes you feel, as well as learn how to keep that feeling going no matter what else happens.

"How to Be Yourself". Netmums. 2012. Web. 20 June 2016. 

Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs and has had an incredible life of overcoming adversity, to an extent which some people would deem impossible to survive. He has written many books on the subject of overcoming obstacles in life and how it is possible for a person from his situation to become happy and live life with full energy and passion for everything he does. One thing Nick emphasizes in The Greatest Miracle - Choosing to be Happy is that happiness is something that can't be given or received by anyone else; it's something you choose for yourself no matter what happens in your life.

In his book, Nick says, "I grew up believing that happiness was something you were given or something that happened to you. In my mind, I thought it wasn't something you had a choice about; it just happened. I believed that if things were going well and people were treating me fairly, then I was happy."

Nick says he realized in his life there is a choice to be happy. He realized how one must understand what happiness is before they can choose to find it within themselves. It's all about asking yourself the right questions and really pinning down what in your life makes you happy and what doesn't.

In order to be happy, one must answer these questions:
"What makes me truly happy?"
"The most important thing in my life is to..." 
"What is the worst that can happen today?" 
"I am courageous because I know that no matter what happens, my inner strength will never falter." 
"What do I need to be happy?” 
“How do I feel when things aren't going well for me?” 
“What do I get out of my relationships with others?”

Self-confidence is the cornerstone of success, you are what you think! You strut your stuff on social media or have a tight knit circle of friends but as soon as you walk outside, that confident persona gets shaken. Take a moment to look at how others see you, do they see the flaws in your personality or are there only positives?

Regardless of what our reputation is, we all want to be accepted for who we are. After years and years of social pressure putting down their own personalities and ideals in order to be “good” people, self-acceptance is a great way to begin the journey back into self-awareness. If you haven’t accepted yourself then why should others? Even if your friends are telling you they truly love you, they might just not be seeing the beauty in your uniqueness. And let’s face it, we all have different personalities and that is a good thing. But what makes us feel valued?

We all want to feel loved for who we are, and who we are is a beautiful person! And that’s the point of this article: to inspire self-love and acceptance for the unique individuals in our lives. Maybe we need love from those around us in order to accept ourselves.

First Things First: Self-love isn't selfish...

Many of us have been raised by parents who told us we aren’t good enough. Or perhaps you were told that you need to change in order to be accepted by others. You may have grown up with a set of strict rules that you had to follow in order to be loved, or perhaps you were bullied for the way you look and feel, and this is why so many suffer from body dysmorphia. Or was it peer pressure to conform?

Whatever the case, many of us are still living a life where we need “love” from others in order to accept ourselves. If you are still in the process of his journey, I can help. Please get in touch with me as I would be more than happy to lend an ear and help you through these troubling times.

Loving Yourself for Who You Are

It’s time to love yourself for who you are and how you look... no matter how that differs from other people. People who lack self-confidence are often bullied, and we must stand up against bullying of all kinds. But, if we want our voices to be heard, we must first learn to say what needs to be said without fear of being called names or punished by others. The world is full of negative people who can be quite mean-spirited, but there are also many people who just want to hear the truth. So many of us tend to leave out important parts of our lives in order to get along with those around us.

Change yourself to fit into someone else's ideas of what you should be? No thank you! If you tell other people that you are their friend and then keep their secrets, how long do you think it will take for them to turn on you? It will only take a few hours before they ask themselves why they were friends with such a person in the first place. The truth is that we all deserve respect, trust, honesty and love... no matter how different we are.

