How To Choose To Be Happy


 How To Choose To Be Happy

So you want to live a happy life? Wonderful! Everyone does. But happiness is not something that just naturally comes your way - it's tempting to wait idly for a feeling of being happy to ensue, and then try to bask in its glow. You might expect that this strategy would yield good results, but it doesn't work that way. The truth is, you can't be passively happy - if you want to be happier than you are now, then it falls on your shoulders alone to make the decision and choose-to-be-happy. If you want to live a happier life, then you'll need to actively choose it.
I'm going to give you a very simple process for making this all happen. But before I do, let me briefly tell you why it's so critical that you choose your own happiness.
So many people fail at becoming happier because they are not willing to endure the act of choosing their own happiness. That's the hard part - wanting the feeling of happiness, but making excuses for why now isn't the right time for them to feel happy.
Everything about living a happy life is within your control if you just have the willpower and determination to make that happen. Deciding you're going to choose happiness and shaping your life in such a way as to make it happen is the first big step.
It's so easy to just follow down the path of least resistance and never become truly happy, but that's what most people do. And then they curse their fate and say things like, "I'm never going to be happy."
Being happy is more than just having good feelings - it's about having a life that feels emotionally fulfilling. A happy life is a life where you're proud of who you are and what you've been able to accomplish. A happy life is a life that feels purposeful and meaningful to the person living it.
I know it's easy for people who aren't experiencing the feelings of happiness to say, "Oh, just choose to be happy." But if you have never truly felt a deep-seated feeling of joy, it's hard to even imagine what that would feel like.
You can't be passive about your own happiness - it's something that you need to actively decide is important enough in your own life where you'll take action every day to become happier.
Your happiness is not something that will result in just through good luck. The harsh reality is that most people don't even understand the core principles of what make an individual happy - it's not just about being able to buy nice things, or having a lot of money, or having the perfect partner, or any other external conditions.
The choice to be happy has nothing to do with those conditions anyway - it's about your own personality and your own feelings, and how you choose to live each day of your life.
Your happiness will never come to you if you keep waiting for it.
The process that I'm going to walk you through is extremely simple and can be applied to any area of your life that needs improving. Each step has real-world applications - and once you perform them all, you'll be amazed to see how your life transforms almost magically into a happier existence.
You start by making the choice to change your life from one where things always seem like they're going wrong in some way, into one where things are always going great for the most part. You choose this by making an action plan on how exactly how you want your life to be different from what it is now. You then execute this plan every single day of your life. You make the choice to improve yourself physically and mentally by doing things that will drastically improve your emotional state, which will scale back negative thoughts and feelings. And you keep choosing to be happier so that you can maintain a state of positive self-growth long enough for it to become natural for you as a mindset, so you're always choosing happiness in your daily life, always enacting the choices that are best for your own soul.
In short, it's a process of daily self-improvement where you pick something and do it for five minutes every weekday throughout your entire life until you change all the choices in your life from being bad ones towards good ones.
This process won't happen naturally. You can't just hope for it to happen and then sit back and expect miracles.
When you make the choice to live a happier life, it will absolutely require some kind of daily effort on your part. That's the nature of the game - either you choose for yourself to be happy, or you will never experience those feelings in your life because you're not choosing-to-be-happy; you're choosing for yourself to be unhappy.
I believe that everyone should at least give this process a try - if nothing else, then at least just choose happiness - that alone is more than most people are willing to do in any given day.
You can't expect to wake up and just magically feel happy, or think "I'm going to choose happiness this day." It's not all about the choices you make - it's also about the choices you make to overcome obstacles that are making you feel bad, or feeling inferior in some way.
So what's behind this in-your-face article? Well...
There's a strong link between believing that one is happier than one is, and simply being happy.
What's even more interesting is that people who believe that they're happier than they really are, tend to make decisions and choices in life that create their own reality of people liking them, and being liked by others.
It's almost like the world seems to conspire against one who tries honestly to be happy... But then smiles at those who are simply convinced on some level they're already happy.
How strange.. but yet, how real at the same time.
I've seen the same thing happen to me over and over, such as in my relationships, or in the career I choose.
In some instances I can't help but feel like there must be something wrong with me, because it doesn't seem to matter how hard I try to get others to like me or take a liking to me - it never seems to help.
Another example would be in terms of my business - where I've worked very hard at growing my company and people have consistently looked at my company as a business that has great potential for growth. But yet... nothing seems to ever come of it. Can this be true? Why? What am I doing wrong?

If other people are telling you that you're a person who seems happier than you really are, and that they like your amazing personality and charisma around them, then there's a good chance that you're just NOT happy. You may be acting the part of happiness, but deep down inside, you're still unhappy.
It's up to you to decide if this is an accurate portrayal of yourself or not - it's up to you to decide if the world has conspired against you in some sort of plot to make your life a misery by convincing others that they like what they don't like about the real YOU.

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