How To Practice The Law Of Attraction


 How To Practice The Law Of Attraction

Law of attraction? It's like a law of physics. You attract what you focus on.

It seems that everyone these days is talking about the law of attraction and how we can use it to bring more into our lives. The best part about this concept is that anyone can benefit from it, and there’s no need for any qualifications or certifications to get started. The only requirement for success is your willingness to practice this law each day and make changes in your life as you progress.

How Does it Work?
According to numerous experts, most notably Dr. Joseph Murphy, author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind , the law of attraction can be explained in terms of magnetism. Dr. Murphy refers to two “layers” which make up the human mind: the conscious mind (layer #1) and the subconscious mind (layer #2). The subconscious mind is an ocean, he says, and all your thoughts are like little fish swimming around in that ocean. The stronger you want something; whether it’s a new job or more money or better relationships with people, etc. the more intensely you focus on it, the more your thoughts will swim around in your subconscious mind.

The majority of people, however, are like fish swimming against the current. They’re constantly thinking of things they don’t want or focusing on what’s bothering them. And in his book I Can See Clearly Now , Wayne Dyer refers to this as “thick thinking”. As a result, all their negative thoughts are swirling around in the ocean and eventually attracting their like-energy into their lives.

And that’s where the law of attraction comes into play. What happens when you think the same thoughts over and over again? They’re like little baby fish swimming around in your subconscious. If they keep getting bigger and bigger, eventually they will grow into a whale. The stronger your desire to have something, the more of your thought energy it will attract until you have exactly what you want.

So how do we get rid of our negative thoughts? When we focus on something positive, that attracts more of its like-energy...and when we stop focusing on what’s bothering us, those thoughts start to get smaller and smaller until...poof!...they disappear altogether.

Or as Dr. Murphy puts it, “Your conscious mind is like a rudder on a boat. Your subconscious mind is like the waves and currents that steer you in the direction of your destination. And your destination is to create a life of happiness, prosperity and harmony.”

Practicing the Law of Attraction
So how do we put this law into action in our everyday lives? It’s easy when you take one step at a time and practice consistently for better results. The most important thing about practicing this law is that you make sure to consciously focus on what you want (not what you don’t want). Whenever you come across something that makes you happy, think about why it’s making you happy (i.e. spending time with your family, getting paid for a job well done, a compliment from someone else, etc.) and continue to focus on what’s making you feel good.

You can also set goals for yourself and focus on achieving them. Imagine what your life will be like when you achieve these goals and then think of ways to make that dream a reality. You will not only attract good things into your life but also the motivation to achieve them in the first place.

In the end, magnetism can be achieved through the law of attraction very easily when practiced consistently and consciously over time.

Author: Mark Ling

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Law of Attraction Articles

At The Law of Attraction Center, we focus on the positive. We are committed to bringing you the highest quality Law of Attraction articles possible. By constantly analyzing and studying the best information that other experts in this field are sharing, we are able to take the best insights gained and package that information into lessons so you can easily apply these techniques. And because we’re focused on results-oriented solutions, there is no fluffy filler content here. You get rapid results by reading these articles and acting upon them immediately.

How To Attract Prosperity, Wealth and Happiness?

The law of attraction says it all. The ability to attract what you want into your life is one of the most powerful things you could possibly do. This means that the way you attract positive change into your life is in the way you think, so if you want to attract positive changes into your life, an enormous part of your success will depend on how open your mind is to new ideas. You must be willing to accept new ideas and allow yourself to be open-minded in order for success to come. You also have to learn how to draw prosperity, wealth and happiness towards you in the way that works best for yourself.

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Posted on: 2013-05-06, Last Updated: 2014-04-10

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