How To Hypnotize People


 How To Hypnotize People

You're about to learn how you can use simple trance hypnosis to hypnotize people at home and make them do whatever you want.

So are you ready? Let's dive right in! It turns out that hypnosis has been used throughout history to cure various ailments, including insomnia, anxiety, and even obesity. In fact, the ancient Greeks had a word for it: Hypnos. In ancient Greece, doctors would massage patients and recite incantations in order to summon the deity Hypnos into their patients' subconscious minds.

The medical profession has since turned away from "magical incantations" but have kept the practice of speaking to the subconscious mind by way of suggestions and promises for rewards. The reason for this is that it works far better than simply commanding a patient to do something. Why? Because it gives the subconscious mind a clear idea of what you expect from it while motivating it in the process. Your conscious mind is still capable of understanding instructions given by your conscious mind. However, your subconscious mind does not comprehend words as well as it does images and symbols. Therefore, you need to learn how to speak to your subconscious so that it will do what you want.

The Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS): The Secret Of Hypnotizing People

Your brain is made up of two main parts: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and the nerves between them. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) consists of the nerves that connect the central nervous system to other parts of the body such as your muscles, skin, bones and digestive tract. The PNS also helps to regulate your blood pressure and produce hormones in your body which can help to keep you healthy.

The SNS is much smaller than both the CNS and PNS but it's still important for many reasons. You see, the SNS controls how you react to stress and how you cope with a stressful situation. Because the SNS is small, it's also much easier to control.

As you may imagine, there are many different ways to stimulate your SNS. One of these methods is by using hypnosis. When a person is under hypnosis, their SNS is stimulated by the hypnotist's words and commands into reacting in a desired way. Because the SNS doesn't have to fight against an equal and opposite reaction (as the PNS does), the person is more likely to follow orders. This is why hypnosis is often used as a method of mind control: you want someone to do something and they are reluctant, so you convince them by using hypnosis.

But how does one use hypnosis for mind control? What makes it so effective?

We'll get into this more in just a minute. First, we need to learn more about the SNS.

As previously mentioned, the SNS is used by your body to control how it reacts to stress. The more stressed you are, the more your SNS will react. But what does this mean exactly? Well, when stress hits your body, your heart rate and breathing increase. This is an autonomic function. It means that you don't have to tell your heart or lungs to work harder; they simply do so automatically when you're in a high-stress environment.

Now, when a person is under hypnosis, the SNS will cause them to react to the commands of the hypnotist. For example, if you tell someone who's under hypnosis that they're breathing in fresh air (or any other positive stimulus) then their brain will respond as if they are really breathing in fresh air. It will automatically breathe harder than it normally would and this increases the blood flow to their brain and gives them more energy. It also makes them feel happier and relaxed.

When you're trying to hypnotize someone, you can use the SNS to your advantage by telling the person that they are taking deep breaths and feeling calm or relaxed when a trigger word is said. This will cause their SNS to respond to the phrase "deep breaths" by increasing the blood flow in their body and making them feel good.

The SNS' main function is to help people deal with stress so it will naturally have a negative reaction when it's not needed. For example, when a person is under hypnosis and then you tell them that they are breathing in foul smelling air, their SNS will immediately cause them to breathe faster in order to get fresh air. When it realizes that this is not the correct response, it will slow their breathing down and otherwise try to correct itself. This puts the person back into a positive frame of mind and helps them to relax more easily since they don't have to worry about smelling something that may make them feel ill.

This is why you should use the SNS to your advantage when hypnotizing a person. By using the SNS to create a positive reaction, you'll be able to relax them and make them more susceptible to your commands.

The Diencephalon: The Master Controller Of The Human Mind?

Many people think that the human mind is like a computer: you write code and it does what you want/tell it to do. In reality, there is no central computer that controls everything in our body and mind.


Above are some basic facts about the human brain and how it works. You can use these facts to better understand what we mean when we discuss hypnosis and mind control as well as how they work.

These facts will give you a solid foundation of knowledge to build on.

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