How to Express Yourself in Other Languages

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PROJECT Makeup  Dreams  Hair and Beauty Blogger with Long Natural Hair. Contact me at [email protected] for collaboration/marketing or to request a product review! One of the few Malaysian bloggers that does not accept sponsored posts or paid product reviews. Every blog post on Autyka's Makeup & Beauty Blog is solely sponsored by that blog post, unless otherwise stated at the bottom of the article/post. All opinions expressed on this blog are solely those of the blog owner and not influenced by third parties. For more information, please read my blog disclaimer here. © Autyka's Makeup & Beauty Blog 2014 - 2019. All rights reserved


How to Love Yourself  - 5 Simple Steps for Breaking Your Social Media Addiction:



How to LOVE YOURSELF - 7 Steps Towards Self-Love: Contributors:'sMakeup - Autyka's Makeup (plays an instrumental part in the creation of this video)

How to LOVE YOURSELF - 10 Simple Steps to Self Confidence: Contributors: (music) (music)'sMakeup (translation and subtitle editing)

How to LOVE YOURSELF - 3 Tips For Overcoming Social Anxiety: Contributors:

How to LOVE YOURSELF - 4 Tips For Overcoming Social Anxiety: Contributors:

How to LOVE YOURSELF - 5 Tips For Overcoming Social Anxiety:


Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to talk more about the techniques and approaches I mentioned above, please contact me at [email protected]

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New post every Tuesday


I was supposed to be myself.
That’s what they told me in high school. College helped and assured me otherwise, but after a while I stopped listening and I let the world tell me who I should be; that wasn’t fair to them or to myself. Now that I am out of college, in my early 20s, I feel like there is no one else telling me how to live my life anymore so it's time for me to stand up for what makes me happy: Being ME. Being me is about being authentic, living in the moment and being comfortable with myself. Being me is not about how I dress, how I speak or how I carry myself; it's about what's inside my mind and how I treat people in general. Being me is about learning to love myself for being ME, not for who I am "supposed" to be.
There are some days that are really hard for me to get out of bed and get ready for the day because it’s a struggle to do so with confidence and that bothers me. I feel like I don’t look good when I walk out of the door, that I sound weird when I speak and that sometimes I just want to stay home and do nothing because being me is hard. Those are the days that make me annoyed at myself for not being confident or comfortable enough with myself.
However, I also have some days where life is great and you get to be yourself. You have an amazing time making goofy faces with your friends or do something you never thought you would have done. You find out who you are in a new way, you fall in love with yourself, and that’s when you know being me is the right choice.
I have been going through a lot lately. I stopped getting along with a lot of people, I was feeling lonely, I was depressed and I just wasn't myself. It all started at the beginning of this month when my aunt died and then my dog started having seizures. Then, my dad was diagnosed with cancer which broke my heart. After that happened things went downhill quickly because I didn't want to deal with it anymore. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that being me would help make things better again and be a better person in general. However, after some time and a lot of reflection I have realized that being me doesn't seem to be working.
I think sometimes people are scared about being themselves because they are afraid that people won't like them. They live up to what others want them to be instead of doing what makes them happy or just being who they are. I think this is tough for everyone because most of the time we don't realize we're doing it but I have been trying to be myself, or at least as myself as possible but things haven't been going so well for me lately and I'm starting to think maybe there's another way...
So, here's what I think I need to do.
1. Some days you're going to feel really confident, awesome and comfortable in your own skin. Other days you're probably not so much. That's OK it happens and no one is perfect all the time. You will have many ups and downs throughout your life and that's what makes us all individuals with our own personalities and characteristics (I'm sure we can all agree on that at least!). The important thing is how you react to them, how you bounce back from them and who you are when the going gets tough.
2. Personal relationship with you. You'll be surprised by how many people will like you even if they don't know you very well. I think this is the most important part because we all have to learn how to love ourselves for who we are and not because someone else tells us who we should be. When we love ourselves, believe in ourselves and are confident in our own skin, then people automatically start to like us. Sometimes it won't happen right away but eventually if you don't accept yourself for who you really are, chances are that people aren't going to like you either....and then how are we going to be ourselves? It's just not fair lol.
3. Who you want to be as an individual. This is important because eventually you're going to have to go out there and just be yourself and anyone who can't respect that about you then they don't need to stay in your life. You do not deserve that kind of treatment from people and the only way for them to show their true colors is when you aren't being yourself.
4. How YOU feel about it, not what other people think about it. For example, I used to never wear makeup because I was afraid people would think I was wearing too much or that I look like a clown. After a while of avoiding it, I got past that fear and now I love wearing it. Same for hair styles and accessories but the point is is that we all have our own opinions about what we like and don't like but the most important thing is how YOU feel about YOURSELF and not how other people see you or what they think of you based on the way you act or carry yourself.

