How To Feed The Hungry Heart


 How To Feed The Hungry Heart

The reality is that many of us are just one paycheck away from economic disaster. So when I talk about a hungry heart, I'm not talking about needing a romantic partner. I'm talking about the fact that many people are literally starving inside their own body, with no food in sight. In other words, they're starving for love and affection...not just because it's Valentine's Day!

In this post we'll share some ways to nourish your heart and fill it up with love. You'll have a new appreciation for youself and others as you read these stories of transformation - knowing that there is always hope for each of us.

How do you satisfy your inner hunger?
The spiritual teacher and author, Adyashanti, once said, "The heart is so starved for love that it will even accept a substitute in order to feel something." To many people, love is synonymous with romantic relationships. It's no wonder that the singles scene is perceived as being dead or dying. But let's think about this for a minute. Isn't there enough love in our hearts to go around? For example, people who attend church tend to feel loved and cared for by their spiritual community. They see the love of God in the hearts of their fellow church members. They feel this love even if they are not being directly loved by a spouse, a parent, or a friend.

The reality is that many people are starving for love, devoid of any meaningful connection with other people. But they can still find satisfaction and meaning in their life through feeding themselves with love. More than just romantic partners, these are people you can meet at work, your religious community and friends with whom you share common interests, for example: hiking or reading. Perhaps some of them will become your new favorite source for filling up your heart's inner longing for love and affection.

What is your need for love?

I was once a woman who had given up on men. That was until my son's father came back into my life and we fell in love all over again. At first I was hesitant, but I decided to take a chance with my heart. My nickname stuck and became "The Love Lady." I know that my happiness and fulfillment depends on having a person to share it with. But what if you're like me, someone who needs love in your life? The truth of the matter is that we are all starving for love. We long to feel connected and accepted. For me, it's not just romantic relationships, but also friendships or just being kind and generous to other people. It's always better to give than to receive.

What do you want from the people in your life?

It's very important what you want from other people in your life. You might be surprised at my answer: YOU CAN'T MAKE THEM LOVE YOU. That's right, and that's exactly what I've learned over the years of helping others find love within themselves and with another human being outside of a relationship. I believe that what we are looking for is actually inside of us, if only we were willing to look at our own inner world and acknowledge the love within there.

How would your life be different if you were filled with love?

You might find it hard to believe, but I've found that both men and women often fail to appreciate what they have until it's gone. But sometimes, it's our own emotional baggage which prevents us from being able to receive the love that others are offering us. We become disillusioned by failed relationships. We get bogged down by our own negative emotions instead of being able to embrace the feeling of love again. As you read these stories about spiritual people who were transformed by their experience of love and healing through self-love - my hope is that you'll be inspired to follow your heart where it wants you to go. With the right attitude, you just might find the love you've always dreamed of.

What blocks your ability to receive love?

I went through a difficult divorce, and I was so angry at my ex-husband. I was still very much in love with him, but at the same time, I felt betrayed by him. The greatest gift he ever gave me was a daughter whom I dearly adore - but it took me two years to get over my anger towards him and be able to accept his offer to be friends. It's true that in order for your relationship to survive, you have to learn how not to take all that personally. That is something that many people just don't know how to do.

As a result of my divorce, I started working with spiritual teachers who helped me to understand that it's possible to create your own love. It's okay to feel sad or hurt at first, but it's also okay to move on from the pain and connection we once had. It's a choice. This is what it means to love yourself when you're not being loved by someone else. You want to be happy for them, but you also want to be happy for YOURSELF! And if you can learn how not take your relationships personally, then you will always be able to keep loving yourself first and foremost in every situation in life.

What is love?

Love is one of the most misunderstood and miscommunicated terms in our society. We're told that it's a feeling, but that's not all it is. Love can be defined as an emotion. It can also be described as a feeling of connectedness with something or someone else, which carries a sense of caring, compassion and acceptance.

In other words, love isn't just about falling in love with someone or being in a relationship. It could be an emotion you feel when you walk into your work environment and see some coworkers who make you smile or laugh out loud because they're so warm and friendly. Or it could be the feeling you experience when you see something beautiful, such as a flower blooming or a sunset on a clear blue sky. It could also be the feeling of gratitude and appreciation that wells up inside of you for the people in your life who have been there for you when no one else was.

What does true love feel like?

I got married to my husband because I loved him. But there's a difference between being in love and loving someone. Loving someone is about showing them every day that they are important to me because they are important to me.

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