How To Have Your Final Smoke Today - Forever


 How To Have Your Final Smoke Today - Forever

If you have been smoking for the majority of your life, you may be on the fence about quitting - it's difficult to break a habit that has become second nature. But with determination and a strong will, there is no reason why you cannot quit today.

In this post we're going to go over some helpful ways to prepare yourself and make your last smoke count. Whether you're quitting today or tomorrow, some of the ideas and practices in this post will be useful to you.

Success is often a matter of preparation, and quitting smoking is no exception. Every time you line up your final smoke, it should be with focus, determination and your best intentions. When you hold that last cigarette in your hands, give it all that you have to keep your resolve strong.

This post will cover the following topics:

Preparation: The Plan

The Plan Procrastination: Why We Procrastinate and How to Overcome It Fast!

Why We Procrastinate and How to Overcome It Fast! The Decision & Willpower: The Most Important Things You'll Ever Learn About Motivation - Today. Seriously.

The Most Important Things You'll Ever Learn About Motivation - Today. Seriously. The Final Smoke: Think of it as a final kiss goodbye.

Let's get started.

Preparation: The Plan

No one said that quitting smoking would be easy, but many people claim that if you really want to quit, then you can do it. If you have been smoking for some time now and have considered quitting in the past, but never did get around to doing it, then this post was written with you in mind.

The process of quitting smoking is one that requires determination and commitment. It is an emotional roller coaster that you must prepare yourself for - like anything else in life, it often requires a plan. Some people find it helpful to write out a plan with three objectives:

Objective 1: State your reason(s) for quitting. Not only will this help keep your motivation on track, but it will also help you remember why you're doing this in the first place.

State your reason(s) for quitting. Not only will this help keep your motivation on track, but it will also help you remember why you're doing this in the first place. Objective 2: Make a list of activities that you enjoy that don't involve smoking. Although many people find the practice of smoking relaxing, others find it to be a distraction and an obstacle. If you can find a way that you can get to where you're going without smoking, then make use of that ability.

Make a list of activities that you enjoy that don't involve smoking. Although many people find the practice of smoking relaxing, others find it to be a distraction and an obstacle. If you can find a way that you can get to where you're going without smoking, then make use of that ability. Objective 3: Ensure your wife or partner is not going through withdrawal while this is all happening. If you're married or perhaps living with a girlfriend, then it is important to ensure that she/he is not going through withdrawal too. Some people have a difficult time overcoming withdrawal symptoms. One way to get around this is to make your partner aware of what you are doing and gain his/her support.

There's no doubt that there will be difficult moments, but the more prepared you are for them the easier it will be.

The following are a few ideas that you can use to help prepare yourself:

Write out a list of very specific reasons why you want to quit. This will help keep you in the "here and now" and will help prevent thoughts from creeping in that may cause you to lose motivation.

Write down all the things that you'll miss about smoking as if it were a journal entry. This will help you get your final emotions out and will allow you to leave smoking behind.

Make a list of what you want to do after you quit. This may be simply getting more exercise or eating healthier, but it may also involve things that we don't associate with "quitting smoking." For example, some people feel like they have more time when they quit and this makes them feel as if they have more time to spend with their family.

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