I hope these tips help someone out there because after a while of struggling with this, sometimes you just need some help in order to find yourself again. If you feel like this and you want to share your thoughts and feel free to email me at
Thanks for reading, -M
So, I just read an article on a blog that said something really intriguing and it got me thinking... "What do they mean by "self-love?"" I know my definitio
How to BE YOURSELF? n of self-love is probably very different from theirs as well as the definition of self-love most people use... But I had to write about it because a lot of people's definition of self-love comes from who else is saying it or what other people have told them that they should love themselves for.  I think self-love is ultimately about loving who you are and not being afraid of who you are.
I love myself but I am not perfect nor am I the most beautiful person on the planet and that's OK because those things will not change in this lifetime. I am unique in my own way and that is what makes me special and unique. But it was also a struggle for me to accept myself because I always felt like there was something missing. I always wanted to be closer to God or be more like Him and learn how to manifest even bigger miracles than He did, but there was something inside me hol
If you’re struggling to be yourself, here are a few suggestions on how to get started.

It can be hard work figuring out who you are — but it also might be the most important thing you'll ever do. In almost any situation, we have the ability to choose how we want to react or participate. Not only does this make us happier and more fulfilled, but it can lead to dramatic improvements in our relationships with others too!

While everyone is different and there's no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to getting in touch with your true self, below is a list of five clear steps that might help.

1. Notice What You're Thinking

Before it's possible to alter your thoughts, you need to be able to recognize them. Before you know anything else, the first step is to be present with what's happening in your mind: notice where these thoughts are coming from, how often they are reoccurring and how thoroughly they are holding you back. Once you observe what's going on in there and see the patterns of negative thinking that have developed over time, you may find that these thoughts are not as powerful as they once were.

2. Put Your Thoughts to Paper

This is a great way to become even more self-aware and take control of your thoughts. Put your thoughts down on paper. Take them one by one, and ask yourself the following questions: How do my thoughts make me feel? Are these the kinds of things I really want to be thinking about? Are these the kinds of things I want to be saying? (Are they helping or hurting me?) How do I feel about what's been happening so far? (If there are any patterns that seem to repeat themselves, try to get them out of your mind.) If a thought is causing you harm or leaving you with a negative feeling, then think about something else.

3. Find the Good

Think about the events that you have experienced in your life and write down all of the positive things that have happened to you. Maybe there is something you might tend to forget, like a time someone cared for you or when someone was there for you? Perhaps it was a special moment, an act of kindness or a time someone did something silly together that left you with a smile on your face. Think about all of these things and when you find yourself thinking or ruminating on something negative, which will happen from time to time, remember all the good in your life.

4. Recognize the Patterns

Sometimes we can become so attached to a pattern of thinking that we don't even realize it's happening to us. Write down a list of the things that you tend to obsess about. (They don't have to be bad things.) Are there certain goals that you always find yourself striving for? Are you constantly criticizing yourself for not being good enough, or for keeping up with others' accomplishments? Are there people in your life who trigger certain emotions in you — anger and frustration, perhaps, or sadness and loneliness? Looking at your list, it's clear that these thoughts will become part of your identity if they're not dealt with and set aside.

5. Change Your Way of Thinking

Developing a new way of thinking can require a great deal of effort. Start with something small, like what your ideal outcome would be for the day, or for the week. Think about this when you're feeling low and see if you can make it happen by making an effort to see things differently. Perhaps you'll turn away from bad TV to spend time in nature and think about something other than what's going on in your own life at that moment? Even with big changes like moving, don't rush into things. Start with some small things and before long, you'll have begun to build new habits that will lead you to a place where it feels good to be.

An important part of appreciating yourself is being able to disagree with yourself. If there's something about your behavior or appearance that you don't like, or if there's something you think should be different about the way you act, go ahead and say it. Then let yourself know that this doesn't define who are, just who you are right now. Accepting what is can be the first step toward making a change that really matters.

