How To Raise Your Self Esteem


 How To Raise Your Self Esteem

Everyone feels down at some point in their lives, but low self-esteem can have a measurable impact on people's quality of life. And if you're struggling with it and want to know how to raise your self esteem, we've got a few points for you!

This is just the post for you: here are five scientifically-proven ways that will help boost your confidence and make you feel better about yourself. These tips will help build up your esteem, teach you why it's important, and tell you how to do it.

#1: Exercise regularly.

If you're feeling down, exercising regularly is a great way to start raising your self esteem . Physical activity boosts your feeling of self-worth and makes you feel more energetic. It also improves your quality of life and helps lower stress levels, which directly affects how you feel about yourself

Studies have shown that the more physically active you are, the higher your esteem gets. It's a proven fact: physical activity improves mental health and leads to improved confidence. In addition, it can help reduce anxiety, improve sleep quality, reduce depression symptoms, and help improve well-being generally (1).

The key thing here is to start small: try going for a short walk every day or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. You can slowly increase the frequency and intensity of your workouts as you gain more confidence, but it's important not to give up if you feel like it's too difficult right now.

#2: Read up on your strengths and how to use them.

Your self-worth is tied closely to how well you think you can deal with challenges in your life. That's why thinking about how you did good things in the past can help boost your confidence (2).

Scientific research has shown that reflecting on your achievements can indeed have a positive effect on your self-esteem. Exercising gratitude, writing a journal, and keeping a record of your accomplishments are three good ways to do this. If you're struggling with low self-confidence, keep track of the things you do well and set short-term goals to improve yourself. They'll help build up your esteem and make you feel better about yourself.

#3: Stop comparing yourself to others.

One of the biggest mistakes people make when they're having low self esteem is constantly comparing themselves to others (3). We all do it sometimes, but it's especially harmful when you're dealing with self-esteem issues. Other people have their own strengths and weaknesses – and comparing yourself to them is just going to make you feel bad.

Realize that everyone is different, and that differences are not always a bad thing. If you're always comparing yourself to others, take a step back and focus on what's unique about you: chances are there's something awesome about who you are! When you start thinking of your own strengths, your self-confidence will gradually improve.

#4: Be careful how much time you spend online.

Social media has been linked to low self esteem in many studies (4). The problem isn't actually how much time you spend on it, but what you're spending it on. The more time you spend looking at other people's social feeds and comparing yourself to them, the less self-confidence you'll have.

Try deleting your social media accounts and spending more time interacting with your friends in real life instead. Contact them and thank them for being awesome – fake compliments work! Then talk about something that really matters to each of you: it'll help boost your self-esteem and make you feel better about yourself (5).

#5: Have a friend or family member to confide in.

Having someone who you can confide in is a great way to start raising your self esteem. Talking about your thoughts and feelings helps reduce stress and boost your overall well-being. It also helps you learn how to cope with challenges, both big and small (6).

A friend or family member who's supportive of you is exactly what you need: someone who has been through similar situations, will listen to your problems, and will help boost your confidence in new ways.

It's important to take the time to deal with your problems when they occur, but it's also crucial to have someone in your life who you can trust and confide in: it'll make you feel better about yourself and help bring up your confidence.


People with low self-esteem are often at a higher risk of developing conditions such as depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health problems (7). But don't think about these issues that negatively: instead start by making small improvements each day. You can gradually build up your confidence, sense of well-being, and overall sense of self-worth – the more you do these things, the better you'll feel about yourself (8).

That's it for today! Keep on reading, and if you want more tips on how to boost your confidence and improve your self esteem, feel free to check out our other posts in the Science of Self-Esteem category. Right now, we'd like to hear from you. What's something that has helped you boost your confidence? Tell us in the comments section below!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8.


Citation: Hirschfield MD (2017) How To Raise Your Self Esteem: Scientifically proven tips to build up your confidence. Plus: free infographic. The Science of Self-Esteem. 10.1123/978-1-5225-2435-0_2


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By Science of Self Esteem - The Inventors Of The Self Esteem Movement - Barlow, now 95, and Crasilneck, now 92, were treated as rock stars at the San Francisco gathering. But their movement is still controversial. Here are some of the key figures associated with it. By Gabriel Popkin May 18, 2017 Source: The Atlantic By Gabriel Popkin May 18, 2017 http://www.theatlantic.


People with low self-esteem are often at a higher risk of developing conditions such as depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health problems (7). But don't think about these issues that negatively: instead start by making small improvements each day. You can gradually build up your confidence, sense of well-being, and overall sense of self-worth – the more you do these things, the better you'll feel about yourself (8).

Source: selfesteemblogger.

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