How To Prevail Over Worry


 How To Prevail Over Worry

 We've been there. It's the middle of the night, your thoughts are all over the place, and you really don't know how much more you can take. Worry is a silent and inescapable force, that often takes up all the space in your head. You know you're anxious about something, but you don't know what, and it's making it hard to breathe. What are some of the most effective ways to overcome worry? Here are a few tricks to try and tips on how to maintain your mental health during this stressor.

Worrying can be an exhausting task that feels like there's no end to where it can take you or how long it will last. Fortunately, there is hope for those who are struggling with worry — these articles will give you some insight on what helpful things you can do when confronted with this challenge.

1. Most Common Source of Worry

In a recent study by Harris Poll, it was found that the number one source of stress for Americans is money. Fifty-two percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 64 say that finances are a top cause for concern. In addition to this, two-thirds or 66% of Americans say that their finances affect their level of worry. Many worry about their debt, bills, and other financial issues in general. This can be particularly stressful if you have trouble sleeping or feel like you will never get out of debt no matter how hard you try.

Fortunately, the topic is one with a variety of solutions to try out. If you are in a large amount of debt, speaking to a credit counselor is one of the best choices. They will be able to help you find a plan that can get you out of debt for good and on the path to financial freedom.

2. Make Your Worry Come To Life

To someone who does not suffer from generalized anxiety or severe worry, it may seem like an easy problem — but for those who have it, it can be extremely difficult to control. One way to get out of this cycle is by confronting your worry head-on and making it come to life by thinking outside the box. Instead of letting your anxiety run wild, ask yourself how you would feel if your worst fear actually happened.

If you're worried about being fired from a job, imagine yourself in the situation. You are called into a meeting with your boss where he fires you. How do you feel? Are you relieved? Do you cry? How does it feel to not have to go to that job anymore? Most people find that when they harness their worry and let it come to life in their imagination, they tend to feel less anxiety and more hope that things will be okay.

3. Worry Logs

A worry log can be an extremely effective way for you to track your worries and keep tabs on where your mind wanders when you are anxious. In a panic, you may remember every little detail, but when you get in the habit of making a worry log, you will be able to learn the patterns and tendencies of your worry so that you can control it.

Making a worry log is simple — just list down or write down anytime that you find yourself worrying, whether it's at work or in your own head. Some people also find that tracking their worries can help them with their anxiety and depression as well. After making your log for a few days or weeks, look at how detailed it is and if there are any patterns developing. This will help you discover more about what causes your anxiety and how to cope with it more effectively than ever before.

4. Breathe Your Way Through It

The most obvious solution to anxiety is breathing. When you are stressed, you naturally hold your breath and this can lead to an increased amount of stress that can make it difficult to function. This problem is known as hyperventilation and it can cause anxiety, depression, and panic attacks in some people. To combat this, you can use breathing exercises as a way to help you through everyday situations that cause you stress.

Breathing exercises are beneficial because they provide the body with a sense of calmness and relaxation and promote better breathing habits. To do this, start by sitting down or going to bed with a timer. Count your breaths for one minute, then take two quick deep breaths. Repeat this over and over again until you've reached the sixty minute mark, then stop for a few minutes to let it sink in.

5. Exercise

Exercise is a great way to increase your level of energy without having to worry about feeling anxious about it later on. Physical activity increases the heart rate, breathing rate, and blood circulation which can help clear the mind of any anxieties that you may have throughout the day. In addition to helping manage stress, exercise can also improve your mood and reduce anxiety.

Walking, in particular, is one of the best forms of exercise that anyone can do. It is low impact and will not cause any harm to your body if you are worried about putting too much stress on yourself. It also does not require any equipment or special clothing which makes it easy to do almost anywhere. Start walking for a few minutes and see if you notice any difference in how you feel after a short amount of time. As your body becomes accustom to the exercise, increase the amount of time that you spend doing it each day until you start feeling better.

6. Create a Ritual

Many people stress over particular rituals that are performed every day — for example, if you are stressed about having to go to sleep or get out of bed at a certain time. A ritual is simply something that you do every single day no matter what. You can make your own ritual in the morning or before you go to be at night by doing an activity that helps you feel relaxed and lets all the worries of the day slip away so you can drift into sleep. Some people prefer to do this through prayer, meditation, or even just taking a warm bath.


Worry can be an incredibly debilitating condition that can lead to massive amounts of stress, anxiety and depression. Luckily, there are more than a few ways on how to combat your worries altogether. While it may take some time to learn some of the tips in this article and make them a normal part of your life, they can help you feel better and cope with stress another day without causing any harm or symptoms. If you have been experiencing severe anxiety or depression or have had thoughts of hurting yourself because of your worry, please give our 24 hour hotline at 877-4-U-HELP (49767) a call for help..

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