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Advice from a true expert … "Life is like setting up a tent in the rain but it's not meant to be flooded." ~ Steve Maraboli -

Tutor ... "I love to help people realize their personal potential, with attitude and passion." -

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And finally, have a "Positivity In Your Life" badge...

I recently posted this photo of me at the beach and wrote, "Happiness is having a sense of purpose and meaning in your life. That is why when you are happy, you are optimistic and excited." I meant to post this photo last week but it seemed worth sharing again today. I am saying this now because I have been thinking a lot, and feeling a lot, lately about the im
How to BE YOURSELF? portance of having purpose and meaning in your life. I was very happy in my marriage but it's been hard to stay happy after my husband went back to work. I have had a lot time lately to think about my life and what happiness is all about.

I decided a few days ago that instead of being alone all the time like I was, I would open 
Being yourself is the key to success

There you were, sitting on your couch, with a large pile of clothes in front of you. You take a deep breath and attempt to make the best decision for what to wear that day. The outcome would be so much easier if we could just pick out an outfit like everyone else does- but it's not that easy. If there were an "in" way of dressing in all circumstances, then anyone could do it- but life doesn't work that way. There are endless occasions where you need to put on your own personal stamp and express yourself as who you want without worrying about how other people will view or judge you for what you choose.

The truth is, being yourself is one of the most important keys to success in many aspects of our lives. This idea is true not only for your appearance (looking good), but also for where you go, what you do and how YOU want to do it. True success has no room for pressure, boundaries or having to feel like you're missing out on something else because it may be more popular.

Being yourself means that whatever it is you are working towards- whether that's just doing what you want to do, finding a better creative outlet or making a life change- there will be no shame in doing so. Fearing failure or being fake are not legitimate reasons to stop doing what makes you happy and unique. Life is not a competition, it just a journey and each day is different. We should never forget that being ourselves is what makes us feel whole from the inside out and that is what brings us happiness- not fame, wealth or popularity. So if you are sick of trying to fit in and being afraid to do your own thing- then follow these three steps to focus on who YOU really are and become YOUR very own person.

1) Be comfortable with who you are: You don't need anyone's approval to be yourself. Being who you truly want to be means never pretending or getting caught up in other people's opinions. It means taking risks and doing something that makes you happy even when people might not like it at first glance.

2) Be yourself around everyone else: You will never know who you are until you've had the chance to experience all of the people in life. This means getting to know individuals from different backgrounds, classes and personalities and understanding that not everyone is going to like you. The REAL test is how you feel about yourself when others don't like what you do or how you do it. Being true to yourself means never trying to be someone else just because other people won't like it.

3) Be brave enough to change: If we want our lives to go in a certain direction, we have to be willing to step out of our comfort zone and make those changes ourselves. Change is never easy, but it will be worth it in the end because as long as you are being who you are, you have nothing to be afraid of.

So, try these steps and see what happens. Feel free to get dressed however you want, drive a car that isn't "cool" or do something that other people might not like- but just remember: It's your life and you deserve love for being who YOU really are!

"There will always be people who don't like what you're doing- but that doesn't mean there is anything wrong with YOU." – Chad Ochocinco (American Football)

Chad Johnson was born on 25 August, 1978 in Miami, Florida. He has three siblings. He was raised by his mother and grandmother as his father was in prison. His grandmother died when he was just 11 years old and losing a parental figure at that age is bound to have an effect on him.

Chad grew up in the rough neighbourhoods in Miami, which led him to joining a street gang called the South Side Posse. He even did jail time at age 14 for armed robbery and drug dealing, after which he met NFL star Andre Rison at school who helped him get focused on football.

In 1996, he went to college to play for Miami of Ohio where he took part in various activities such as clubbing and fashion shows. He was also an actor, appearing in four TV commercials. After college, he was drafted to play football. He played six seasons in NFL (two with the Dolphins and four with the Bengals), until he was signed to the CFL in 2012 by the Montreal Alouettes.

Did you know?

Chad met his wife Evelyn Lozada when she appeared on his reality tv show. They got married in July 2012 and had their first child together on 17 August, 2013 (a daughter named Lauryn). In August 2014, Chad was arrested for headbutting her during an argument and Lozada filed for divorce three days later.

