How To Plan Time So I Can Stay Highly Productive


 How To Plan Time So I Can Stay Highly Productive

If you need to get things done, it's important to know how to organize your schedule and manage your priorities. Here are some tips that will help keep you highly productive!

1. Pick a time for everything: You should have a set time for when you work on various activities in the day. Pick a morning meeting, lunch or walking meeting, an afternoon meeting, and then an evening question session or dinner with friends if needed. Aim for free-flow thinking through the day instead of being bogged down by tasks as they come in--you'll be able to devote more energy towards each item on your list thanks to not doing them all at once!
2. Use folders and labels wisely: Use color-coded folders to visually categorize different projects and tasks. For example, if you work on a variety of tasks in different groups, use corresponding colors. This makes it easier to spot what's what, so when you're looking at your desk, you'll know exactly where to find an item based on the color of its folder.
3. Prioritize your tasks: Sometimes you want to do two or more tasks in the same day, but they both require different amounts of attention, and you can't possibly fit them both into the same timeframe. In that case, prioritize one with more time to work on it, and give yourself the time to work on another later.
4. Write things down: Organized people write down their lists on paper or in their office email, rather than rely solely on their memory--this helps to keep focus and keep multiple projects going at once by making sure they're fully accounted for.
5. Make a schedule: Most people use the calendar, but I prefer to make an Excel spreadsheet to keep my schedule organized. Add in all of your meetings, deadlines and tasks to see where you'll be able to fit everything into your day. If you're not sure what's most important, add them in order from highest priority to lowest--this will help you figure out which is most critical and what can be put off for a later time when you have more time.
6. Ask for help: Sometimes tasks are extremely time consuming, and it's not possible to work on them all at once. But in these instances, it's okay to ask for help or delegate a task to a coworker or assistant. Be sure to let the person know what you need them to complete and when, so you aren't left waiting around for your items.
7. Set realistic deadlines: If you set a deadline that is too short, you're going to feel rushed and work inefficiently--instead of focusing on what's actually important, you'll be concerned with meeting the deadline at all costs instead of taking your time and doing a great job. On the other hand, if your deadlines are too long, then no one will want to work on your task because it'll take forever. In these situations, you need to set a deadline that will allow you enough time to complete the job while maintaining quality work.
8. Use task management software: If you find that having folders and colors causes too many headaches, it's fine to use a simple program like Trello or Basecamp instead. These tools help us keep track of our projects and tasks by letting us create lists at different stages of the project, track progress over time, and organize which people are working on which items at any given time. This helps us stay organized for the whole process from start to finish!
9. Rest: Productivity is important, but make sure to take time for yourself for rest and relaxation. If you've been working too hard, take a break--you'll be more productive in the long run if you don't burn yourself out!
10. Make a checklist: I often find that I forget some things, so I make checklists for my meetings, presentations and to-do lists. This way, I can double-check before each meeting so that no items are left behind--it's great to have a visual of all of your tasks at once!
11. Take time to reflect: Every so often, take some time to reflect on your productivity and see what you could do better next time around. We can always think of ways to improve--don't be afraid to take some time and make your life easier!
12. Find the right balance: No matter how hard you try, some weeks will be extremely busy and others will be much slower. In these cases, it's important to strike a good balance between work and play. Don't force yourself to do work when you don't have time, but at the same time don't forget about your responsibilities just because they're not as urgent.
13. Practice: In order to be the most productive, you need to plan for it and work towards it each day. This can be a challenge, especially if you're not used to being so efficient with your time. You need a good plan and some time to establish new habits before you'll be able to stay on track in all aspects of your life--just remember, it takes time and practice!
14. Keep things in perspective: It's easy to worry about little things and stress yourself out when there's no reason too--after all, we've been doing this since we were little kids! Take some time at the end of each day to take a step back from your tasks and think about what really matters in life. You won't be happy if you're always focusing on work and have nothing else to do with your time--real life is too short to not have fun and enjoy it!
15. Have a few treats: Everyone needs to unwind every now and then, and sometimes this means distracting yourself with something fun. Keep yourself balanced by getting some joy in every day--whether it's a snack or coffee break, or a new hair product, there will always be something that can take your mind off of your duties like being productive!

I hope you've enjoyed this post and have found some inspiration to make your life easier. Let me know if you have any other suggestions for being productive, and I'll be sure to add them in!
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Sources: http://www.cbsnews.

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