How To Know Whether You Will Be Successful Or Not?!


 How To Know Whether You Will Be Successful Or Not?!

Every day thousands of people ask themselves this question. What makes some people successful and fulfilled in life, while others barely get by? How can you know what it takes to make your goals a reality?

The answer is quite simple. You must start with the things you want to achieve before the things that cause you to lose hope and stop moving forward. Successful people are determined by their values, not by their desires. The more they focus on what they want out of life, the more likely they will be successful in achieving it regardless of circumstances that might arise.

If you are willing to dream small, you will not be able to dream big. If you are trying to achieve something by ten percent, you have already failed. You need to set high standards for everything you do and never give up. Be patient and persistent until your goals are accomplished.

But the question is how? How can you find out that what your heart desires can become a reality? You need to know why the things that bring satisfaction in life are not necessarily those that make our lives successful.

Here are some of the things that turn men into failures:

1. Happiness is not a goal in life. You only need to get what you want and enjoy it for a short time and then move on to new goals. This means you will spend 2/3 of your life on achieving your next goal, instead of living for the present moment. This is like never stopping moving for the future, no matter how much you might love it in the present moment, because you are already planning for the future.

2. The desire to be a success is not enough. It is very easy to dream big and wish for success, but it's a whole different story to actually do something about it. Most people you meet are not successful because they are just waiting for their ship to come in and hoping things will fall into place. They have no idea how to go after what they want. It's not enough to just want something, you must take action and get what you want.

3. Wishing is not trying hard enough. Being successful doesn't come from wishing; it comes from a lot of hard work and effort over many years. If you are not willing to put in the effort and sacrifice that goes into making certain things happen, then you will remain unsuccessful. If you like the idea of being successful and always having a smile on your face, but you never actually try anything big and meaningful in your life, then you will remain unsuccessful.

4. Attachment to money is not enough. Most people want money more than they want what's inside their heart. Money cannot buy happiness or satisfaction; when you get everything that money can buy, it is no better than what it already has. It is only a material possession, nothing more than a thing. The problem with wanting more of this thing (money) is that it can never satisfy our true needs.

5. Successful people never get bored. The challenge is always in the risks you take and what you are willing to sacrifice. If you are not willing to lose anything, then there is no chance of winning anything either. If you are not willing to risk anything, then you will never be fulfilled. People don't become successful by taking no risks and never giving up until they make their goals a reality. All great achievements require risk, and also effort on your part as well as courage and determination to go after your goals despite any fear or negative feelings toward doing it in the first place.

6. Motivated by the wrong things. Successful people are not motivated by money, power, fame and success in the materialistic sense of things, but by self-respect and their ability to make a difference in their lives. They know what they want out of life and go after it without fear or any other hindering desires. These are the people who are successful in life because they have a clear understanding of who they really are and the purpose for living that underlies all of their values and goals.

7. Wishing is not enough to achieve success. The only way you can get what you want is if you work hard to get it. Most people don't put enough effort into the things they want. You have to be dedicated, disciplined and focused in order to achieve what you want. Successful people are always on the move, naturally working toward their goals and making sacrifices and setbacks along the way.

8. Wrong goals create wrong lives. Some people pursue money, power, glory, fame and success in a worldly sense of things because of this need for self- Respect and what you can do for others as well as yourself. You can achieve your dreams if you know that your life doesn't end when you are dead.

So, what's next? How can you know where to start? Now that we have cleared up some of the causes and reasons why people become successful or unsuccessful in life, here is how you know whether or not you will be successful: The first thing is to know yourself and what is it that you really want out of life. The next important thing you have to do is to eliminate obstacles in your life that stand between you and your goals. If you don't do this, then it will take a lot longer if not impossible for you to succeed. This means that we need to set our goals right so that we can be sure of what we really want in life and then work hard toward achieving that goal.

One of the things successful people possess is self-discipline which enables them to control their emotions, passions, and desires. They live in the present moment, instead of worrying about the future or regretting the past mistakes they have made along the way. And so, successful people should know what they want in life and always work toward accomplishing it.

Once you have made your goals and understand the purpose of life, then you can always go to work and start planning how to get there. This is where our journey comes into play because most people don't know where they are going but just wish to get somewhere. If you want to improve yourself and become successful, you need to take a step back and see where your current life is in relation to your goals.

You need an ideal that uplifts the human spirit by giving us hope for many years of happiness, peace and success in our lives.


Most people don't understand how to be successful, but instead wish for their ship to come in. You can wish all the time you want, but it's not going to help you get what you really want out of life. Instead, we need to work on ourselves and eliminate obstacles that stand between us and our goals. So work toward your self growth and success by setting your goals right so that they are realistic and achievable.

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