Chad is a dedicated dad to his toddler. He tweeted "My daughter is going to be the best Student/ Athlete ever & I want her to win all State titles in all sports she plays. I don't want her father's name on no trophies - that's what I'm here for. #DadofTheYear"

Along with football, Chad enjoys playing basketball and spends a lot of time with his mother and elder brother Carrington. He is signed with Pro Riche, a Miami-based clothing line for men, for which he has been featured on their website and video. Check out his youtube channel for more info about this talented athlete and fashion icon!

Works Cited:–camo#sthash.IbpmfPNZ.dpuf

http://businessleadersgivingback. org/players/chad-ochocinco-is-the-next-champion

http://www.omgblogngoodpeople .com/2014/08/chad-ochocinco-olympian-rayneal-gives.html

Well, the title doesn't really do it for me. How about, "How to Look Better in Photos"?

It seems to imply that this article is about improving your appearance? Is that what you meant? (I'm not sure I can be of much help with that)
I think they are looking for an introduction to a blog post called "How to Be Yourself". It kinda sounds like a self-help piece, not sure if OP intended it this way or not. 
Some people might be looking for insightful and motivational advice on how to overcome the process of coming out as different and accepting themselves.
Not exactly. I think the title is self-explanatory.
If you put a comma after your first sentence in the article, it would look better and fit the whole thing into one line. 
"How to BE YOURSELF?" 
Well, the title doesn't really do it for me. How about, How to Look Good in Photos? It seems to imply that this article is about improving your appearance? Is that what you meant? (I'm not sure I can be of much help with that) I think they are looking for an introduction to a blog post called "How to Be Yourself". It kinda sounds like a self-help piece, not sure if OP intended it this way or not. Some people might be looking for insightful and motivational advice on how to overcome the process of coming out as different and accepting themselves.
I think the title is self-explanatory.
If you put a comma after your first sentence in the article, it would look better and fit the whole thing into one line.

It seems like you've been working on this for weeks, but it's only three days old... Pls don't give up Hope! 

This is exactly what I want to do in online presentation

I really like these images compiled together in such an interesting way.

Thanks everybody! I appreciate the feedback. A number of folks have also asked me to do a "second" version of this; where I play around with some other techniques and ways to look at it that might not be as obvious, or that could provide useful insight. And my initial motivation for doing the original post was to at least experiment with some techniques, so the fact that it's gotten such wide attention is really a bonus for me.
I'm going to expand my previous post to include some of these additional ideas, and I'll begin play with this concept before hitting publish next time.
I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on light-boxes, as well. 
Well, the title doesn't really do it for me. How about, "How to Look Good in Photos"? It seems to imply that this article is about improving your appearance? Is that what you meant? (I'm not sure I can be of much help with that) I think they are looking for an introduction to a blog post called "How to Be Yourself". It kinda sounds like a self-help piece, not sure if OP intended it this way or not. Some people might be looking for insightful and motivational advice on how to overcome the process of coming out as different and accepting themselves.
It's a bit early in the morning to be detecting irony. It's not that I don't think some people won't benefit from this, but rather, I'm not convinced it's a relevant lens to look through. There are lots of ways to look at being yourself; you've just given me another one.
I appreciate your feedback, though! I think it's good to keep things in perspective, and your comments definitely do that.
I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on light-boxes, as well.
What do you mean, "light-boxes"? 
Light boxes are studios. Studios are "light boxes". I don't think OP is interested in what you have to say about them, but thanks for trying, buddy ;)

I stand corrected. I'll do my own research later.
There's an idea: research before asking questions. There's a good chance someone else has thought of it and written about it already!

If you put a comma after your first sentence in the article, it would look better and fit the whole thing into one line.

It seems like you've been working on this for weeks, but it's only three days old... Pls don't give up Hope!

