How To Hypnotize - The Techniques


 How To Hypnotize - The Techniques

Ever wondered how to hypnotize someone? Did you know that you can do so by looking at the person and asking them a series of simple questions? Or better yet, by putting on some soft music and getting the person to close their eyes for thirty seconds with your eyes open? What about having them imagine being in a different place with you, like on top of a mountain or in an abandoned building as the sun sets? These are just some of the amazing ways to easily hypnotize someone.
The aim of this article is to give a simple overview of the techniques and show you how to hypnotize someone by yourself. I want to make it very clear that none of these techniques involve doing any sort of hypnosis (that requires some hidden trickery) or even talking with a hypnotist. Also, none of the methods in this article are easy.
First off, some things worth mentioning:
Some methods may not work at all, although most should. If you find one that does not, it is almost invariably a failure of the practitioner.
I have done this with many people in the past who I know for a fact are not easily hypnotized (they've told me or I've seen them do lots of crazy things) so if you're practicing this with someone who can be induced very easily, please continue.
If you're trying to use a method for an extended period of time, then do it for short periods at first to make sure you don't screw something up. Some people have unique reactions to hypnosis and it can be dangerous if you get too deep too fast.
I highly recommend that you have someone around who knows what they're doing to ensure your well being.
All of the methods in this article are done without the knowledge of the person being hypnotized, because that's half the fun (the fact that it was done without their knowledge). None of these methods should be considered anything other than a simple party trick unless otherwise stated with extreme caution.
Though you can do these techniques in a perfectly safe way, the danger lies in not knowing how your audience will react.
This is a very simple and brief overview of the ways to hypnotize someone and I suggest reading it through once before trying. So let's get started then.
Step One: Understand That Everything Is An Illusion
To start with anything, you'll need to understand that nothing is real, and that your physical environment is an illusion. To do this, start by gathering a large amount of books, photos, texts and images that have no physical connection to the real world. It doesn't matter what you use here - we're not going to be too literal so long as they make sense.
You'll also need something to hold all of these images in a way where they can flow together as one thing. For this purpose I would recommend making a notebook yourself or buying one that has been made for the purpose (they are fairly cheap). You'll want to make it a large one and fill it with lots of pages and images. For Wiccan purposes, you can fill it with symbols, runes and other things relating to your religion, although you don't have to.
The purpose of this is that each one of the images is going to represent a person's subconscious while they're asleep or under hypnosis. Your goal is to make them believe that each image represents a different person in their life. For example, if Jane Doe were looking at the notebook, her subconscious would believe that the various images in it represented the various people in her life.
This is your overall goal to achieve in short - all of this is just a means to that end. How you actually do it is entirely up to you so long as it's a creative and interesting way. Some examples might include using stickers to put images on each page, drawing them in with a pencil, glueing photos on or whatever else you think of that could work effectively.
The key here is to be creative. If you don't find a way that works, there's nothing wrong with trying again and again until you do.
Step Two: Research The Person In Question
Now that you have enough images to represent each person in their life, it's time to research them a little bit. You'll need to find out as much as you can about them so that each image can represent the person accurately - this is your best way of ensuring that your images will be well thought out and realistic. Your goal here is to pick out various things that the person likes to do, their favorite colors, music, foods and so on and so forth.
For example, if you're trying to hypnotize Jane Doe, then your notebook would look something like this:
Here we see a series of images with names written under them. The names represent people in Jane's life that she knows of.
In the case of Jane Doe, I would make this a little bit more complex. I would take the various people from her life and make up names of those who actually played an important part in her life and wrote the name under each image. In the first example, "Fred" was a person she never met but was extremely close to - he was always there for her in some way or another (she knew where he lived and so on).

Conclusion: You should now have a notebook with a bunch of images representing your subconscious, and each of them should be an actual person in Jane's life.
Step Three: Hypnotize Your Subject (You)
Now it's time to hypnotize you. What you're going to do is take the notebook, open it up and start looking at the various images.

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