How To Ignite The Success Forces Within You


 How To Ignite The Success Forces Within You

Every single one of us is beset with a life-force that, when activated, surges through us. It's the force that gives you the will to do what needs to be done when you don't feel like doing it. This force is akin to a voice in your head, whispering: "Move," or "Do something!"

This power wants nothing more than to see you succeed. If you can just learn how to ignite the success forces within you, your success will happen automatically, one day after another. But it doesn't come without work — this force won't simply materialize on its own without some effort on your part.

The reason this force wants you to succeed is because when you do, it gets to go home… and so do you.

The success forces within us hide behind three major masks: The Mask of the Warrior, the Mask of the Sage and the Mask of the Magician. In this article I'm going to tell you how to uncover each of those masks and expose their true core, which is your power.

What Is All This About?
Allow me to start by telling you about what I call "success particles." These are tiny particles that form around many different people's ideas, thoughts and dreams — until they achieve them.

They're the little energies that make all the difference between what you achieve, and what you don't. They exist in abundance in the universe, but a lot of times, they just stay stuck to someone's idea or thought without ever being released.

The reason I'm talking about them is because once you know how to ignite your success forces within and let them flow freely through your body, these particles will come your way in abundance.

The amount of release energy you have within you will depend on three things: How good of a match your idea is with the forces within your Life, how much faith you have in it and how passionate and enthusiastic you are about it. When you want something badly enough, it's almost like the success particles will go into overdrive and swarm around your idea.

At this point, there are two different paths you can take: the first is to follow the path of a Warrior, who just goes out and takes what they want. The other is to follow the path of a Sage who works on themselves so they become more desirable to success itself. And finally there is the Magician who makes a conscious decision to draw success towards them through their actions in order to enhance their life with abundance.

The Mask Of The Warrior
The first of these masks is that of The Warrior.

The Warrior is someone who wants and takes what they want, regardless of the opposition they face. If you are a Warrior, you have a distinct "drive" that takes you to where you want to go. You believe that if something doesn't work out for you in life, then it means that it wasn't meant for you.

Here's how the process works: First of all, there's an idea in your mind that motivates you to do something. This is where the success particles go for the ride. Until this point, it could be argued that success isn't really behind your actions because this is just a thought (and thus not really reality).

However, once you have an idea in your head, you have to act on it or else the drive will be diminished and you'll lose your desire for it. So, to keep it flowing, you step into the Warrior mask.

What does this bring about? Well, the first thing is that as a Warrior, everything is about yourself — your needs. You think only about what's good for you and nothing else. Your feelings and emotions become less important than self-interest. Things like relationships come with strings attached — and lots of them!

When things don't work out in life (which happens quite a lot), all of those heaps of disappointment weigh down on your shoulders like mountains. So, to lessen that burden, you also fall into the Warrior mask.

As a Warrior, you want to be seen as strong by everyone around you — a person who's not afraid to go out and conquer the world. You want people to admire you and respect you. Virtually everything in life is there for your own benefit: what do I need in order to be happy? What do I need in order for me and my ideas/thoughts/ideas to be successful.

If you're a Warrior, life is based on what you want it to be: You want it to be successfully and make money, so you work hard at the right things. You want people to respect and admire you, so you put on a strong front. You want this new car or that nice house or that impressive job because being successful is all that matters.

You live by the sword, and the sword lives by your will. If someone else has something of yours — like someone else's idea or thought — then they take it away from you using actions such as stealing ideas, sabotaging people's thoughts/ideas or even trying to talk them into believing in their wrongness.

But this is not the end of the Warrior's battle: that's just the beginning. Because it's in your nature to want to prove your point, you fight back. You act on those who have wronged you and try to get them back by fighting them. When you have power over other people, then they have less power over you — which is what you really want at all costs!

You'd rather have weak people around you whom you dominate than strong ones whom they can overpower. It's also easier for you to control people if they're weaker because no one wants to be beaten up by someone who has something they don't — after all, there are always Laws of Power at work here.

So, in the end, the Warrior sees victory where others see defeat. And so, with this in mind, you begin to make your plans for how you'll get your power back: You seek to get yourself into positions where you can control other people and their lives.

And when things turn out the way you want them to — or even better than you thought they would — all of those little particles that propel your ideas forward come flooding back into your life as a mighty tsunami of success! You got what you wanted, and it was better than anything you could have imagined.

But even though you have mastered the art of taking things from other people, there's one thing that the Warrior can't seem to conquer: themselves! No matter what success a Warrior achieves, they'll always be ridden with fear that it will all get taken away from them. The feeling of powerlessness never leaves them.

Because of this, it's literally impossible for them to relax and enjoy their successes. They are always looking to others to determine how they feel about themselves and their lives — whether that be how others perceive them or how successful they believe others think they are. And when these things aren't like they want them to be, then something inside of a Warrior breaks down and they fall apart emotionally.


There you have it. The Warrior is an illusion, but one that can be very dangerous to a person's mental health if they follow the way of this mask. If you're someone who is driven by a desire and you can't bring yourself to be satisfied without having what you want, then there is always the possibility of some person or thing looking to take away your happiness at some point in time.

It's easy to go after other people when you believe yourself to be right, but it's not easy when others are in agreement with your ideas, thoughts and beliefs.

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