How To Have More Time... A Few Tips


 How To Have More Time... A Few Tips

How much time do you actually have?
Get up earlier — By waking up 30 minutes earlier, you are essentially adding an hour to your day. You can put the extra hour to good use by tackling a difficult task that maybe makes you hesitate before dinner or at the end of a long workday so that it’s not hanging over your head all day. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in that hour that you would have otherwise taken a break from. This will also allow you to be more productive in the evening by having more energy.
In the morning, take some time to meditate or go for a short walk. This will help clear your mind of the constant clutter of your life and allow you to better comprehend the coming day’s tasks and meetings.
Speak slower — If you speak slower than normal, then you are giving yourself extra time. When you speak slower, you allow yourself to think things over. If you feel rushed while speaking, then speed up your speech so that your mind can get a grasp on the situation.
Most people will find that their best ideas happen when they are truly relaxed 5 minutes before they begin working on something. Just think of all the great ideas and opportunities that used to be lost because the person just couldn’t stop worrying about what-ifs and instead of creating more good things in his life... was incessantly trying to fix little problems.
Leave a little time in your day for things that take time — This can be anything from a good experience at dinner to pickup game basketball. These little experiences add up over the course of the week, and if you start taking the time to enjoy them, it will actually give you more time in your day.
If you're looking for ways to waste less  free time , then follow me on Twitter .
Oh and if you've read this far... A big thanks to  @ JustBoomin  for kick starting this crazy train of thought!
I'm not sure what he has been smoking or drinking, but one thing I know is that it's dangerous... It is said that if you would spend a thousand hours reading a book only ten percent of which will have the same impact as one hour. This means that 80% of the time you spend reading a book will be wasted and over 80% of your time in school will likewise be wasted. On the other hand, if you do not read any book at all, then what you have learned during school will be totally wasted.
Cultivate the habit of spending time effectively. When you have a task to complete, try making a schedule for it, set a reminder and make sure that you don't break free from that schedule. This way you will find it better to use your time and your energy creatively to achieve the results that you want.


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