How to Maximize Goals


 How to Maximize Goals

There are numerous ways to do this, but there are a few tricks that also make it easier.
Your first step is to write down what your goal is, and then break it down into smaller goals. Breaking your goal into more manageable tasks will help you get there more easily and quickly! Once you have your first small goal in mind, take a moment to think about how you might go about accomplishing it. In order for your goal to actually happen, you need to have the right information or training necessary for it.
Here are some tips to help you accomplish your goal faster:
Ask Questions: What resources will I need? How can I learn what I need to know or do?
Learn From Others: What have others done in a similar situation and what did they do? What can they teach me that might be helpful?
If you miss a goal, don't feel bad about it. Just put it back on your list of goals and keep trying! Set new dates for the goal to be reached and work toward them. 
Lastly, stay positive! You can do this if you set your mind to it. And remember, you can do this in a variety of ways:
Keep a positive thought journal and write down the things that you or others say to you that are positive or encouraging.
And do not forget to enjoy the process and make it fun! You only get one chance at your goal so go for it! 
Posted by Jana at 1:12 PM
What is the difference between a to do list and a goal list? Or, maybe a better question might be, what is the difference between having a goal and an obligation? If you're following along with  Getting Started , you know that my  coach  trains people on how to become successful by helping them identify and clearly define their goals so that they can become or stay dedicated to achieving their dreams. In the Goals and Purpose chapter, I mentioned that having goals doesn't mean you have to become a workaholic who sacrifices their health and life for their career. But, you do have to be willing to put in the necessary time and effort required to achieve your goals. There are two things I want to share with you today: The top reasons people don't set goals Or, why it is important for your mental health that you do set goals (really!) First, let's talk about the top reasons why people don't set goals...  
There are a lot of excuses  that people use as explanations for not setting or achieving their goals. We all have them. They might sound something like this...  Too busy   Too much going on   Got too much on my plate   Can't afford it   Not sure if I'll be able to do it   It's not my priority right now.  (But really, what is?) Ironically, the list of excuses for not setting goals can go on and on... and on.
The truth is, you can take care of most or all of those excuses by planning out your life in a way that allows you to set goals, achieve them, and feel great about your life. You don't have to be a slave to your job. You don't need a nine-to-five job to get ahead. And you don't need to sacrifice your health, sanity, or relationships by living and working insane hours (which often leads to burn out). If you're one of these people who would rather stay home and watch reality television than work on their goals, then they are just wasting their time. There is no way that they will ever take the necessary steps required to achieve their goals if they are going to let other things (which could be very important in their lives) get in the way of accomplishing them. The bottom line is that you need to be willing to take the necessary steps if you want to achieve your goals. The second thing we need to talk about is how to become mentally healthy... Why It's Important for Mental Health That You Set Goals The truth is that most people who aren't mentally healthy aren't able to set quality goals. Why? They don't know what quality goals are and how they can achieve them. Most people don't even have an idea of a quality goal. If you truly want to reach your full potential, then you need to identify a goal that is important to you so that you can work towards achieving it. But, how do you know what's important to you?
If you don't know what's important to you...
...then just imagine yourself following your dream and reaching your goal. It's that easy! You see the end result, right? You see yourself becoming successful and happy with the results of your efforts. Wouldn't it be great if someone told you that they'd help guide you through the process of setting goals so that they could become successful? They might tell them something like this...
You can set goals to create a quality life that is productive, forgiving, and kind. You can set goals so that they will lead you to success and happiness.
How do you start?
Set a goal today! If you don't know what your dream is, then just imagine yourself achieving it and visualize the process of how you'd get there... And remember, if you get stuck at any point along the way, then just ask for help!
Source: How To Set Goals Like The Pros
Posted by Jana at 6:22 PM
From time to time on my journey I have met people who have shared their diets and routines with me.

cONCLUSION: Not all diets work for me, or for anyone else. What works for one person may not work for another.
In 2015 I completed a diet that helped me reach my goal of  being fit , at a healthy weight, and in great shape... All without the use of supplements. The diet was called IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros), created by .  IIFYM is an abbreviation for "If It Fits Your Macros", which is a flexible but highly effective way to get shredded. This diet is not so much about what you eat, but rather how many calories are in what you eat and your daily caloric intake on any given day.

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