How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams


 How to Break the Cycle of Postponing Your Dreams

Ever wonder why your real life doesn't mirror your dreams?

Maybe you've been afraid to commit, or maybe you keep putting off what you want because of the fear of failure. Regardless, if there is one thing at which every person should be proficient, it is the ability to dream.

Not only does this allow us to escape from our everyday lives into a more fulfilling and adventurous existence, it also allows us to recognize opportunities when they come along so that we can pursue them with our full hearts and minds — not just in a dream state.

Dreamers are the ones who push the limits and change society for the better. Without them, we would have never gone to the moon or walked on Mars. We would still be using typewriters and rotary phones, and life expectancy would be half of what it is now.

Becoming a doer simply means that you are open to new opportunities, and aren't afraid to take steps toward achieving something new, whether it be settling down or conquering new worlds. We should all strive towards becoming doers, because once you begin doing things you never thought you could, your life will never be the same again.

In this article, I'm going to teach you exactly how you can live a life of true adventure, and never look back.


Opportunity does not knock on the door; it sneaks in through a window. – Christopher McCandless

We have all heard the old saying, "the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago; the second best time is now." Unfortunately for most of us, we live in an era where we are constantly bombarded with distractions that prevent us from following our dreams.

From social media, to our phone, and to the 24 hour news cycle, we've become too preoccupied with the newest Instagram filter and the latest viral video to even get our thoughts together.

However, if you want to learn how to reach your goals and live a life of adventure, you must first gain control of your distractions. Once you do that, you can start taking steps toward achieving them.

Conquer Your Distractions: How-to Guide – What You Need To Know About The 11 Most Common Distractions In Life __________________You can never accomplish anything unless you consistently work towards it. Working towards your goals is the most important part of achieving them. If you do not "work" at a goal, it will never be achieved. – Jesse Jackson

Getting back to our main point, distractions are a problem because they prevent us from thinking what we want to think and pondering what we want to ponder. Once you're able to cancel out all of your distractions, you can begin planning your goals and what you need to do in order to achieve them.

Also, once you have a clear mind and realize what it is you truly want out of life, you will be prepared to recognize opportunities when they arise, instead of waiting and hoping to run into them.


If you're always waiting for the ideal moment to pursue your dreams, you'll be waiting forever. "Right time" isn't based on a set of circumstances; it's based on passion and tenacity. – Lee Tichon, author of Make It So: Leadership Lessons from Star Trek .

The truth about most opportunities is that they present themselves when you least expect them to. You see, the most exciting and fulfilling adventures in life often present themselves when you aren't looking for them.

When you're out and about in the world doing things you didn't think you were capable of, suddenly an opportunity pops up that propels you into the direction of your dreams.

This happened to me a few years back when I was in the midst of finishing graduate school. I noticed a job posting for an editor position at a company that I had always dreamed of working for.

The problem was that the position had already been filled and they were no longer accepting applications. But, a few weeks later they posted another job posting that landed me an interview with them.

A few days after that, I was called in for the interview and started working two weeks later. Upon hearing this, one of my colleagues asked me in a very concerned tone, "You didn't think about applying for that job before?"

"I did," I replied. "But the current editor didn't want to leave, so I thought there would be an opening if he left."

"So you did try, but lost out because of your own hesitation. Just like with many other opportunities out there," she explained.

Unfortunately for her and me, an opportunity doesn't just come along every once in a while. It must present itself precisely when you're ready to take advantage of it.

Here's the thing; there is no "right time" for your dreams to come true. There is only the time when you're ready to live them. This is why it's important for you to value your dreams and not be afraid to pursue them.

Dreams don't wait around for permission, or an answer from those in charge; they simply appear and demand that we follow our hearts and take action even if what we're doing isn't exactly following our plans.

Don't accept excuses from yourself that cause you to procrastinate pursuing your goals. If you wait for the perfect time to reach your goals, you will never have the opportunity.

In this article, I'm going to teach you exactly how to seize opportunities when they present themselves and make them work for you instead of against you.


To achieve great things, we sometimes need to part with what we feel is "safe" in order to make a splash in the lives of others. - Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art .

As I was saying earlier in this article, most people waste a lot of time by waiting for perfect opportunities that never come along.

cONCLUSION There is no "right time" for your dreams to come true. There is only the time when you're ready to live them.

One of the biggest reasons why people continue this pattern of procrastination, and never gain control over their lives, is because they are constantly comparing themselves to others.

For example, it's not uncommon for someone's parents who were financially successful to tell their children that they will never amount to anything due to the cards life dealt them. The same parents who said this would tell a story of how hard life was for them and how many obstacles they had overcome just to become rich, then compare these obstacles with their children's lives as if they are identical.

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