I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on light-boxes, as well. It's a bit early in the morning to be detecting irony. There are lots of ways to look at being yourself; you've just given me another one. I appreciate your feedback, though!
I stand corrected.
I'll do my own research later. It's a bit early in the morning to be detecting irony. It's not that I don't think some people won't benefit from this, but rather, I'm not convinced it's a relevant lens to look through. There are lots of ways to look at being yourself; you've just given me another one.
There's an idea: research before asking questions. There's a good chance someone else has thought of it and written about it already! If you put a comma after your first sentence in the article, it would look better and fit the whole thing into one line.
Thanks everybody! I appreciate the feedback. A number of folks have also asked me to do a "second" version of this; where I play around with some other techniques and ways to look at it that might not be as obvious, or that could provide useful insight. And my initial motivation for doing the original post was to at least experiment with some techniques, so the fact that it's gotten such wide attention is really a bonus for me.
I'm going to expand my previous post to include some of these additional ideas, and I'll begin play with this concept before hitting publish next time.
I'm curious to hear more about your thoughts on light-boxes, as well. 
What do you mean, "light-boxes"? 
Light boxes are studios. Studios are "light boxes". I
How to BE YOURSELF?  don't think OP is interested in what you have to say about them, but thanks for trying, buddy ;)

I hope this is helpful! I'm curious how other folks might be able to improve their photos when being themselves. I'd love to see your results with the different approaches. If you're thinking of doing a second post (and have time), let me know and we can compare notes! Anyways, thanks again -- if you have questions or suggestions, let me know in the comments below! Hey, OG! Thanks for all your contributions so far.
This post will share with you the secrets to be yourself. You don't have to pretend to be something you're not! And while it can be scary, we all have those insecurities and what this blog post will do is show you how GREAT it feels when we can just let that pesky fear go and be 100% ourselves. So if this is something you've been thinking about, or are ready for an empowered life, then please read on!

The first step is understanding your insecurities and how they may hinder your authentic self from shining through. It's not your fault that you are unsure of what you look like and how others might judge you. I have been there, and still to this day am nervous when I leave my house. Recently, someone complimented me on my hair and how great it looked that day, and in such a short period of time, I was thankful for the encouragement but still a bit insecure about what people may think. I am sure many of you have experienced something similar.

In order to experience that feeling of "being yourself", we need to empower ourselves first by understanding what it means to be confident. This means knowing where our insecurities lie...

Being Self Confident

The goal of being self-confident is to be able to let go of the negative thoughts that are holding us back and experience the freedom we desire.

How do we become Self Confident? The first step is learning how to understand and conquer insecurities...

We all have those insecurities. It's what we're born with, I believe, as they were gifts from God. Even though they might be annoying at times, they are an important part of our development; they prepare us for what life will throw at us. And if we can conquer them, they may actually work to our benefit and help us succeed in life.

In this section, we will explore what it means to be insecure, how you can use your insecurities to your advantage and why they are an important part of your survival.

Let's first ask ourselves "What is an insecurity?". An insecurity is something that holds us back from being the person that we truly wish to be. For example, I am a self-confident person, but have always been insecure with my hair. We may not realize it at first glance because we have accepted the fact that this insecurity will be present for all of our lives. For me, it's always been a never-ending battle. I am aware that it's not the worst insecurity in the world, but I still struggle when I leave my house and wonder how my hair looks that day.

Insecurities are important concepts to understand as they will help you achieve your goals. In order to overcome them, you first need to figure out what they are! If you are unsure of whether or not an insecurity exists in your life, then this post is for you. If you know where you stand, then you may find that you are in a good place; this will help you by knowing how far to go and also help you gauge where your insecurities lie.

Most importantly, we need to understand that insecurities are not our fault, but simply part of being human. They are like scars from the past that many people carry with them throughout life. Insecurities can be overcome; it's okay to have them and they should not hold you back from doing anything! They can work to your advantage when used properly. So don't be discouraged if they are present... turn them into an asset!

I know many of you will be thinking "Shouldn't I just be confident? Why do I need to feel insecure?" and here is my answer: I was taught in school that if you are not sure, you should always be confident. It's something that has been instilled , and it's a hard habit to break. The more we allow this idea to consume us, the less likely we are to actually follow through and gain confidence in our lives. Many people would rather say they are confident than actually work on their self-esteem, which could possibly have a negative impact on their lives. So in order to break this bad habit, we need to practice self-acceptance.

