How To Improve Short And Long Term Memory - Some Simple Exercises


 How To Improve Short And Long Term Memory - Some Simple Exercises

Over the years, there has been a lot of research on how to improve memory, and so there are many different suggestions on what you can do to improve your long-term and short-term memories. One way is through simple exercises like those described in the following blog post.

The most common advice is to engage in mental activities that exercise your brain by solving puzzles, playing games or completing words. The aim is not only to accumulate knowledge but also reactivate it when needed: it will be easier as time goes by.

Here are some suggestions on what you can do to improve your memory:

1.  Reading should not be easy. An important part of the brain is activated when you engage in reading a book, especially if it's long and complex. The more complex and long the book, the more it tends to activate the cerebral cortex and so the better it will work.

2.  You can work more effectively with what you're learning by trying to teach it to someone else. When we try to explain a fact, concept or idea to someone else, we end up clarifying it more in our own minds.

3.  Take advantage of the "test effect". This test is the one people use to assess their level of knowledge, but it also works as a way to learn and improve your memory. Try to learn or memorize something you are going to be tested on.

4.  A pen must be replaced every six months because it is used every day and becomes more dirty from the ink we write with. This means that our brains must also undergo a cleaning and conditioning process, which would not happen if we used our old notes all the time.

5.  It is better to have an objective than a subjective. You have a better memory if you have an objective rather than if you're certain about its existence. For example, imagine what a 5-star hotel will be like in 5 years' time.

6.  Exercise your brain with puzzles, games and analogies to improve your short-term memory . As with many other things, the more challenging and intense the exercise, the better it will be for your brain.

7.  Learn a foreign language. If you want to make good use of your short-term memory, it is better to learn a new language than to learn a variety of languages.

8.  In order to improve your memory, you need to work on the parts that are damaged . For example, as you age, many parts of the brain deteriorate and become more damaged. This could be due to the lack of use, or due to an accident.

9.  When doing a memory test, lack of sleep can cause problems, as well as pollution and stress . These negative factors interfere with your short-term memories and make you forget things more easily.

10.  It is better not to have enough time for each thing we want to do in life, but the opposite. Too much time spent on each detail limits our possibilities and we end up forgetting important facts.

11.  The best way to remember things is to make a game out of them. One way to do this is to take notes on the key points, so you can recall important details when they are needed.

12.  If you don't work with the brain at least twice a week, it will start making free associations, which messes up your short-term memory . The brain needs time to rest, and so you have to allow it some time for "processing".

13.  It is better to read short books more than a few simple pages. It isn't always the content that is important, but also the number of pages and the number of words we take into our mind.

14.  Many people believe that learning new things improves their memory, but it's not true . What really improves your memory is to learn and repeat what you have learned in the past for a long time.

15.  A habit of active thinking greatly increases your short-term memory . Studies show that the more you follow a new habit, the better it will be for your long-term memory.

16.  Some things are better done by themselves. For example, you could try doing a puzzle or learning some logic in a logical way, rather than following a book on how to do it. You will probably see that your short-term memory improves as well!

17.  If you really want to improve your memory, it is better to change the way of thinking rather than learning facts.

18.  It is best not to use the same method every day of your life. If you always follow the same way, it will become monotonous and so your memory will decrease.

19.  You have a better chance of remembering things if you use the "chunk" method .


Memory is something we have to take care of with every day. It is important to use your brain for all the good it has, and to take advantage of the opportunities that are available to us.

How many times do we just forget things? Why do we often misplace things that end up in a drawer somewhere?

Is there an easy solution for these problems? Yes, there is! These are some simple exercises you can do.

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