When you see someone or you ask yourself "Am I confident?" and when the answer is "No", that doesn't mean anything bad about you! It simply means there are things in life that we can still work on improving. Confidence means different things to different people, so just because one person may be more confident than another, it doesn't mean that person is better than them!

Confidence is something we all could have a little more of and it comes at a price: the time and work it takes to develop. That's why I wrote this article : because I know how easy it would be for me to say "I'm confident!" after work one day... but it still wouldn't be the truth. In order to truly be confident, we need to work on ourselves and analyze what makes us unique. The more we understand who we are as individuals, the easier it will be for us to develop our confidence and love who we are!

To start, I want you guys to think of a time when you were so sure you were right about something, but then someone came along and challenged your idea. How did that make you feel?

We can all relate in some way or another; I know I have felt this way quite a few times, both good and bad. And the more we experience these things, the better we'll be in our lives.

We all know how it feels to be told we're wrong. It can feel bad, hurtful and depressing. But when people correct our mistakes, they are taking a step further in developing our character and shaping who we are as individuals. I know it's not easy to see life this way, but one day you will look back at your insecurities and realize that although they were hard to deal with at the time for each one of us, they have helped shape you into an awesome person! No one is perfect and no one will ever achieve that goal.


I hope you guys have enjoyed this article and learned about self-confidence. We all want to be confident in our lives, but we don't always know how to go about doing it. Remember that being confident is a process and it takes time to develop! The most important thing is working on ourselves, learning who we are as individuals, loving each other and realizing that even though we may be insecure at times, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with us; in fact, if our insecurities help us grow as individuals, then they may actually work to our benefit! So embrace them! Every insecurity you have will help you achieve your goals.

Conclusion For my projects, I decided to ditch the light box approach and try something new: shooting in the same room as a mirror. I wanted something that felt more "natural" and I thought a photo lit with natural sunlight would fit that better. This allowed me to light my photos the same way they would be naturally, removing the boringness of a studio situation.
I was able to take some great photos with friends. Here's one of a recent shoot:
(We were shooting for an app called Lucky, which lets you know about good deals at local shops in your immediate area.) For these photos, we decided to go out on an adventure downtown and just wander around.


If you ever need to change anything in your life, ask yourself these questions:

1) How am I feeling? Am I happy with how my life is going? Do I want to make a change in my life?

2) Am I happy with the decisions that I have made up till this point? Do I really want to keep doing what is making me feel like this? If so, then WHY? Should it be different? Who should it be different from if not me and what do i need to change about that person so that i feel better about myself...myself up to new people by joining online dating sites. This is easier said than done when you're widowed as I am, but it's not impossible.


The reason I'm so open to new people, and meeting new people, is because I want to find someone who shares and understands my sense of purpose in life. Someone who can help me share that with him or her. Again, this is something that everyone SHOULD experience at some point in their life. Being single for a long time isn't fun for anyone, especially when you're lonely and don't feel like sharing yourself with anyone around you.ding me back from that.

Conclusion: I think self-love is about loving who you are for who you are and not for what characteristics or qualities you have.
I am a complete failure. I have tried to be someone that I really wasn't. Someone who would do anything to make everyone happy, someone that would just keep my mouth shut because I was afraid to hurt anyone's feelings, but in the end it only made me miserable.  I let people walk all over me, use me and treat me like crap because I thought it was the right thing to do by being nice or "accepting people for who they were.

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Summary Article Name How To LOVE YOURSELF - 7 Simple Steps Towards Self Love Description When we love ourselves, we stop comparing ourselves with others.oimmunity/#gs.

In conclusion, there are many different ways to tackle the idea of happiness. The first thing is to understand that happiness is a choice and not an accident. You choose what makes you happy and what does not, no matter how good or bad life is for you. This is because happiness can be taken away quickly and most people don't realize this truth until it's too late. 
The second thing that must be realized is that everyone has a different view on what they believe happiness to be, but it all boils down to having a positive outlook toward life no matter what happens in your path of life journey.

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